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"Of course. We all are, in the Clan. In remembrance of you."

"That's the difference between us," said Owen. "I never wanted to be a warrior. I would have been happy to be just a minor historian, a scholar in his ivory tower, of no importance to anyone. But events destroyed my life and put a sword in my hand, so I did the best I could. I brought down a corrupt Empire, and all it cost me was everything." He shook his head slowly. "Tell me about the Terror."

Lewis and Jesamine took it in turns to tell Owen of the arrival of the Terror, its awful nature, and the two planets it had eaten so far. Of the millions dead, and the civilizations destroyed. Owen scowled fiercely. Silence took over, telling of how a voice had come to them after the last great battle against the Recreated, foretelling the coming of the Terror. Owen smiled suddenly.

"I smell the intervention of a certain shape-shifting alien there. You say the voice downloaded actual information into your ship's computers?"

"Yes," said Silence. "Unfortunately . . ."

"Oh, don't tell me. Robert and Constance again."

"Yes. They put the data somewhere safe, but no one knows where that might be now."

"You know, it could be held in the Dust Plains of Memory," Jesamine said suddenly.

"What the hell is that?" said Owen.

"All that remains of the original computer Matrix," said Silence. "A nanotech construct, possibly sentient, occasionally helpful."

"Connected to Shub?" said Owen, looking at the robot.

"We do not know these minds," said Shub. "They are alien to us. But they do seem to know things no one else knows."

"I think we'd better go and ask them a few pointed questions, once we get home," said Owen.

"If we get home," growled Brett.

"Shut up, Brett," said Rose. "Darling."

"I don't know what the Terror is, exactly," said Owen. "I don't think the shape-changing alien knew, really. He was just a warning left by fleeing aliens whose civilization had already been destroyed by the Terror. And I hate to disillusion you good people, but there's no way in hell I'm going one-on-one with the Terror and kick its arse. I wasn't even powerful enough to do that with the Recreated. The Maze and I tricked them into pursuing me back through time, into the past, and so use up all their energy. That's how I ended up weakened, and dead, on Mistworld. Maybe after I've had a close-up look at the Terror, I'll be able to determine something useful about its nature that'll give me some idea of what to do. Once again, it seems it's up to me to stare death in the face, to give hope to others. And that, Lewis, is what it really means to be a Deathstalker."

And then everyone jumped just a bit as Finn Durandal appeared before them. He stood tall and proud in front of the viewscreen, in his finest kingly robes, the great crown of Empire on his head. He smiled easily about him. It wasn't until his image jumped and twitched a few times that the others realized that they were looking at a holo projection.

"How the hell are you doing that?" said Brett. "You're supposed to be back on Logres."

"I am," said Finn. "I'm bouncing the image off the Havoc. Havoc. It sounded like you were having so much fun down here, that I just had to come and see for myself." It sounded like you were having so much fun down here, that I just had to come and see for myself."

"Hate to think how much power you're burning up," muttered Brett.

"Like I care," said Finn. He turned to look at Owen. "I am your King. King Finn. You should bow to me."

"That'll be the day," said Owen. "Takes more than a crown to make a man a King. Or an Emperor."

"Nevertheless," said Finn, "I run the Empire these days. And you're the blessed Owen Deathstalker . . . I always thought you'd be taller. Your being here is an unexpected bonus. I thought I'd only have Lewis to put through my laboratories. But I'm sure my scientists will be able to discover so much more, when they have two Maze subjects to dissect."

Owen laughed at him. "Better than you have tried, Finn. I brought down a much tougher Empire than yours . . . and you don't look like you'll be much of a challenge either. Now Lionstone; she was impressive. Vindictive, homicidal, and rotten to the core, she was Empress and evil personified, and she still ended up with her head on a spike. Why not just do the sensible thing, and step down? I can't waste time with you. I have the Terror to fight."

Finn ignored him, and looked at Brett and Rose. "Ah, my wandered retainers. I have to say, I'm very disappointed in both of you. I made you what you are. How could you run out on me?"

"Because you're just too corrupt, even for me," said Brett.

"And because there's more to life than killing," said Rose.

Finn raised an elegant eyebrow. "My, you two have grown and blossomed, haven't you? After all the hard work I put into you, too. Still, not to worry. Once you're back in my grasp, I'll soon make you mine again. One way or another." He looked at Silence. "And what am I going to do with you, Captain Silence, selfishly hiding your light under a Samuel Chevron bushel all these years . . . The things I could have done with you, if I'd only known . . . but I'm sure I'll think of something amusing to do with you, once you're back on Logres."

"Owen's right," said Silence. "Villains have no style anymore."

