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"What? What kind of medicine did you take?" Hong Fei was shocked. Medicines could not be eaten casually. Did Song Ning take out any toxic things?

But Song Ning was not a poison cultivator. How could he have poisonous medicines. So, he became relaxed a lot. He thought it did not matter to take wrong medicines, just being painful for a while. 

The medicine that Song Ning gave Hong Fe was indeed not a Wound Healing Dan, but a kind of unknown pill to him. Song Ning was definitely not going to taste it by himself. Anyway, it could not be poisonous and he intended to let Hong Fei test it.

"Sorry, Brother Hong! I don't know what it is either? I..."

Before he finished his sentence, he found that Hong Fei was a little abnormal. Reasonably, he should be in great pain, suffering two smashes with the brick. But looked dazed, he breathed faster, twisted and crooned on the ground. 

The disciples around watched in surprise. One of them recognized the medicine from Hong Fei's symptom now and shouted, "Xiaoyao Dan!"

What is Xiaoyao Dan? Song Ning did hear the name before.

Under the effect of Xiaoyao Dan, Hong Fei opened his mouth and began to drool without any pain showing on his face, looked pretty wretched.

Most of the ordinary disciples also did not know what is Xiaoyao Dan. The disciple who knew it used to be ignored in the school and known to few disciples before today. Gaining such sudden attention, he became complacent.

"Xiaoyao Dan is just a kind of first-level medicine, but it has a unique effect." The disciple briefly explained and stopped at the key information.

"Keep taking! What exactly is it? Why Brother Hong looked so wretched?" A disciple urged.

The others began to echo.

The former disciple became more proud, "It can make people feel illusory and wonderful at the same time. But it seems to be addictive."

All the disciples turned their sight at Song Ning, then Hong Fei who still twisted on the ground,

Xiayao Dan could make people feel illusory and wonderful at the same time. But it seems to be addictive. Therefore, isn't it a kind of miraculous elixir?

"Excuse me, what's your name?" Another disciple began to greeted Song Ning with a hold fist salute. A few others followed to greet Song Ning as well.

Intending to be humble, Song Ning greeted with a hold fist salute as well, "I'm Song Ning, a newcomer, nice to meet you all!"

In fact, they aimed to get Xiaoyao Dan from Song Ning. But he did not mention it. They regretted a little, but dare not to say it out.

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