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Letter of April 7, 1952

He urges you to redouble your efforts during the coming year, to teach the youth this great Message of Baha'u'llah. It is indeed the one hope for the spiritual and material security of the world; and although the response may be slow at first, through your perseverance and devotion, you will gradually succeed in attracting a very large group to the Cause of Baha'u'llah.

April 7, 1952

Letter of January 27, 1957

He was also delighted to hear that the Message was given to such large crowds of people in a spot associated with the enlightenment of the Manifestation of God, Buddha. The Guardian attaches great importance to the conversion of Buddhists to the Faith as well as Hindus, and he urges your Assembly to do everything in your power to attract the members of these Faiths and convert them.

January 27, 1957

Letter of February 7, 1937

The Guardian is confident that the ceremony of your marriage will be conducted along strictly Baha'i lines and feels certain that your example will create a deep impression upon the non-believers, and will also serve to greatly encourage the believers in their efforts for the emancipation of the Cause from the doctrines and traditions of the past, and for its wide and effective recognition as an independent religion.

February 7, 1937

Letter of March 31, 1937

In this connection, the Guardian feels the necessity of bringing to your attention the fact that the validity of a Baha'i marriage is conditioned upon the consent of the two parties and their parents only. So that in case the other members of your family show any dislike or opposition to your sister's union ... their objection does under no circumstances invalidate it. Your parents' approval would be sufficient, even though all the rest of your family may violently oppose it.

March 31, 1937

Letter of March 27, 1938

1. In the passage "eschew all fellowship with the ungodly", Baha'u'llah means that we should shun the company of those who disbelieve in God and are wayward. The word "ungodly" is a reference to such perverse people.

The words "Be thou as a flame of fire to My enemies and a river of life eternal to My loved ones" should not be taken in their literal sense.

Baha'u'llah's advice is that again we should flee from the enemies of God, and instead seek the fellowship of His lovers.

2. A believer has the right to vote for himself during the election time, if he conscientiously feels the urge to do so. This does not necessarily imply that he is ambitious or selfish. For he might conscientiously believe that his qualifications entitle him to membership in a Baha'i administrative body, and he might be right. The essential, however, is that he should be sincere in his belief, and should act according to the dictates of his conscience. Moreover, membership in an assembly or committee is a form of service, and should not be looked upon as a mark of inherent superiority or a means for self-praise.

3. The Baha'i view of "reincarnation" is essentially different from the Hindu conception. The Baha'is believe in the return of the attributes and qualities, but maintain that the essence or the reality of things cannot be made to return. Every being keeps its own individuality, but some of his qualities can be transmitted. The doctrine of metempsychosis upheld by the Hindus is fallacious.

4. The eating of pork is not forbidden in the Baha'i Teachings.

5. Genesis XIX, 2938-the text makes it quite clear that Lot was not responsible for the action committed by his two daughters, as they gave him wine and made him drunk.

6. Electioneering and all forms of propaganda are against the spirit of Baha'i elections. The chief opportunity which the friends have for discussion on administrative questions is during the Nineteen Day Feasts, at which time the members of the assembly can meet with the body of the believers and discuss in common the affairs of the Cause, and suggest new policies and methods. But even then no reference to individuals should be made.

7. Baha'is are permitted to marry non-believers but they should insist on observing the Baha'i marriage ceremony and should also not object if their non-Baha'i partner wishes to observe the marriage ceremony of his or her particular religion. Civil marriage is generally practised amongst the Western believers, but in most of the East it is unknown.

March 27, 1938

Letter of October 29, 1938 to the meaning of the passage in the "Iqan" in which Baha'u'llah refers to the renewal of the "City of God" once in about a thousand years; this, as the word about implies, is simply an approximate date, and should not therefore be taken literally.

The Administrative Order of the Cause, though first established in America, copied as a model by other national Baha'i communities, is not an American production, but is a universal system based on the teachings of Baha'u'llah. It is not simply by coincidence however that it was first initiated and perfected by the American believers.

October 29, 1938

Letter of November 16, 1939

The task of bringing up a Baha'i child, as emphasized time and again in Baha'i Writings, is the chief responsibility of the mother, whose unique privilege is indeed to create in her home such conditions as would be most conducive to both his material and spiritual welfare and advancement. The training which the child first receives through his mother constitutes the strongest foundation for his future development...

November 16, 1939

Letter of April 27, 1946

The Baha'is all over the world are subject sometimes to suffering, along with their fellow-men. Whatever vicissitudes befall their country, they will be protected though, and watched over by Baha'u'llah, and should not fear the future but rather fear any failure on their part to carry out the work of His Cause. This applies to the Indian Baha'is.

April 27, 1946


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