"I've been following your progress all along," Finn said to the group in general. "And very exciting it's been. But this is as far as you go. You all belong to me now. You can't fight the entire Imperial fleet, and Shub won't go to war with the Empire just for you; not with the Terror coming. Not even for two Deathstalkers."

"Anything, for Owen," said Shub through its robot. "We owe him so much that can never be repaid."

"Are you ready to risk the destruction of your homeworld for him?" said Finn. "The planet you built to house your minds? Everyone knows where Shub is these days. And you have run down your energy levels quite considerably, just recently."

"All that lives is holy," the robot said calmly. "Though we're thinking of making an exception in your case."

"My army is ready to land," Finn said briskly. "An armed force so big it will sweep right over you. And if you even look like you're trying to make a run for it, I'll have my ships scorch the planet from orbit. I'm pretty sure the Maze will survive. And that's the real prize, after all. I would prefer to have you as my prisoners, so my scientists can scour the secrets of the Maze from your changed bodies, but the Maze is the key. When its secrets are mine, I will be able to bestow its glories on all those who follow me."

"Blow it out your arse," said Brett. "You'd never share that kind of power with anyone else. You just want it for yourself."

"Dear Brett," said Finn. "Always there with the mot juste."

"You don't half fancy yourself, don't you?" said Owen. "Better than you have tried to take me down, and failed."

"It's true," said Silence. "They have. I was one of them, once. I think I got closest."

"Yes," said Owen. "I think perhaps you did."

"Well, this has all been very amusing, but I'm afraid I must bring this to a close," said Finn. "It's not like you ever had a real chance, after all. You've all been serving my purpose, from the very beginning. I know everything you've done, everywhere you've been, all you think you've accomplished. I know Lewis has been through the Maze, and survived, and presumably will develop powers. I know Owen is with you, and Captain Silence. And how do I know all these things? Because I placed a spy among you. A spy you never suspected, who has been sending me regular reports. Isn't that right, Rose?"

Finn laughed at the surprise and shock on their faces. He was still laughing as his holo image faded away to nothing, and was gone. Everyone looked at Rose. She shook her head slowly. The viewscreen flickered into life again, revealing Admiral West's face, scowling triumphantly.

"I demand your immediate surrender. You have no choice. My armies are ready to land."

"Not now!" said Lewis. "We're busy!" He gestured sharply at the robot, and the screen shut down again.

"I am not a spy," said Rose. "I've been many bad things in my life, and gloried in them, but I've never lied about who and what I am."

"A spy," said Jesamine. "A traitor among us. It all makes sense now. Why they always seemed to be waiting for us . . . How else could Finn know we'd be here today? He must have been assembling that fleet in hyperspace for ages, but it only appeared once we were all gathered at the Maze! And he wasn't surprised to see that Owen was back. He knew! And he knew who Silence really was! The only way he could know these things is if someone told him." She glared at Rose. "I never trusted you. Once a psycho . . ."

"Rose isn't a spy!" said Brett sharply, moving forwards to put himself between Rose and the others, glaring into their accusing faces. "I vouch for her. I touched her mind, remember? I'd know know if she was a spy." if she was a spy."

"You'd say that anyway, Brett," said Jesamine.

"Normally, I'd say you can't trust anything Finn says," Lewis said slowly. "But a spy among us does make sense . . ."

"I won't let you hurt her," said Brett. "You'll have to go through me first. Once, that might not have meant much, but Rose has taught me a lot of things. And I bet I could do some really nasty things to you with my esp compulsion, if I really put my mind to it. I'll have your brains dribbling out your ears before I'm through!"

"Oh, Brett," said Rose. "You say the nicest things."

And while they were all caught up in the argument, the reptiloid Saturday, who'd been lurking unobtrusively in the background for some time, stepped suddenly forwards and lashed out with a clawed forearm, smashing Silence's head so hard against the nearest wall that it dented the steel. While Silence was still slumping to the floor, Saturday swept her great bulk around impossibly quickly, and her other clawed hand sank deep into Owen's side and out again. Bones broke and splintered under the force of the blow, and blood jetted on the air as Owen was thrown back against the opposite wall. The reptiloid started towards Owen to finish him off, but the others got in her way first, guns and swords in their hands. Saturday laughed at them, a happy hissing sound, flexing her bloody clawed hands eagerly. And then her jaws snapped shut and her eyes widened, as behind Lewis and Jesamine and Brett and Rose, the reptiloid saw Owen Deathstalker rising unhurriedly to his feet. The great wound in his side had already closed and healed, with no sign to show it had ever been there, but for the blood on his clothes. He smiled at Saturday, and it was a very nasty smile.

"Bad move, lizard," said Owen. "I think we know who our spy is now, people."

"But . . . you were always our ally, Saturday!" said Jesamine. "Our friend! We fought our enemies side by side . . ."

