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CFT, I had similar thought, but when I did a quick search of ‘Changshu', I got nothing. OK, I changed it to Changshu Mou. Ysabel, Abhay, Jaya, Anh, Leng, HPC, you are welcome. DongBin, so far, they always fight together. I really want to see them, individually, able to take on anybody. Sky, you mean the Sect Leader of Yin Gui Pai? She was mentioned a couple of times, but no appearance yet. Just like Ning Daoqi, Bi Xuan, etc. Not sure if they will even make a cameo. Bocah, that's why I think women are very powerful … if they knew how to use it. Ycb, the original was ‘wheel', as in ‘taking turn like the wheel'. But you are right, I could not find a good English term, and wrestling was where it came from. Kowloon, see my response to CFT above.

OK, now Akolaw and Xu Xiong. Thanks for the lively discussion. You both have valid points, but I'd like to forget about Shi sisters (because that would happen in the future, and you know how I don't like spoilers), and ROCH (because this is not that story). So far, I always follow the pinyin spelling given by my dictionary, with the exception of ‘Ah'/'a' as in Ah Ke (Deer and Cauldron), because I believe in Chinese pronunciation, the ‘Ah' sound gets emphasized. That being said, unless there is a very strong compelling reason, I am going to keep the spelling as it is, with an explanation that in their names (Shi Qingxuan and Shi Feixuan), both the ‘shi' and ‘xuan' characters are not the same; i.e. the two women did not have any family relationship.

Kou Zhong came over to Xu Ziling's side. They both gazed on this otherworldly fairy-like peerless beauty.

Reaching out and putting his hand on Xu Ziling's shoulder, Kou Zhong whispered, "What's our chance of success?”

For an outsider, Kou Zhong seemed to blabber incoherently. But naturally Xu Ziling did not have that problem. "At least 80%,” he replied indifferently, "Whether it was Chang Shumou or Dan Mei, both wanted to lure us away, so that this most formidable direct disciple since the beginning of the history of Yin Gui Pai can carry out some kind of plot against us. And it may be assumed that this plot must involve some physical contact.”

His countenance changed, Kou Zhong rubbed his hands and said, "My hands seem to be okay!”

Knowing that Kou Zhong was simply ‘dressing up as God, playing the devil', Xu Ziling was unable to help laughing, "Go to your Niang!” he said, "If just by touching she can inflict damage, even Ning Daoqi, Bi Xuan and Fu Cailin, add to that the Zhaizhu [monastery master] of Ci Hang Jing Zhai, are no match for her. Ay! Too bad there's still 20% uncertainty; otherwise, Zhong Shao, right now you could get your saber and see if you could chop her alive.”

Kou Zhong sighed and said, "I definitely won't have a heart to do that. If she really is a Big Sister of Yin Gui, you can't but admire her. Just look at how touching she is. Looking down or looking across, she does not look like a goblin that kills or harms people. Yet the fact is that any man who came across her would, to some extent, suffer some pain because of her.”

Xu Ziling smiled wryly and said, "And the two of us are remarkably alike one of her victims.”

Leaning close to him, Kou Zhong spoke in the tiniest voice possible, "How about sending her back to Fang Zetao and tell him to take care and bid him farewell? That way, won't we escape from the abyss of suffering?”

Like waterfall Wanwan's beautiful hair cascaded down in all directions, lining her jade face vermillion lips, which, under the illumination of the moon, looked beautiful and alluring beyond human comprehension, that even a senior monk who has had painstaking cultivation for many years would be moved by her that he would be reluctant to leave this world.

Xu Ziling sneered and said, "Funny that you and he are still calling each other Xiong and Di [older and younger brother, respectively]. Supposing she is genuine goods at fair prices Yin Gui siren, it would be strange indeed if Fang Zetao would not suffer his city broken and the people perish. If a moment ago we did not lure Chang Shumou away, perhaps Fang Zetao would have been killed by him.”

Kou Zhong blew out a mouthful of cold air and said, "Are you saying that we ought to bring this hot potato along on our journey, and ascertain first whether she is a dragon or a snake before making decision whether we should hand her over to the infatuated Fang Zhuangzhu?”

Xu Ziling's eyes were gleaming with cold flashes as he stared hard at the beautiful Wanwan, who was lying on the ground, who, in her tight gauze clothing, revealed her incomparably graceful lines. His lips curled into a smile as he said, "This is a battle on an uncharted territory. As long as we are able to force her to show her true identity, we win the first battle.”

And then he broke into laughter and said, "Come on! Let us build another bed to carry this beauty along; let's see how long can she sleep?”

From the broken down mule cart the two boys tore off an eight-chi long and three-chi wide board, and then with utmost care they placed Wanwan on the board. Without even trying to secure her on the plank, they carried her just like that, one at the front the other at the rear, and went on their way promptly.

Although the path was rugged and uneven, and from time to time they had to jump high and crouch low, yet under their ingenious cooperation, the plank stayed level throughout, which gave them quite an enjoyment that they did not feel it was a burden at all.

Originally, after what Fang Zetao told them about Wanwan's background, their suspicion toward this sleeping beauty has been greatly reduced, but after Chang Shumou and Dan Mei appeared one after another, they suddenly felt that the opponent was trying to hide something, which made it more conspicuous. Plus for no apparent reason Xu Ziling had always had premonition, which was hard to dispel. Therefore, renewed suspicion started to grow in their hearts.

