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05-20 The Revenger

He was a former nobleman.

He had a limited talent for magic, but still studied diligently.

While playing as a child with a toy as that had been given to him, it broke.

After a while, he lost interest in that toy and broke it on purpose.
And as he thought, instead of getting scolded he got another new toy.

His lessons were taught by a home tutor.

This state of affairs went on, and as no one ever challenged him in anything, he developed a baseless self-esteem.

He found his pleasures in wasting money on extravagance, playing around with women, and harassing those weaker than him.

Eventually, he came to desire the marquis’s estate.

He skillfully hid his crooked personality, and in other people’s eyes he was just a snob.

At the age of 20, he obtained the position of the feudal lord’s assistant.

He already knew of the power of money, women, and authority. Now he also knew of the power of violence.

Using his authority and assets, some treasure here, a jewel there, and a certain organization would sweep it all under the rug.
There was nothing that could pose a problem.

But one year ago, he tasted the flavor of his first failure.

When a business contract caught his eye, he hid it in a boat with a strange shape. He then immediately went back to destroy the evidence.

And that’s when the failure happened.

The boat vanished.

He’d either get his hands on the boat or destroy it and the evidence with it.

Failure tastes bitter.

He soon found out about his nemesis’s movements. The other party was traveling together with a noble who was returning to his country.

The mysterious collaborator gave the man even more power to use.
With it, he aimed to take revenge on his nemesis.

The name of that man’s nemesis was Jin.

The carriages continued on the sloped path after passing through the border fortifications.

Elsa explained.

During the Great Magic War, spots like these were likely used to defend against the Devil race’s invasion.
That’s the last rough spot on the way, and the rest of the way the road is even and can be traveled with leisure, Elsa explained.

“What kind of city is Blue Land? I never went inside the walls, so please teach me.”,

“Blue Land is a Fort City. It’s the economic center of Egelia Kingdom.”

Roads from Blue Land stretched to all directions, and the trade with the surrounding cities, towns, and villages was prosperous.

The surrounding land was divided into farmlands and ranches, governed by an Earl, and mines governed by another Earl.

“I’m poor at exposition. But if there’s anything you’d like to know, just ask.”

“Do you… know who these Earls are?”

“The one governing the farmlands is Earl Kuzuma. Governing the mines is… If I remember right, it was Earl Guarana.”

At that moment, the carriage suddenly came to a stop. Jin was about to fall off his seat while he was lost in thought, but Reiko immediately caught Jin before he fell.

Elsa asked the coachman.


Jin saw it too, and got off the carriage with Reiko.

It was three meters tall and three meters wide. The road was also just about that wide, and the surrounding rock walls were approximately 20 meters tall.

“That’s unfortunate.”

“Jin, I’ll show you what my golems can do!”


He spoke the Keyword.

It was a jet black, two meter tall golem.

The golem slowly got off the carriage and stood up.

In the middle of Reinhardt’s speech, sounds of earth tremors could be heard from behind.

Turning around, behind them in the middle of a cloud of dust they saw two golems. It appeared as if they had jumped off the cliffs from above.

Suddenly the golems attacked the food carriage in the rear. With one blow the carriage was destroyed, and bits of food scattered around like droplets of water.

Reinhardt turned back to Schwarz Ritter who was just standing around.


The enemy golems were about as tall as Schwarz Ritter, and their color was a dull silver. But Jin was very familiar with that appearance.

They were the same kind of golems that attacked during tax collection back in Kaina Village. But compared to those, the power and movements of these golems was on a different level.

With the flexibility granted by his capability for autonomous movements, he was able to take on the two golems one at a time.

Schwarz Ritter approached the remaining golem, who reached out with both hands to grab him.

“Right on, now hurl it away!”

Jin saw the fighting, and as his first priority was to ensure his and Elsa’s safety, he ordered Reiko to focus on defense unless she herself was in danger.

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