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Part VII: The Second Homicide Inquiry

Only our frozen sighs played between us

Soon, all of the dear and treasured memories

Even the memory of rain:

Even the memory of sunset:

Even the memory of snow:

Beside me you would smile, and that would be enough

Beside me you would walk, and that would be enough

Once, a moment in time

And there, as you laughed, you said that one day we’d stand in the same place

But now it is but the fleeting remains of the day


1999, February 1.

millennium’s inception. And as with most arbitrary shifts and divisions of

and doomsayers, whether out of personal profit or the osmotic and infectious

nearly tangible layer of artificial menace, as well as a more easily perceived

years, I, Mikiya Kokutō, have decided to spend this night walking together

Winter is at its height, and these days, the sun is already well set after

breath is visible in white puffs before my mouth, and beside me Shiki is in

even say predictable) in how we dress. A dark-colored coat worn above a

a blue kimono coupled with a red waist-length leather jacket, all the while

her if she’s ever cold in that attire. I’ve seen her in it ever since three

anyone else.

is not something she often does, and is an act I often associate with some

“Alright, out with it. There’s something really important up if you can’t

to meet up with me so near the office is a pretty rare event.”

I’d see you home.” Her face is sullen as she casts her eyes about the surrounding

our way, and Shiki’s kimono flutters slightly.

her in high school. It always makes her look kind of strange, but I have to

face, and always looks to be haphazardly cut to terminate at collar height.

this, though, she always speaks in a tone as rough as she likes, and almost 

without a thought for the next word. It always throws people for a loop

than beautiful, even as she walks and surveys the streets still partly awash


“How funny can I be if you aren’t even laughing?”

at me just to enjoy my usual frown after her wit, but she keeps her eyes

keep pace alongside her, and proceed without another word. Shiki leads

which at this hour must still be packed. The way there, however, is as dead

Without the lights on in the shops, and the street lamps, you’d think there

it’s the same reason Shiki thinks she needs to walk me back home.

dead. Now, given the usually low crime rate in the area, this would have

the winter three years ago.

in a bit of a panic. He’d only appear in the night, and conduct violent ritual

Despite the numerous inquiries and cooperation with the media, the

materialized. With no other murders fitting the pattern, it was assumed the

The first murder started around summer four years ago, and the killer

cold February, with me and Shiki about to enter our second year. It was

As for me, I eventually graduated from high school, and moved on to college,

employment with Miss Tōko. Shiki herself recovered from her coma only

of the past.

only seemed to be half a year ago. The recent strings of killings fit the same


come along with such a high profile story, almost as if the news networks

I can’t help but notice Shiki looking grimmer by the day the more she hears

When  Ryōgi, still containing her other, masculine, Shiki personality,

The train station is a taste of normalcy when we get there, as it is filled

just passed through, the station is brightly lit and packed with people going

district. Only one of few places in the neighborhood that you could count

is felt. The way people draw closer together, as if to close ranks, and the

be. The night’s just begun, and rush hour ensures a nearly endless stream

Passing the busy station and making our way through the commercial

evening news. At a glance I already see what I expect: another feature story

it, her eyes affixed on the screen, so I reluctantly stop alongside her.

him a murderous monster.” She’s right. In fairly large letters, bulleted by an

“I guess they thought just ‘killer’ wouldn’t make people nervous enough.

think they’re being a bit sensationalist, though?”

obvious. But I think they’re kind of right, though. If anyone right now deserved

the spectacle. He’s glad for it. Monsters rarely need a reason. The victims

this a murder.” She returns her attention to the television, seeing the faint

“What do you mean?” I ask.

Kokutō? That a lifetime only has room for one real murder.” She looks into

/ PROLOGUE • 131

there is an intensity in her black eyes, a pleading to some ancient memory.

hearing something like that from her before, but when? And where? It was

Maybe if I remembered it, at that moment, all of what followed could have

“Never mind,” Shiki finally says after a few seconds. “It’s not important.

I’m never gonna calm down.”

it’s a Monday today, or did you just decide to sleep over?”