Not only Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling possessed superior ability and wisdom, they were also adept in marketplace and Jianghu's scamming and swindling tactics; coupled with imagination richer than average person's, they were able to come up with ideas that others would find it hard to achieve even in their dreams.

This moment the two boys were afraid to come across Fang Zetao and his men instead, and that was the reason why they were speeding along on the opposite direction. Only after rushing for more than ten li did they finally begin to slow down.

This moment the stars have disappeared from the night sky and the moon dimmed; it was the darkest hour just before dawn. They have come to the top of a small hill. Looking around as far as they could see, they saw there was a small village in the northwest but the grass and the trees have overgrown it. Apparently it has been abandoned by its inhabitants quite some time ago. Beyond the village was a range of hills.

Casting a glance toward the peerless beauty sleeping on the plank, Kou Zhong sighed and said, "The inhabitants of the village must have fled to Jingling to take refuge. There seemed to be a path behind the village cutting through the mountains, perhaps it's a shortcut to Jingling.”

Xu Ziling looked up to the sky; he saw dark clouds gathered on the northeaster horizon. Nodding his head, he said, "Looks like heavy rain is coming this way. We do not have any problem, but I am not sure if this Miss Wanwan will have some problems. Let us seek shelter from the rain first, and then think about what we are going to do next.”

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, "No matter how much we think, we won't find anything. The most formidable thing about her is she is unfathomable. Just to guard against her suddenly making her move to injure others, we have to take the trouble and spend a lot of energy. Resting seemed to be a very good idea.”

Once they made up their mind, the two boys lifted Wanwan up and rushed toward the small village.

Noticing that the surrounding area has been left to return to unchecked growth, Kou Zhong recalled the abandoned village where they encountered Zhai Rang and Li Mi. He said to Xu Ziling, who was carrying the plank backhandedly at the front, "Do you remember the village where Li Mi plotted against Zhai Rang? That time we plainly saw someone setting fire in the village, but when we got there, not even half a ghost was to be seen. Later on whoever that was, he never showed up. Who on earth was he?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Xu Ziling replied, "Only ghosts know! Why did you suddenly bring up the past? I nearly forget!”

Kou Zhong shook his head, "I am not sure,” he replied, "Perhaps because seeing this creepy-looking village has brought back old memories? Ay! War truly inflicts a lot of suffering. Just imagine how peaceful, tranquil and leisurely this small village was, everybody lived in peace and worked happily, chicken clucking and dogs barking, but look at how dilapidated this place is now.”

Xu Ziling sighed with him; momentarily nobody spoke a word. In that moment the picture in their mind was transformed into the scenery of the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality.

Soon the first streak of dawn appeared on the eastern horizon, but because the dark clouds were still covering the sky, it was even darker than before.

Suddenly a lightning flashed, followed by the rumble of a thunder, and then bean-sized raindrops started to fall, sparse at first, but soon became thick, and in the blink of an eye became a downpour. They had just passed through the decorated archway at the mouth of the village, hastily they bolted toward the closest house.

The building was dilapidated, the paint peeled off, the door opened as soon as they push it.

This house was separated into three parts, the front, the middle and the rear, with two courtyards connecting them. The house was fully furnished; although everything was simple and unadorned, it was by no means broken, it's just that everything was covered in cobweb; a totally bleak sight to behold.

After setting the plank, with the beauty Wanwan still on it, on the floor, Kou Zhong took it on himself to close the door, while Xu Ziling went to open the window a little bit, to let fresh air in and stale air out.


The two boys turned around at once.

The mysterious beauty Wanwan still looked like she was in eternal slumber, but her face already had a little bit of color, making her looked even more tender and beautiful and alluring.

Seeing Xu Ziling was walking toward her, Kou Zhong jumped and pulled him back; he said in a low voice, "Don't touch her!”

Xu Ziling knitted his brows and said, "Whatever happens, we still have to try! Whether someone sealed her acupoints, or she is playing ghost on her own, it is still a difficult problem and a challenge in the study of martial art. If we can unravel it, we will certainly be able to learn something that we previously did not know.”

Sucking in a mouthful of cold air, Kou Zhong said, "If by thousand ways, a hundred plans she did that precisely to entice us to do just that, wouldn't that mean we fall right into her hands?”

Pulling Kou Zhong aside, Xu Ziling said in a low voice, "Just treat this as another battle! If not, how are we going to settle this matter?”

Kou Zhong finally agreed. "I have a great idea,” he said, "You alone will touch her body, I will transmit my internal qi into your body, while taking the responsibility of simultaneously monitoring your and her condition. This way, if there is something wrong, we won't suffer an ‘all-army being routed' situation.”

"Very well!” Xu Ziling replied.

The two boys came over to her side and exchanged glances.

Xu Ziling propped her up. He felt her hands were soft, tender but supple, and could not help his heart from being swept away. Frightened, he hastily put this thought away, and calmed his mind down.

Sitting cross-legged behind her, he put one palm at the middle of her back, and used the other hand to support the back of her small head with her face looking up.

Kou Zhong also sat cross-legged behind him; his eyes looked down on his nose, his nose looking down on his heart, both palms pressed onto Xu Ziling's tiger-back.

After discharging all distracting thoughts from his heart, Xu Ziling asked softly, "Are you ready?”

"Do it now!” Kou Zhong replied heavily.

Focusing his mind and spirit, Xu Ziling slowly injected a stream of warm Yang true qi into the channel on her spine.

Right this moment, the sound of hoof beats was heard from a far, but it was getting near.

Unexpectedly, in this extremely critical moment, Wanwan's tender body started to shake.

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