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Q. Beresford and G. Bailey, Search for the Tasmanian Tiger, Blubber Head Press, Hobart, 1981

Maureen Brooks and Joan Ritchie, Tassie Terms: a glossary of Tasmanian Words, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1985 E. R. Guiler, Thylacine: the Tragedy of the Tasmanian Tiger, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1985 E. R. Guiler, The Tasmanian Tiger in Pictures, St

David's Park Publishing, Hobart, 1991

Charles Maclean, The Wolf Children, Allen Lane,

London, 1977

Herman Melville, MobyDick, various editions Robert Paddle, The Last Tasmanian Tiger: the History and Extinction of the Thylacine, Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, 2000 I also consulted Australian Geographic and other magazines, plus various articles on early gramophones.

LOUIS NOWRA was born in Melbourne. He is an author, screenwriter and playwright whose novels are The Misery of Beauty, Palu, Red Nights, Abaza and Ice. Plays include The Golden Age, Summer of the Aliens, Radiance, Cosi and The Boyce Trilogy. He created the television series The Last Resort and The Straits and co-wrote the documentary First Australians. Screen credits include Map of the Human Heart, Cosi, Radiance, The Matchmaker, K-19 and Black and White. Besides libretti for operas he has written the memoirs The Twelfth of Never and Shooting the Moon.

Louis Nowra lives in Sydney and is married to the writer Mandy Sayer. They have two dogs, a chihuahua called Coco who has appeared on television in The Straits, and Basil, a miniature pinscher who never stands still.


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