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Also with regard to the practice of circumcision; the Teachings bear no reference to this matter, and it is therefore not enjoined upon the believers.

Training of Children

The question of the training and education of children in case one of the parents is a non-Baha'i is one which solely concerns the parents themselves, who should decide about it the way they find best and most conducive to the maintenance of the unity of their family, and to the future welfare of their children. Once the child comes of age, however, he should be given full freedom to choose his religion, irrespective of the wishes and desires of his parents. Membership of the International House of Justice

As regards the membership of the International House of Justice, Abdu'l-Baha states in a Tablet that it is confined to men, and that the wisdom of it will be revealed as manifest as the sun in the future. In any case the believers should know that, as Abdu'l-Baha Himself has explicitly stated that sexes are equal except in some cases, the exclusion of women from the International House of Justice, should not be surprising. From the fact that there is no equality of functions between the sexes one should not, however, infer that either sex is inherently superior or inferior to the other, or that they are unequal in their rights.

Appearance of two Davids

Concerning the appearance of two Davids; there is a Tablet from Abdu'l-Baha in which He says that just as there have been two Ishmaels, one the son of Abraham, and the other one of the Prophets of Israel, there have appeared two Davids, one the author of the Psalms and father of Solomon, and the other before Moses.

Importance of the Teaching Campaign

The Guardian wishes me once again to stress the all-importance of the teaching campaign throughout India and Burma. Much as he is aware of the obstacles that stand in the way of the expansion of pioneer teaching-obstacles which your sister Assembly in the U.S.A. are far in a better position to overcome, owing to the larger resources at their disposal and to their longer and wider experience in matters of teaching-he nevertheless strongly feels that, through the united, determined and passionate resolve of your N.S.A., of all the local Assemblies, groups and individuals, much can be accomplished in that direction, and firm foundations laid down for future expansion and consolidation. The greater your handicaps the firmer your determination should wax, and the more abundant will assuredly be the blessings and confirmations of Baha'u'llah. May His love and guidance lead you and our dearly-beloved friends in that land to still greater heights of selfless accomplishment in His path, and thereby crown with success the Six-Year Plan so ably devised and so energetically pursued by the N.S.A.

[From the Guardian:]

I wish to reassure you in person of my fervent and continued prayers for the protection, the success and the spiritual advancement of the community of the Indian and Burmese believers who, under your direction, and stimulated by the initiative and example, of their national elected representatives, are arising, in these days of widespread confusion, turmoil and danger, to carry out the Plan they are pledged to fulfil. No sacrifice can be regarded as too great for the attainment of so great and splendid an objective. They should persevere in their task, undaunted by the rising tide of calamity and despair which afflicts the world, and which is mysteriously paving the way for its unification and ultimate redemption. May the Beloved guide every step you take, and bless every endeavour you exert in His path.

December 14, 1940

Greatest Need of the Hour

Whenever the Guardian receives news of the spread of the Cause it brings him fresh hope and helps to lighten his heavy burden. This is the greatest need of the present hour in India; more teachers in new fields! His prayers are always being offered for the advancement of this all-important work and the fulfilment of the Six-Year Teaching Plan.

April 19, 1941

Priceless Days

He was very happy to note the spirit of true and profound dedication to their holy task of spreading the Faith in India and Burma which the members of the N.S.A. manifest, and he feels sure that, if they exert the utmost effort, they will, through the confirmations of Baha'u'llah, succeed in fulfilling what is required of them under the Six-Year Plan.

He regrets very much that circumstances have prevented any active furtherance of the teaching work during the past Baha'i year. Because of this the Guardian felt impelled, after reading your Assembly's letter, to transmit by cable the sum of two hundred pounds sterling to be set aside by your Assembly as the nucleus of a special fund to be established for the specific purpose of furthering the all-India teaching campaign of the Six-Year Plan. He trusts that this will stimulate the body of Indian and Burmese Baha'is to also contribute to this fund generously and by providing the necessary means to enable them to speedily fulfil the task they have vowed to carry out.

Concerning the methods to be adopted for the realization of your urgent task, Shoghi Effendi approves of the suggestion that some business firms open branches in new districts and thus provide Baha'i settlement by this means. However, he feels that this will not be enough, and that all the Spiritual Assemblies, as well as each individual believer, should rally to this great opportunity which, indeed, may not again be presented to them, of spreading the Faith through the length and breadth of India while they are still in a position to do so. The world is day by day becoming increasingly involved in this cataclysmic struggle, but so far the Baha'is of India, Australia, New Zealand and the American continents have not felt either the dangers or the restrictions imposed on less fortunate communities which find themselves either over-run and temporarily eclipsed, or in the actual theatre of war. Therefore the believers of India should not allow these truly priceless days to slip by without exerting themselves to the utmost and sacrificing comfort, home, and money, to the great duty of giving the Divine Message to the people of their vast country.