"Reptiloids have no use for weak concepts like friend, friend," Saturday said calmly, her barbed tail lashing slowly behind her.

"You mean nothing to me. Any of you. You understand nothing of the joys of slaughter or the honor of sacred combat. We always ache to know: who's best?"

She darted forwards, and her great jaws snapped shut on the air where Rose's sword arm had been just a moment before. Rose and Lewis both cut at Saturday with their swords, but neither were fast enough to make contact. Brett aimed his disrupter, but the robot stepped quickly in and stopped him. Energy weapons were just too dangerous to use, in close proximity to so much Shub tech. Brett scowled ungraciously, holstered his gun, and drew his sword. Jesamine slashed at the reptiloid's hip with her sword. Saturday swayed easily out of the way, and one clawed hand shot out to rip half of Jesamine's chest away. Blood fountained as she collapsed, hitting the floor hard. Lewis sank to his knees beside her. He dropped his sword, and tried to close the wide wound with his hands. He could feel the gashed lung fluttering uselessly under his fingers, in the space where her breast used to be. Saturday edged forwards, but Owen was there to block the way. The reptiloid stopped, eyeing him warily with her head cocked unnaturally far to one side. She was smiling again.

"I was always Finn's spy," she said to Lewis, as the young Deathstalker's tears dripped down to mix with the dying woman's blood. "It was always me. Who better? This was set up right from the start, ever since Finn sent me to rescue Lewis from Rose's attack, during the Neuman riot outside Parliament. What better way to ingratiate myself, than by saving the Deathstalker's life?"

"What did he promise you?" said Rose. "What did Finn buy you with?"

"The reptiloids of Shard shall be Finn's shock troops, to bring about the subjugation of Humanity," said Saturday. "Your worlds shall be our hunting grounds. You run so prettily, and when cornered you fight so fiercely. Humans will be such tasty prey. Our greatest venture outside our own species . . . But I just couldn't wait any longer. I couldn't resist the challenge of taking on the legendary Owen Deathstalker. A human that might actually be a match for a reptiloid? I have to know: which of us is the best? No doubt Finn will be upset with me for killing you, but after I've eaten, I'll be sure to leave enough of your corpse for the scientists to work on. He'll forgive me. He'll understand. He's the closest I've found to another reptiloid."

"And Finn naming Rose . . . was just Finn being Finn," said Brett. "Divide and conquer. Lewis, how's she doing?"

"I'm losing her! Oh, God, I'm losing her . . ."

"We have a regeneration tank here," said the robot. "We brought one, in the event that it might come in useful, if we ever found a way to release the twelve survivors. It is possible Jesamine might still recover, if you get her to the tank in time."

"Why didn't you say so?" Lewis gathered Jesamine's barely breathing body up in his arms, holding her as though she was weightless, and rose to his feet. "Where's the tank?" Lewis gathered Jesamine's barely breathing body up in his arms, holding her as though she was weightless, and rose to his feet. "Where's the tank?"

"In the corridor behind the reptiloid," said the robot.

"We'll move her," said Brett.

"I shall savor the taste of your meat," said Saturday.

"No," said Owen. "I'll take care of this. Lewis, get your woman to the tank while I kill this lizard."

He moved forwards to face Saturday, and Brett and Rose moved in on either side of him.

"Our job too," said Rose.

"Of course," said Brett. "What are friends for?"

The three of them charged the reptiloid, and hit her together. Saturday had to fall back, unable to face three thrusting swords, and Lewis darted past her into the corridor beyond. The reptiloid bellowed her frustration, and her barbed tail lashed viciously around to slam into Rose's armored chest. The force of the blow sent her flying twenty feet. Brett howled with rage. He ran forwards, climbed the eight-foot-tall reptiloid like a ladder, and used both hands to thrust his sword into Saturday's eye. She roared furiously. Dark blood ran down her face. She bucked her shoulders, and Brett went flying, leaving his sword protruding from her eye socket. He hit the floor rolling, and was quickly back on his feet. Saturday surged towards him. Brett drew a dagger from his boot and held his ground, standing between the reptiloid and the semiconscious Rose.

And then Saturday stopped abruptly, and looked back over her shoulder. Owen had hold of her by the tail. He yanked hard, and the reptiloid stumbled backwards, caught off balance. Her great wedge-shaped head swung round towards Owen, her mouth open, revealing teeth like knives. Owen let go of her tail, darted forwards and grabbed Saturday's head with both hands. He twisted sharply, and the sound of the reptiloid's neck breaking was very loud in the sudden quiet.

Saturday hit the steel floor with a crash, and lay there stretched out and shuddering. She looked up at Owen with her one remaining eye. Her breathing was slow and labored, and blood drooled out the side of her mouth.

