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_-fic-[=a]re_, for _fac-[)e]re_, to make.]

-HEAD, -HOOD, noun suffix, denoting state, nature, as God_head_, man_hood_, likeli_hood_, hardi_hood_. Note that liveli_hood_ was in A.S.

_liflad_=_lif_, life + _lad_, way; the second part ceased to be understood, and thus _-lihood_ took its place. [From A.S. _had_, Ger. _-heit_, state; changed into Hood.]

-I, pl. suffix of nouns in _-us_, as in literat_i_ [L. _-i_; conn. with Ger. _-ai_, _-oi_]; also pl. suffix of nouns borrowed from It., as banditti [It.--L.].

-IAN, adj. suffix, as Arab_ian_, Christ_ian_. See -an. [L. _-ianus_; Fr.


-IBLE, adj. suffix, as poss_ible_, flex_ible_. [From L. _-ibilis_, another form of _-abilis_. See _-able_.]

-IC, adj. suffix, of or belonging to, as gigant_ic_, publ_ic_, volta_ic_.

Also largely used as noun suffix, as fabr_ic_. [L. _-icus_, _-ica_, _-icum_, Gr. _-ikos_; Fr. _-ic_, _-igne_.]

-ICAL, adj. suffix, belonging to, as cub_ical_, whims_ical_. [_-ic_ and _-al_.]

-ICE, noun suffix, as chal_ice_ [Fr.--L. _-ex_, _-icis_]; nov_ice_ [Fr.--L.

_-icius_]. [See another -ice under -ess, -ice, -ise.]

-ICISM. See -ism.

-ICS, lit. things that belong to a science, as mathemat_ics_. [In imitation of Gr. _-ika_, neuter pl. of adjs. in _-ikos_. See -ic.]

-ID, noun suffix, as Nere_id_; also used in coining chemical words, as chlor_ide_, ox_ide_, brom_ide_ [L. _-id_-, Gr. _-id_-, Fr. _-ide_]. Also adj. suffix, as tep_id_, ac_id_, morb_id_ [L. _-idus_].

-IE, -Y, dim., as lass_ie_. [From _-ick_, a weakened form of -ock.]

-IER, noun suffix, one who, as caval_ier_, cloth_ier_, braz_ier_, hos_ier_.

[Fr. _-ier_; usually appears in form -eer.]

-IFF. See -ive.

-IL, -ILE, able, as civ_il_, duct_ile_. [L. _-[)i]lis_, from verbal roots, _-[=i]lis_, from noun-stems; to be distinguished from -ile (below). See -able.]

-ILE, belonging to, as Gent_ile_. [L. _-ilis_.]

-IM, pl. suffix, as cherub_im_. [Heb. _im_.]

-INA, fem. suffix, as czar_ina_. [See _-en_, fem.]

-INE, fem. suffix, as hero_ine_. [See _-en_, fem.]

-INE, -IN, noun suffix, as rav_ine_, medic_ine_, cous_in_; much used in chemical compounds, as iod_ine_, glycer_ine_, brom_ine_. Also adj. suffix, as adamant_ine_, div_ine_. [L. _-inus_, _-ina_; Fr. _-in_.]

-ING, suffix of present participles (often used as adjectives), as lov_ing_, charm_ing_. [Corr. of A.S. _-ende_, which, as also _-ande_, it replaced. See -nd, also -ant, -ent.]

-ING, noun suffix, forming nouns of action from verbs, as liv_ing_, dwell_ing_; these often acquire a concrete sense, as learn_ing_. [A.S.

_-ung_, _-ing_; Ger. _-ung_.]

-ING, representing Teut. _ingoz_ (masc.), with several functions--(1) _-ing_ (A.S. _-ing_), patronymic _aeeling_ (the son of a noble), _cyning_ (lit. 'son of a king,' _cyne_ = king), _Elising_ (the son of Elisa). This suffix is preserved in proper names, as Hard_ing_, Mann_ing_; esp. in place-names, as Bill_ing_sgate, Read_ing_. (2) -ING is also found in names of animals, as in herr_ing_, whit_ing_. (3) -ING in names of coins has also a sense of diminution, as in farth_ing_ (the fourth part, viz., of a penny), shill_ing_.

-ION, -SION, -TION, -SON, -SOM, being, state of being, as opin_ion_, rebell_ion_, relig_ion_, ten_sion_, poi_son_, ran_som_, rea_son_, sea_son_, crea_tion_. [L. _-io_, _-tio_, _-sio_; Fr. _-ion_, _-sion_, _-tion_.]

-IOR, more, term. of comp. degree, as super_ior_. [L. _-ior_. See -er, more.]

-IQUE, belonging to, as ant_ique_. [Fr.--L. _-iquus_; conn. with _-ic_, L.

_-icus_. See -ac.]

-ISE, -IZE, verbal suffix, signifying to make; as equal_ise_. [L.

_-iz[=a]re_, from Gr. _-izein_; Fr. _-iser_.]

-ISE, noun suffix. See -ice.

-ISH, adj. suffix, ethnic, as Ir_ish_; signifying somewhat, as brown_ish_, old_ish_; sometimes implying depreciation, as outland_ish_, child_ish_.

[A.S. _-isc_.]

-ISH, verbal suffix, signifying to make, as establ_ish_. [From Fr. pr.p.

suffix _-iss-ant_; chiefly used in words from the Fr. The Fr. _-iss_- is from L. _-esc_-, inceptive.]

-ISK, dim., as aster_isk_. [Gr. _-iskos_; conn. with _-ish_, little. See -ock.]

-ISM, -ASM, -ICISM, forming abstract nouns sig. condition, system, as ego_ism_, de_ism_, Calvin_ism_, lacon_ism_, pleon_asm_; Angl_icism_, wittic_ism_. [L. _-ismus_, _-asmus_--Gr. _-ismos_, _-asmos_.]

-IST, denoting the person who holds a doctrine or practises an art, as Calvin_ist_, chem_ist_, novel_ist_, art_ist_, royal_ist_, nihil_ist_. [L.

_-ista_--Gr. _-ist[=e]s_.]

-ITE, -IT, noun suffix, born in, belonging to, as Israel_ite_, Jesu_it_.

[L. _-ita_--Gr. _-it[=e]s_.]

-ITUDE, noun suffix, as fort_itude_, mult_itude_. [L. _-itudo_.]

-IVE (-IFF), forming nouns, orig. an adjectival suffix, as bail_iff,_ capt_ive_, nat_ive_, plaint_iff_; forming adjectives (L. _-ivus_), as act_ive_, extens_ive_, furt_ive_.

-IX, fem. suffix, as testatr_ix_. [L. _-ix_, _-icis_. Conn. with _-ess_, fem. suffix.]

-IZE, to make, same as -ise.

-K, a verbal suffix, freq. or intens., as har_k_, lur_k_, tal_k_, wal_k_.

-KIN, dim., as bump_kin_, fir_kin_, lamb_kin_, manni_kin_, nap_kin_; also in proper names, as Jen_kins_ (_John_), Per_kins_ (_Peterkin_), Wil_kins_ (_William_). [A.S. _-cen_--very rare, the currency of the suffix being due to words adopted from Dutch or Low German; Ger. _-chen_.]

-KIND, noun suffix, kind, race, as man_kind_, woman_kind_. [See -kin above.]

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