“I was at school this morning, c’mon. I meant my afternoon nap.

November, you know? C’mon, tell me you’re surprised.” I nod, genuinely

and I was worried she wouldn’t make it by year’s end. When I nod, she

“Right, then a reward’s in order, then!” declares Shiki out of the blue.

Akasaka. And whaddya know? I’ve actually always wanted to go and try it

The disturbing thing about Shiki saying that is knowing full well that she

she grabs me by the arm and leads me away. I’m not entirely sure where

Akazaka, where half of my paycheck will be no more than shattered hopes

any stopping her. Silently, I curse Azaka for telling Shiki about where I took

Oh well, might as well enjoy this. After all, it feels like it’s been such a

four years ago, back in high school, when she still had the boy Shiki inside

where this could have come from. Beyond the aloofness that she had earlier

So we started February with an expensive dinner, and a night walking

night we were allowed to do so.

The Second Homicide Inquiry - I

It has been a week since the night that me and Shiki chanced upon that

monster,” ended up sticking, and lately, everybody’s been using it, even

apartment, helping himself to a slice of French toast that I made for him as

Unfortunately, in the six intervening days since he’s received the moniker,

“God, they’re really sticking with this name, aren’t they?” remarks

the vics out so quick too. Makes the job harder, you know?” To hear him

which is far from the truth. In fact, he has a relationship with it as close

brass have seen fit to saddle it with him again, being the most informed

“Are you sure it’s alright for you to be lazing about here, Daisuke? I

last night’s fatality right there.” I say as I eat my breakfast at the table,

he heard me.

there’s a fresh murder. Let the SDF handle it, why don’t they? I need a little

little buddy.” I watch as he takes his coffee mug from the table, and see it 

disappear behind the newspaper before he gulps and places it back. All of

a break for thirty minutes for breakfast, he reads the paper, he chats, and

school too, and he saw fit to bring the tradition here, not that I mind.

the best detective the Metro Police has.”

and I’m pretty sure hauling a three year old case out of the graveyard to

He quickly closes the newspaper and folds it as he continues. “God, I just

I’m about to tell you is really classified stuff, but I trust you. Don’t even

I nod. Though I wouldn’t think of letting anything of what he’s about to

his donkey ears.

No suspects, which means no motive. No connections. Only one weakass

only leads we got were your school emblem and the perp’s skin, which

yet, but he might be changing up his game.”

“Well, you know how he’s been nabbing citizens since last fall, right? We

the story until the killings started this year, when he started getting sloppy.

“Leaving evidence, you mean,” I suggest.

going now, but now he decides to change his pattern? Doesn’t sound right.

“But that can’t be right,” I muse, thinking back on how Daisuke described

been leaked to the public. I only know because you told me. If this guy was

“Yeah, I know, I know,” Daisuke says with a resigned sigh. “I wonder,

like someone who was just getting used to what he could do, and he decided


mind of a self-made image, before he continues. “…now he’s just leaving

time to hide a body but leave the limbs intentionally?”

gloating,” I think out loud.

like the limbs were cut, that’s for sure. There’s no clean cut, or even the

torn off, or twisted right out.” Daisuke smiles then, and makes a chuckle,

escaped alligator urban legends out there lately, Mikiya?”

keeping it as a pet just to spite you.” I drink from my coffee now too, the

expression when my mind wanders to four years ago…and Shiki.

couldn’t have been true. I can’t believe she would kill anyone. Not truly.

my faith in her. But, if that’s true, then why does my mind now go back to

“Your witness,” I say quickly, as if doing so would banish the thought

“Yeah, from last week’s incident downtown over at commercial. Place

the killer to hide what he was doing. Sure enough, even though the crime

booking it after the murder took place, said he wore a kimono. Actually

a guy or a girl. Like I said, no legs on that info just yet.” Daisuke shrugs as

be nice if we can at least bring in some viable targets for questioning. The

as I know, the pressure’s coming all the way from city hall.”