Smallness of numbers, lack of skilled teachers, and modesty of means should not discourage or deter them. They must remember the glorious history of the Cause, which, both in East and West, was established by dedicated souls who, for the most part, were neither rich, famous, nor well educated, but whose devotion, zeal and self-sacrifice overcame every obstacle and won miraculous victories for the Faith of God. Such spiritual victories can now be won for India and Burma by the friends. Let them dedicate themselves-young and old, men and women alike-and go forth and settle in new districts, travel, and teach in spite of lack of experience, and be assured that Baha'u'llah has promised to aid all those who arise in His Name. His strength will sustain them; their own weakness is unimportant.

Refrain from Imposing New Rules

In reading your annual Convention report the Guardian has noted the request made that the N.S.A. should lay down certain rules of procedure.

He has already informed the American N.S.A. that they should henceforth refrain from laying down any further rules and regulations, as these would tend to rigidify the affairs of the Cause and ultimately obscure its spirit and retard its growth. He feels that your Assembly should exercise the same care, and avoid introducing any rules of procedure not already in existence. Every case coming before the Assembly should be judged on its own merits, and be decided individually without any recourse to new rulings.

The Guardian will constantly pray for the success of all your undertakings, as well as for the welfare and progress of all the dear believers in India and Burma. Particularly will he remember in his prayers the members of the National Assembly who are called upon to direct, coordinate, and carry out the Indian Baha'is' great and noble teaching enterprise. Prosecute Six-Year Plan With Unremitting Energy

[From the Guardian:]

The Six-Year Plan, which you have so nobly conceived and so enthusiastically initiated, must, during these crucial years, when the first century of the Baha'i Era is drawing to a close, be prosecuted with unremitting energy, and unshaken determination. The vastness of the field, the smallness of your numbers, the indifference of the masses, must neither discourage nor appal you. You should at all times fix your gaze on the promise of Baha'u'llah, put your whole trust in His creative Word, recall the past and manifold evidences of His all-encompassing and resistless power and arise to become worthy and exemplary recipients of His all-sustaining grace and blessings. I appeal to every Indian and Burmese believer, however modest his position, however limited his knowledge, however restricted his means, to rise to the height of this great opportunity which if missed will not recur again. To disperse, to settle, to teach by word and deed, to persevere and sacrifice are the requirements of the present hour. May the Almighty, Whose Cause you are labouring to advance, endow you and your fellow-workers with all the wisdom, the strength, and guidance that you need to acquit yourselves worthily of this task.

June 29, 1941

Shoghi Effendi was also very happy to hear from you that you consider the Faith is making substantial progress in India, due to the tireless and devoted efforts of our Baha'i brothers and sisters in that land. He would, however, urge the friends to follow the example of the American believers by sending out more pioneers to work in territories where there are no Baha'is. This is in accordance with the idea expressed by the beloved Master in the "Divine Plan" Tablets, and should be followed by all Baha'is.

The Guardian will pray for the success of the Summer School to be held in Surat. He is delighted that the Indian friends are so well organised and are, year by year, strengthening the administrative institutions of their Faith.

[From the Guardian:]

I am eagerly and hopefully awaiting to witness fresh evidences of the renewed determination of the believers throughout India and Burma, to carry aloft and into virgin territories the torch of Divine Guidance despite the dark clouds that threaten on the horizon. In these days of stress and peril, every effort expended, every victory achieved, every sacrifice made, will be rewarded a hundredfold. I will pray earnestly and continually that the friends may evince such zeal and perseverance as to ensure the complete success of the Six-Year Plan which they, of their own accord, have so splendidly initiated.

October 5, 1941

Every Obstacle Should Be Surmounted

He was very happy to receive so much good news of the progress of the Baha'i teaching work in India, as well as the success of the Summer School.

The fact that the friends of India, and also of Iran, are now finding themselves in a position where they can arise and teach the Cause far and wide, greatly cheers the Guardian's heart. He hopes that the Baha'is of India, in spite of the fact that the war is now so close to their native land, with all its attendant dangers and problems, will allow nothing to deter them in their prosecution of their Six-Year Teaching Plan for India and Burma.

Now is the time of true test and trial-the time when the friends must follow in the footsteps of the first Persian believers, who, heedless of comfort and even life itself, raised the Banner of Baha'u'llah's Faith aloft, for all the world to see and follow.

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