Suzumu Ruined My Life;
Heisei Cataclysm Novel - Cast & Prologue

Heisei Cacatlysm Master Post

◆ Anima and Animus Isolated →

So, I have never ever tried translating from japanese to english since both aren’t my mother languages, but for the sake of this project I’m gonna give my best. I will be adding the japanese text so if anyone knowledgeable finds any misstranslation can send me a message to fix it up as soon as I can.

Please, consider helping the project by buying the novel: [AmazonJP] [ebookJapan].

登場人物 / Cast:


Higher Resolution

Prologue /プロローグ: 

時戸白(トキド ハク) が、中学生の頃から毎晩見る悪夢……。
Since around middle school, Tokido Haku has seen this nightmare every night……
On it, the unknown Rei and Sakuhi were both trying to kill each other.

Who were this two people?
Why did they always come out in her dream?
Haku had no idea at all.

この世界を構成するのは、現代世界に近い ”表世界”と魔法が一般化した ”裏世界”の二つの領域。
This world was constituted by two parts, one pretty close to a modern world, the “Outside World” and one where magic existed, the “Inside World”.

Since both civilizations developed in a different form, even if their existence were so close to each other, this caused a huge instability.

That instability was the cause of wars, crimes and many unstoppable acts made by humanity.
With that in mind, an evil organization used dark magic to plunge the world into chaos……

What was the meaning behind Haku’s dream?
What was the role she and her friends were given?
The battle of the boys and girls who stood up to return the world peace begins now.

◆ Coming soon →

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