“Best road to stress, I tell ya. Gotta thank you for this, Mikiya.”

about what the witness saw, he returns it unknowingly to Shiki. Who else

the coffee cup seem to go numb for a moment, but I manage to retain my 


tone now. “Now Mikiya, I know you know your fair share about the drug

that sort of thing.”

sure. But I’m sure you’ve got a pool of guys over at your narcotics bureau

He waves a hand in the air dismissively. “A bunch of conservative old

themselves that buy-busts are the ultimate answer. That includes me.”

his coat pocket, setting it down on the table for me to see.

that looks like a bunch of stamps, and another with some kind of grass

prominently on them, alongside how many grams of it is stored, and


“Well, kinda like weed. The forensics guys told me that the THC and CHC

“So it’s not marijuana.” It can’t have been. You would have to have

“It’s probably something more like tochigishiro.”

“A specially bred strain of hemp developed here in Japan. Because hemp

pretty strict ceiling on how much THC should be in usable hemp, which is

at around 1.2 to 1.8%. So, to comply with the new prefectural policies, they

didn’t stop illegal plantations or smuggling of marijuana inside the country.”

following along with a genuine curiosity now. “So what does the picture

“Most of the murder victims this past week had some in their possession

kids fooling around at night so maybe it’s no surprise, eh?”


hoppers better than I do.”

with any of the street level dealer guys for at least half a year. They might

so they don’t get caught so easily. The cocktail slingers too.”

“Yeah. I hear the popular thing right now is speedballs: when they mix

dangerous too, if you aren’t careful.”

this. You aren’t taking any, are you?” he asks. Though I’m pretty sure he

“Do I look like I do? If I was a dope fiend, you’d know it with one look at

drugs. I’ve just got a…well, an old high school friend who knows a lot about

“Fine, fine, I believe you,” he says dismissively as he stands up, though

name. “Anyway, gotta get back to work soon or they’ll light my ass up. Last

I sigh, thinking regretfully on how little this supposed detective uncle

now. “That’s a question I’m sure even your narcotics people can answer,

different reactions. For some it’s a stimulant, and to others it’s a downer,

effect. Other drugs have been extensively studied and their effects documented,

“Heh, thanks for that. I’m a homicide guy, not in narcotics, so I don’t

sure to bone up on it, though. Looks like I’m gonna need it soon enough if

on the case.” He gives me a short wave as he walks toward the entrance

of raindrops assaulting the rooftops of the buildings outside. “God, fucking


conversation with him left a gloomy undercurrent to the room, though, and 

as the dreary dawn light peeks in through the window, I finish my breakfast

inform her. Her reply is curt.

a mere suggestion. Before I get a chance to assure her, there is a click on

She’s always had strangely accurate intuition.

I haven’t seen any sign of Shiki for a week now.

started, she hasn’t come back to her room, or her old Ryōgi family estate.

doesn’t take a genius to see what reason she could have for doing it.

ago, then Shiki is out there, searching for answers. But I don’t even know

related to her old Shiki personality have all vanished along with him, which


are far too many memories that will be betrayed if I wait any longer. Shiki’s

happens, I need to find the truth. Me. Because this isn’t someone else’s

Shiki’s problem. We just kept prolonging it, afraid to face it. So to understand


grey veil. I pop open my black umbrella and travel to the crime scenes

portions of downtown. People are walking the sidewalk as if nothing had

standing guard and yellow police lines stretched over the mouth of

alleyway. Preserving the crime scene for at least a day, they can do no more

less guarded. Luckily, the police have abandoned them, and I’m able to pry

By the time I reach my third crime scene, I barely notice that much of


until late tonight. This is all useless. The crime scenes are open and they’re

through the continuous day of rain. But without a single clue, what can I

notch, I have to make sure not to leave a stone unturned. And so with just

The late winter rain is icy cold, and hasn’t let up the entire day. The rain

It’s had that for me for three years. After all, it was this month, three years


It was a very gentle smile.

