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True Prayer.

1 The Lord is on his holy throne, He sits in kingly state; Let those who for his favors seek, In humble silence wait.

2 True prayer is not th' imposing sound That clamorous lips repeat; But the deep silence of a soul That clasps Jehovah's feet.


1006. H. M.


Glory to God on high!

Forever bless his name; Let earth, and seas, and sky His wondrous love proclaim; To him be praise And glory given By all on earth, And all in heaven.

1007. 7s. M.

The Same.

Praise to God! immortal praise From the heavens, the earth, the seas!

All in one vast chorus join, To extol the name divine!

1008. L. M.

The Same.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow!

Praise him, all creatures here below!

Praise him, above, ye heavenly throng!

Praise God, our Father, in your song!

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