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The Guardian was very happy to note the intensive manner in which your Assembly is taking hold of the very important matter of increasing the number of Baha'is, isolated Centers, Groups and particularly Assemblies in the territories under your jurisdiction, particularly those where National Assemblies are to be elected.

He feels every effort should be made to bring as many groups up to Assembly status during this critical year as possible. The Assemblies formed at Ridvan 1957, cannot take part in the election of the National Assemblies elected during that same Ridvan period; but they do make a much stronger base on which the National Assembly can be formed.

In other words, answering directly your question, the Guardian advises the practice prevalent now throughout the world that a local Assembly may not participate in the election of a National Assembly, until a year after its coming into being, must continue, and be applicable in the areas referred to by you.

September 11, 1956

Translation of Baha'i Books into Russian

With regard to the translations into the languages of the countries of the Russian Zones-the Guardian feels you should under no circumstances contact Universities in Russia. He feels this might create great difficulty for the Faith, particularly during these troublesome times.

If there are Universities in India, or Great Britain where the translations can be made, there is no objection to utilizing such sources, but no University or institution in Russia. Perhaps the British NSA can be helpful-or the Italo-Swiss NSA, as there are many Russian refugees in Switzerland.

November 12, 1956

Many Victories Won

He is quite distressed that some of the hard won goals have become virgin again. He requests that your Assembly study the matter carefully, to see if you cannot send pioneers into these areas that have fallen back. He is thinking particularly of Nepal, Bhutan, and Goa. Also, he is very anxious indeed that some assistance be given our lone pioneer in Tibet. That noble soul is holding the difficult post, without any aid, and the Guardian hopes you will be able to send a pioneer into that land to cooperate in establishing the Faith.

He assures you of his prayers in your behalf so you may quickly regain the lost ground in these virgin areas, and go forward to new victories.

The fact of the matter is, in some countries, they have been able to add new areas to the Crusade-in other words, they have established the Faith in areas, where the Faith has not existed, and which were not included in the Crusade.

In other areas, many other victories have been won, not contemplated in the Crusade. The Guardian has set up a new map, showing the supplementary goals won, so far,-outside the Crusade goals. It would be wonderful if India could add some objectives to this supplementary map.

December 27, 1956

Pioneering to Ceram

The Guardian feels it is most important the teaching work in the areas mentioned by Abdu'l-Baha in the Tablets of the Divine Plan, be carried forward with intensive activity....

It has been over 40 years since the Master wrote the Tablets of the Divine Plan, and only now has this center mentioned by him, been settled. Surely the Master will watch over his devoted servant who is labouring so diligently in this center, and guide and protect him; as well as to confirm his work.

January 19, 1957

Baha'i Literature in Native Tongues

He was very happy to receive these reports, which indicate that the work of translating is actively in hand. He feels this is a very important aspect of our teaching work, as it is impossible, or at least, most difficult to teach natives, without some of the literature being translated into their languages. Thus he hopes you will follow up the matter quite actively.

January 19, 1957

Pioneers in Sikkim

The beloved Guardian has directed me to write you concerning the wonderful news that he has received of the fact that there are now ten Baha'is in Sikkim.

The pioneers there have been very successful and have been able to win souls to the Cause of God. This is a distinct victory for the Faith, and all are to be congratulated. The Guardian wishes them to know how much he values their services.

The most difficult goals, and the most arduous duties win the greatest spiritual rewards. Thus, he hopes that the friends in Sikkim, who naturally are looking forward to their Spiritual Assembly this coming Ridvan, will realise how great would be their reward, if they were able now to reinforce the work in Tibet. There is only one pioneer there, and perhaps some of the new Baha'is could enter Tibet to assist in the work there. Great would be their reward if they could do so.

Should others be able to go to Nepal and Bhutan, that would be most helpful. In other words, the Guardian feels that more important than an Assembly in Sikkim, would be the reinforcing of the pioneers and teaching work, first in Tibet, and then in Bhutan and Nepal.

January 26, 1957

Pioneers to be Sent to Maldive Islands

The beloved Guardian has directed me to write to your Assembly with regard to the Maldive Islands.

He attaches great importance to these Islands, and hopes they can be settled by one or more pioneers at an early date. The Light of Divine Guidance should shine in that area, and if one of the friends will arise to pioneer there, he is sure they will win many signal victories for the Cause of God.

February 17, 1957

Historic and Heart-Stirring

The beloved Guardian has been very pleased with the teaching work which has been done in the Virgin Areas of the Ten-Year Crusade. Indeed, all the pioneers have rendered historic and heart-stirring service to the Cause of God. Now, the banner of the Faith is firmly established over the entire face of the Globe. Blessed and happy is everyone who has been able to join in this, the Greatest Spiritual Crusade of all times.

March 6, 1957

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