neck. In one terrifyingly brief moment,  Ryōgi raised the blade. I, lying

the eyes of my coming death. Like a guillotine, the knife blade shone in the

But the knife did not pierce my neck, did not strike home in my flesh, but

“Why?”  whispered in a voice incredulous and unbelieving. The

In that moment, I felt the fear ebbing away slowly, replaced with a growing

for murder and her disgust of it. For a moment, I forgot to breathe. But it

I saw her look at her own arm, and in those eyes there was nothing but

it clutch her blade arm, as if to force it to action. This time, I thought, this

But something interrupted us. A man approached beside us, seeming to

single small gesture of his hand, she sent flying from me, using some

“Fool. This weakening does not become you,” he said in a low, tormented 

voice. The man helped me up, his strong grip on my arm lifting me effortlessly.

herself up from the rain-soaked ground, and launched herself toward the

jumping up and aiming her knife at his forehead, and slashed in one quick

A thin red line ran through his forehead then, and blood poured out slowly

to a distance he could not reach. They glared at each other, the tall man in

gave an observant chuckle.

me.” The man then took me by the arm and ran. Behind us,  gave

couldn’t have been, because my feet were still on the ground, struggling to

and only then did he let go of me. Then he looked at me, as if to say that if

“Far too early to break her,” he murmured, but even his murmurs were

her destined end.” Leaving me with those words, the man walks away and

bamboo grove swallow him.

behind me, I could hear  fast approaching. I could’ve gone home. I

the right thing to do. But in the end, she couldn’t swing the knife down.

And when she caught up to me, there was surprise in her face, but more

exchanged then, words that couldn’t be forgotten. But her last sentence to

“If I can’t make you go away,” she said, under the unceasing rain. In the

laughed. A weak, bitter laugh. “I have to make myself go away.” She runs

The car approached fast, and she presented herself in front of it, lit

not overcome the keening sound of the brakes. It was too late. It was over


at that moment, I knew no more painful and regretful moment. Her eyes

having seen that, I could not find it in myself to cry.

The evening only brings more rain and less clues than I had hoped for,

past ones have been. A good thing I brought my umbrella.

had been looking up at the sky that night, but seemed to see neither the


/ 1

- I’ve become acquainted with Mikiya Kokutō. I knew I’d like him ever

a smile uncalculating or plotting. He’s perfect. -

of the shower. The volume of the raindrops as they impact the roofs of

store provides some temporary shelter, and of course, the umbrella

one umbrella, a cheap plastic one the owner is unlikely to miss fondly. My

rain. Still, there’s nothing to be gained from standing here the entire day,

It’s February 8, and dawn is just breaking. The streets still lack their

with are few and far between. Even my own shadow, projected by the dim

incomprehensible in the rain. After putting some distance between myself


jacket, and a pretty good kimono soiled by thick dirt and mud at the hem

sleeping exclusively on alleys. My appearance is one thing, but my odor is

“Sleeping outside has got to stop today,” I whisper to myself, a sugges-

tion that, the way I say it, almost makes it sound like some kind of fun

My name is Shiki Ryōgi. Like the Taoist term “ryōgi” used to describe the

the old block. Once, I nursed another personality within me, a male one

with him since birth, a murderous personality cultivated by my strange

from the thought of murder. It was his passion. And in a sort of twisted

killing it over and over again to control it. I killed the self inside of me, sensing

of a normal life. Murder defined me then, if not literally then figuratively.

with its allure.

the words of my grandfather. While my father was without a doubt a Ryōgi,

I was born, there was no prouder father, and my otherwise normal older

ever since birth. Always left alone, but never lonely, always having the

So it was when I was sixteen, still fearing that I was just a mere tool for

But he had never been able to control his other self completely, and in

around him, while denying what he was. It had been told to me that he and

truly in control, and for twenty years, he had been confined to an asylum.

he returned to some semblance of sanity, and shared with me his only

that murder was important, a great and terrible thing of monstrous weight.

him. And perhaps my masquerading of life, while forever alone, might be

Until I met Mikiya Kokutō.

strangely. There was something about him, something that told me that life

/ 1 • 143

far better, something I wanted that could also destroy me. I couldn’t

apart, and me and Shiki started to become more out of sync. When once,

hid it from me, and I could recall nothing of what happened when he was in

bloody soaked body lying in front of me, and I, smiling. I didn’t know if the

work afterwards. Doubt started to creep in.

