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Part 1

Siang Lan became very curious. No, even though it was true that Lian Hong was her suhu’s daughter, but she must be able to avenge her first and must be the one who killed her enemies the most. Now there were only two enemies, namely Leng Kok Hosiang and Kim-gan-liong Cin Lu Ek.

Finding Leng Kok Hosiang was not an easy matter, because even though the monk lived in Sin-tok-san, she heard that he always explored indefinitely anywhere. Only once in a few months the monk returned to Mount Sin-tok-san. Therefore, Hwe-thian Moli then tried to find the traces of Kim-gan-liong (Golden-eyed Dragon) Cin Lu Ek.

The news she got from the kang-ouws about Kim-gan-liong really made het felt surprised and hesitated. She heard that Kim-gan-liong Cin Lu Ek was a hiapkek (old warrior) who was mighty and wise, the one who had a fragrant name because he always acted a kind-like character. He often helped people and eradicated crime.

It was strange, why could a person with this great name be involved in fraudulently, cowardly murdering against her suhu? Even though Kim-gan-liong’s name was nice, but Hwe-thian Moli didn’t care. Kim-gan-liong was still one of the five great enemies of her suhu she must be sought and murdered.

Since her arrival in Hopak Province, she heard the news that the old warrior of Kim-gan-liong had now “washed his hands” not interfering in world affairs anymore. This old warrior was reportedly now living in the Lun-cong City in the southern kingdom’s capital. With joyous hearts Hwe-thian Moli then headed to the city.

She rented a room in the biggest hotel and it was easy for her to find the place where the old warrior lived. But the reality she saw, that it turned out that Kim-gan-liong’s residence was very bad and small, made her wonder. Did the all five who killed her suhu got the inheritance that made them rich? Why was Kim-gan-liong Cin Lu Ek just living in this bad house?

She then remembered the last words of her suhu which was wondered as well about Cin Lu Ek’s participation in the evil fellowship, “As far as I know, Cin Lu Ek isn’t a bad guy,” said her suhu before died.

Hwe-thian Moli hesitated and thought of coming at night, because if she intervened at this right noon, it would only cause a commotion. Then she went back to the hotel room she rented and rested collecting energy for the night.

At night, Hwe-thian Moli prepared to wear short clothes and bring her sword, then out of the hotel to Cin Lu Ek’s residence which was in the north of the city. When she was walking slowly, suddenly a voice called out, “Hwe-thian Moli …!”

Siang Lan quickly raised her head to look and it turned out that she had faced five people she knew well. They were none other than Ngo-lian-hengte, the five she-Kui brothers who became ciangbun (chairman) of Ngo-lian-kauw (Religion of the Five Lotuses). Remembered she that they indeed lived in Hopak Province, in the Po-teng City.

“Ah, there should be Ngo-ciangbun!” said the girl in a cold voice and completely indifferent.

“Good, Hwe-thian Moli, this is the meeting we hope and wait for. Be prepared to pay your debt to us at Liok Kong’s mansion at that time!" said Kui Sin, the youngest brother of Ngo-lian-hengte, pulling his sword. This youngest brother of Ngo-lian-hengte indeed had the hardest character, especially because he had been hurt by Hwe-thian Moli’s sword before when ganging-up this girl at the Toat-beng sin-to Liok Kong’s mansion.

“Don’t be much bluff, my friend,” Hwe-thian Moli mocked without pulling her sword, “I’m having an important business and don’t have time to serve you in battle!”

Siang Lan was not eager to fight with them, due to besides slowing down her efforts to take revenge on Kim-gan-liong Cin Lu Ek, also if there was a battle in that place, it would certainly be seen by many people. This, if it was heard by Kim-gan-liong, would give him the opportunity to escape.

Hearing this girl’s words, Kui Sin laughed in a mocking tone, “Ha ha ha! Hwe-thian Moli becomes a coward. Are you afraid of facing Ngo-lian-hengte?”

“Shut your mouth up!” Siang Lan shouted angrily and almost pulled out her sword, “Hwe-thian Moli doesn’t know what fear means. Especially with a little mouse like you!”

“Ngo-te (fifth brother), don’t try to force people!” Kui Jin said, the eldest brother, then he said to Siang Lan in a soft voice, “Hwe-thian Moli, even though among us are not enemies, but there is a little curiosity in our heart towards you. You certainly understand that we, who have been hurt by you, won’t feel satisfied before trying your skill once again to determine who is actually stronger. Therefore, because now you don’t have time, dare you come to the temple located outside of this city on the west tomorrow morning? We will wait for you there!”

Kui Jin, who cleverly used the word of “dare you” meant challenging and insulting, made Hwe-thian Moli’s became red because she was angry!”

“Ngo-lian-hengte, don’t you become big-mouthed. If I don’t have any important businesses, I’ll show you right now that Hwe-thian Moli isn’t a person who can be played by the five of you. Okay, you just wait tomorrow morning at the temple west of the city. I’ll definitely come!”

After saying that, Hwe-thian Moli then jumped away leaving them. Kui Sin who was curious about to swing his hand throwing a secret weapon of Piauw, but Kui Jin held this brother’s arm and whispered, “Stupid you, idiot! Don’t you know her skill very high? We alone won’t necessarily be able to win against her so I deliberately challenged her tomorrow morning so that we could have the opportunity to invite supek to intervene.”

All of his brothers then agreed and became happy. But of course this was not heard by Hwe-thian Moli who was far away going to Kim-gan-liong Cin Lu Ek’s residence.

Carefully, Siang Lan approached the remote little house. She saw inside the house was still bright and even heard the voice of people talking. Her heart became interested when she heard one of the talker cried out in a very loud voice, so she carefully approached the window of the house. Thanked to high-leveled ginkang, her footsteps didn’t make any sounds like a cat’s footsteps. The window was closed so she could only hear the conversation between the two men, which made her heart pounded.

“Susiok, is the news I heard about Pat-jiu kiam-ong true?” the loud voice sounded as if pressing.

There was a long sigh signing of a regret followed by an answer in a deep, calm voice but contained a tone of sadness, “It’s true, I can’t deny it anymore. I did fall into that evil plot.”

“How embarrassing!” suddenly the loud voice exclaimed loudly, “It’s really embarrassing and has polluted susiok’s great name, especially polluted the great name of our martial-art branch!”

Again the person called susiok (little-uncle master) sighed expressing regret, then his voice sounded full of excitement, “Tek Kun, your accusation is true. You have inherited the skill knowledge from our martial-art branch and have been high-skilled. If you want to represent our sucouw, pull out your sword and slash my neck. I confess of being wrong, even though I didn’t commit the crime intentionally. My eyes were blind so I could be persuaded by Leng Kok Hosiang!”

Silence for a moment and Siang Lan was no doubt that the person called Susiok must have been Cin Lu Ek The Golden-Eyed Dragon and presumably the one with loud voice was his niece disciple. But she became increasingly interested in hearing the conversation so she did not want to lunge in, even eager to see the faces of the two people who were talking.

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