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"My name is Ichigo and I'm a level 30 Tank class. So what was your plan on breaking into the Shadow Region?"

The rest turned silent and looked at each other, thinking one of them had a plan. Ichigo deciding to be the one to create the plan, it only took him 5 minutes to come up with a plan with a likely chance of winning. But before he can call it a success of a plan, he asked all of them their level and class. Gray's group and Kale's group telling Ichigo everything he wanted, Ichigo's plan for all the tank class, which is Levy, Kale and him, were to be the front line of attack. The reason why the Tank class is the frontline of attack is that of there high durability in taking in damage from other players.

The plan for the knight class is to go pass the tank class and archer class, while the enemy pays full attention to the tank class. This allows the knight class to sneak in the base since they have low present.

Finally, it was the archer class that will help back up the tank class from far range. Due to them being able to scope players from a far range, they will play a huge role in assisting the tank group in breaking into the base and eliminating all the threats to make it easier for the knight class to get into the kingdom.

Ichigo telling them that they have one giant wall guarding the kingdom against all sides of attack, if they get through it, they should head straight to the kingdom. Not only is it full of prisoners below the king's throne, which is a likely chance of finding Luke. It was also the centre of the place, so if we destroy it, it can cause a massive destruction of the whole town.

Kastu asking Ichigo about how they will sneak in without them noticing, Ichigo gave all the players that were below level 20, candies that you get for donating to the game. Eating the candies that were given to them, Kastu levelled up to 25, Gray levelled up to 23, levy levelled up to 22 and Rukia levelled up to 21. Gray and Katsu unlocking an ability called "Hide N Seek". Hide N Seek allows a player to turn invisible for 20 seconds, which gives them the ability to go through walls. Rukia unlocking an ability to shoot arrows at a player and stick on them, which sets off a bomb, it was called "Trick arrow". Levy unlocking the skill that is called "Unleashed." It transforms them into an indestructible monster that can eliminate any threats in their way.

When asked how he knew all of this, Ichigo said "I use to be a part of the clan until the majority of my comrades turn into player killers. We started up as a friendly clan, helping players, but once we got that wake-up call that we're trapped here forever, we figured out what we were the best at, and that was killing one another."

The rest taking a moment of silence to take in what Ichigo said, they all felt sorry for him. Ichigo trying his best to tell them that he doesn't deserve it since he has blood on his hands that not even Neptune himself could wash, Gray told him "You aren't the only one Neptune couldn't wash." Ichigo looking at Gray's Gamertag and realising it was red, that didn't change his mind of how he thought of them.

Ichigo telling Gray and the others that the plan might not go as he wanted it to go since he only thought of it in minutes. The rest understands that and knows that during a fight or battle, they must know how to think of a strategy or plan quickly. Ichigo telling them to come back here once they gather all the resources and stamina for tomorrow.

Tomorrow came and they were all ready. Setting off on their journey, it took hours but it was worth it. Finally making it to the enemy's base, Kale and her group were hungry to get revenge after they destroy and hurt their people. Levy, Kale and Ichigo running up, pulling out their shield. The enemies detected them and didn't hesitate to fire at them. The tank classes defending their attacks, Katsu, Nami and Gray took the chance to use hide n seek. Going past the enemy's wall, Rukia, Asuna and Shiro, asserted Levy, Kale and Ichigo by shooting arrows at the enemy is long distance.

"Sir, a bunch of unknown players appeared and they're attacking our base, we need back up!"

"Boss what should we do?"

"Sent everyone that isn't protecting the first wall to guard luke, we need him alive."

"I will go and show these bastards who is boss." The manslaughter said.

Arrows raining down on the enemies, Ichigo thought that there was still a chance for them to get through the first wall quicker than he expected until Levy's shield broke. Levy taking a lot of damage due to the high-level archers and that she wasn't as high level as Ichigo and kale, to be tanking does damage. Rukia shooting at Levy to heal her she was taking in more damage than she can handle. Ichigo used Force field around Levy, protecting her from the arrows, he dropped her a brand new shield to use.

Ichigo calling Kale to come here, he asked her to use her strength to threw him on top of the front wall. Kale launching Ichigo into the sky, Ichigo shouted "berserk" and started to easily destroy a 5 vs 1. Making it past the front wall, Kale, levy and the rest rushed in while Ichigo opened the gate.

"I wonder who is the strongest out of all the Intruders." He said

"Whoever is the strongest, you know boss would be the first one to attack him or her." She said

"I don't care who is the strongest, all I care about is killing that pervert of a man. He better be there."

" I think Ichigo should've been the one to come with us," Gray said

" Probably would've been a good idea," Kastu said

"Don't you guys ever stop talking?" Nami said

" It's an open conversation, so if you don't want to get involve, then don't talk to us," Kastu said

"Who says I wanted to talk to you?" Nami said

" I don't think this is the right place to start a fight," Gray said

Gray and the rest thinking of a way to get past without getting detected, three enemies came by. Gray is the first to strike the enemy from behind, the rest joined in and finish the fight with all of them using death ball. Eliminating the enemies, they took their armour and pretend to be a part of their group. Slowly reaching the kingdom, they bump into one of the strongest players in the Shadow Region nicknamed "Hunter" and he was level 28. Apologising to him and trying not to be a threat, Hunter looked at them and said: "We don't apologise." And as soon as he said those words, he attacked them.

"That was easier than expected," Rukia said

"It was because he always starts off by the lowest levels as his first wall. The reason why he does that is so that he is the enemy defeats the low-level players, the boss would find it more interesting to fight them back himself only."

The rest full of feared and walking away from Ichigo, Ichigo ask them "why are you guys moving back?" But once he turned around, he understood why they were scared.

"So you were the ones causing trouble. I knew that you would be here, Ichigo."

"Been quite some time, manslaughter".

"You don't have to address me like that. Afterall, you were always my favourite and strongest player in this clan. It was really a shame that you left us, but I can't let you leave without me saying goodbye.." He pulled out his sword.

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