believed in me, and trusted that I wasn’t the killer. And it was then that I

a confrontation between us. And then the accident, which resulted in my

When I awakened, I found myself unlike my previous self in small yet

of the memories along with him. As for the memories of my old self, they

doll. And since then, I’ve been trying to fill up that hollow in my soul that

the guy responsible for that going pretty well in the past half-year has to

doll anymore.

past. When I awakened, Shiki’s memories were lost to me, when he

brain that would make it work, it comforts me to think that he took it with

to live a life unburdened by guilt. And for the most part, he was right.

I encountered, fought, and lost to a mage who, against my will, returned

ago. How my final moments before the accident really went down. How I

pointed high above him. How I wandered the streets at night, spoiling for a

the serial killings. But then, that leaves an obviously bigger problem of

one is the same guy. I still don’t know who he is. Mikiya must already be 

suspecting me after I ran away. Hell, if you ask me, he’d have every right to.

So like four years ago, I wander the streets again, chasing a murderous

I must admit to myself why I do it, then the reason is very simple. Envy,

Answers, if that were possible. And an end to all of this…hopefully when

attract each other, then we spill our blood on the floor.

Shiki who took pleasure from the thought of murder.

And yet, attracted to a murderous monster’s acts, I’m searching him out

Why didn’t I notice it before? Why did it take so long?

who’s doing it. It’s me who really likes it.

rooms are selected and bills paid through a machine. The better

saying to me that if you wanted to hide from someone, this was a better

that, transactions go by really fast, which is better overall for me.

shower, taking my time in the bath. After I’m done, I lie down on the bed.

my grip on my ability to remain awake, and the bed is too comfortable…

the bed reading two in the morning. It was just getting dark when I got

the dry digital readout of the clock, is populated only by strange shadows.

that can be heard. Chiding myself for oversleeping, I change back into my

though. I’ve only been by myself for seven days, but why am I so irritated?

“It hasn’t,” I tell myself, as if saying it aloud would persuade me some-

how. I leave the hotel as quickly as I entered it six hours earlier, my business

Just past 2am. Even the stone and concrete are asleep this time of night,

not. They’ll be on the lookout for anyone suspicious, with likely orders to

not dealing with that hassle. With that in mind, I duck inside the nearest

would have the main roads covered, so I can’t use them. Of course, the

highway, flitting through the narrow spaces between buildings. Hopefully,

meet all sorts of people in alleys, and not usually the ones you’d like.

an intersection between alleys. Someone’s been tailing me since a few

my front, and two more to either flank. They’ve got me right in between.

cocked head. His eyes are wandering a bit. This guy is totally fucking high.

for all of them.

entire thing obviously planned beforehand. I reach inside the pocket of my

“Well, I guess this is as good a solution for boredom as any. You all wanna

Maybe they want a quick fuck. Maybe they want some extra cash for

to decline that offer. At least, for a little while, I can relax, be the me that

They close in on me, faster and with a purpose.

The Second Homicide Inquiry - II

- I need to write about her again. -

numb and I forget to breathe at the sight of her. Can I die from doing so? I

She’s invaded my life. Got deep inside, this miraculously perfect girl from

even heard her voice. And that emptiness weighs more on me every day, so

February 9.

daylight, albeit filtered through a cloudy grey canopy that the rain managed

scenes for clues, and I was so tired I decided not to go home and just crash

he was very accommodating. Now, despite my lack of sleep, I can’t seem

I spend the time looking out the window and looking at the dawn slowly

“You up early, ain’t ya? Maybe you’re looking to fix me some morning

his polite request.

fridge. I can’t work miracles, you know.”

see if they have some grub to eat,” he concludes with a yawn. I watch him 

get up, scratch his head, and look at me for a moment, to which I muster

the door, before doing a very slow double take on me, his eyes now as

“Ever take note of how pale you are at the moment?” he says to me.