"Thank you," she said indistinctly. "A warrior's death. An honorable end, for . . ."

"Shut the hell up," said Owen. He bent down and slammed his fist into the reptiloid's chest. The armor plating cracked and collapsed inwards. Owen thrust his hand deep into the abdomen, grabbed the heart and ripped it out. Saturday convulsed, and then was still. Owen looked at the still-beating heart in his hand, and crushed it. Purple meat and dark blood oozed from his closed fist. Owen threw the mess away, and looked around him. Brett was tending to Rose, who was sitting up and looking rather embarassed at being taken out so easily. The Shub robot approached Owen, and bowed low to him.

"You are indeed the true Deathstalker."

"Don't you start," said Owen. A thought occurred to him, and he fixed the robot with a thoughtful gaze. "Is that why you didn't join in the fight? Because you wanted to see if I still had it?"

The robot just looked at him with its blank face. There was a groan to his left, and Owen looked round to see Captain Silence rising awkwardly to his feet.

"I must be getting old," he said glumly. "They didn't use to be able to sneak up on me."

"You just made a dent in a steel wall with your head!" said Brett. "That blow would have killed anyone else!"

"I'm not supposed to be anyone else," said Silence.

Lewis came back, with a repaired but still somewhat fragile-looking Jesamine on his arm. She held her tattered dress front together to preserve her modesty, and smiled weakly at the others. Lewis nodded respectfully to the robot.

"That is one hell of a regeneration tank you've got there. I've never seen the process work so fast. But if you ever wait that long again to tell me something I need to know, I will dismantle you with a blunt spoon. Do you understand me, Shub?"

The robot bowed to him. "My apologies to you, Sir Deathstalker. And to the lady."

Jesamine looked at the dead and eviscerated reptiloid, sniffed loudly, and gave the body a weak but heartfelt kick. "I never liked you, you overgrown handbag. You tore off one of my tits, you cow! I'm still not sure the new one matches the other."

"I promise I'll check them both thoroughly later," Lewis said solemnly, and they both laughed.

Owen looked at Lewis and Jesamine together, and then at Rose and Brett, and a slow cold tiredness ran through him, as he recognized in them the love he'd never known himself. Hazel's missing. No one knows where she is. It's been two hundred years . . . Hazel's missing. No one knows where she is. It's been two hundred years . . . Owen met Silence's gaze, and they shared a moment of understanding. It's always hard to outlive the ones you love. Owen met Silence's gaze, and they shared a moment of understanding. It's always hard to outlive the ones you love. She can't be dead. I'd know if she was dead. She can't be dead. I'd know if she was dead.

To hell with all that, Owen thought abruptly. Owen thought abruptly. I've got work to do. I've got work to do.

He summoned up all his power, feeling it seethe and boil within him, and sent his mind soaring up and out. He rose up from the planet Haden, blasting through the atmosphere, shining like the sun. The fleet and the Shub ships were spread out before him, like so many clever toys. Owen concentrated, and suddenly he was standing on all the bridges on all the starcruisers in the Imperial fleet. Not a holo image, but the real man himself, present on a thousand ships simultaneously. All the captains knew who he was immediately. Owen's presence burned like a star, suffusing the whole bridge. Many of the crews cried out, and fell from their seats to kneel and bow to him. Owen looked at them accusingly, like a father disappointed in his children, and said, Stand down. Stand down.

And they did. All the captains on all the ships shut down their weapons systems, lowered their force shields, and canceled all invasion orders. Because this was Owen Deathstalker, returned in the hour of the Empire's greatest need, just as the legends always said he would. The captains rose from their command chairs, bent their knees and bowed their heads to him. Owen smiled on them.

Stand by.

He disappeared. Captain Price of the Havoc Havoc got to his feet again, and wondered vaguely why his cheeks were wet with happy tears. Admiral West was standing beside him, white-faced and trembling. She had not kneeled or bowed. She looked at Price. got to his feet again, and wondered vaguely why his cheeks were wet with happy tears. Admiral West was standing beside him, white-faced and trembling. She had not kneeled or bowed. She looked at Price.

"It's a trick. It has to be a trick. It couldn't be . . . him. Finn said . . . We have our orders! Order the invasion!"

"No," said Price. "It's over."

"They're monsters! All of them! We have to scorch the planet! Destroy them all!"

"No," said Captain Price.

The admiral looked round the bridge, and saw all the other faces turned against her. Some of the crew even looked at her pityingly. Admiral West lunged for the controls to start the scorch herself, and Captain Price shot her in the back of the head.

Down in the workings around the Madness Maze, Owen Deathstalker looked at the Shub robot, and his voice held all its old authority.

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