He’s right. I’m as deathly pale as a doll.

hours. Might be having some hallucinations and random synaesthesia until

“Someday, you’re curiosity’s gonna make you end up face down in a

“But it hasn’t.”

passed around on the corners these days,” he observes, looking over at the

rolls of weed still remain unused, scattered above his table. I nod.

but you can have them if you want. It’s not addictive, if that’s what you

amusement parks we have here.” I grab the coat which I hastily hurled on

should just be beginning to breathe again. I don’t have time to be leisurely

“Heading out already? Stay for a while, man. You can’t even stand up

“Can’t. Got things to find out,” I answer, surprised at how weak and

“Oh yeah? Like what?”

night, behind this love hotel called Pavillion—”

asks, interrupting.

people in the alley behind it. This time’s different, though. News said four

Gakuto hums, a sound of curiosity, before turning on the television.

longer. The content is unsurprising. The murderous monster again, and the


“The suspect is dressed in a kimono? How about that, huh?” Gakuto

hanging in the air as I continue walking towards the exit to his apartment.

put on my shoes. As I do this, Gakuto walks up behind me, seeing me out.

ask a question before I leave.

“Can’t say it’s a glowing review. You only get what Hansel and Gretel

before leaving his apartment. I don’t bother to turn around to see if he

It’s only when I’ve stepped outside into the sun and closed the door

And the munchies from the weed is no doubt only making it worse.

I saw on the news this morning. Nothing is out of place when I get there.

place, and aren’t allowing anyone to get near. And of course, rubberneckers

them and the police blocking the entrance to the alley crossroads, I can’t

I think about going to the Pavilion love hotel nearby, but then I consider

to talk to, and whatever personnel certainly wouldn’t even consider talking

anyway, even if Shiki did make a stop at that hotel, she wouldn’t be there

I came into contact with a particular drug slinger right around this neighbourhood

I was tracing his whereabouts back to his usual slingers. I only ever got

but I talked to the person before and that was enough for me. I find a pay

new information. There is a silence on the other end of the line for a few

the address.

It leads me to a place far from the noise of the city’s main avenues,

other, poorly zoned and a testament to what the economy had left behind.

years that cling stubbornly to it making the color of the place darker than

entrance having been boarded up. The address I have says to go to the

find one, though it is missing a few steps and the rust has long overtaken

for a sign of dangerous collapse. When I get to the second floor landing, I

inside, quickly finding the room I’m looking for, and knock.

shadows under the little stab of light emanating from under the door. This

a person sticks her head out. It is the face of a woman, her long brunette

only a few years older than me. She looks me up and down, slipping me a

with only her red winter coat as a characteristic feature.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Hope nobody followed you. Wouldn’t want anybody

out and takes my arm, pulling me into her room forcibly. I spend a moment

and magazines and other assorted things have claimed possession of the

quickly sitting down and slipping her legs inside the kotatsu. She gives me

bit more timidly then I’m used to, I sit down on the floor across from her.

to an outlet. Probably because there isn’t even any electricity in here.

her hands on the table, and her head on her hands, tilted sideways so that

way you are.”

She’s acting a lot different than the two curt conversations we’ve had on


“Oh, it’s easy. Nobody really gives a hoot if you’re a guy or a girl, as long

“Err, yeah, I suppose,” I manage to stutter out. “How did you—”

face, you know? Still, though, I could swear from your voice on the phone

with widdle spectacles, ‘information is power’-type college boy. Well,

She blinks, then narrows her eyes. In that instant, though she did not

almost like a switch has been turned on in her mind. Trying to ignore the

“I guess I’ll start with what happened last night. Heard anything to the


The sentence catches me so off guard that I’m forced to avert my eyes from

She continues, “Don’t need to ask anyone else about that. I mean, I saw it

seem to want to stop. This place is scary in rainy nights, and business has

They buy from me all the time. I was going out to make my delivery, and I

trying to mug a broad in a kimono. Shameless, I tell ya.”

night’s events, and before long I find my eyes meeting hers again. “The

she’s a girl?”

girl, is there? That said, it was pr

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