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AN- (A.S.), against, in return, as _an_swer. See A- (A.S.) (2), above.

[A.S. _and-_, Ger. _ant-_, Goth. _and-_.]

AN-, A-, AM- (Gr.), not, without, as _an_archy, _a_tom, _am_brosia. [Gr.; cog. with Sans. _an-_, _a-_, L. _in-_, Eng. _un-_, _in-_, not.]

AN- (Fr. _en_--L. _in_), as in anoint. See In- (2).

AN-, as in _an_cestor; see Ante- (below).

AN-. See Ad-.

ANA-, AN- (Gr.), up, back, as _ana_lyse, _ana_tomy, _an_eurism. [Cog. with Goth. _ana_, Eng. _on_.]

ANTE-, ANTI-, ANCI-, AN- (L.), before, as _ante_cedent, _anti_cipate, _anc_ient, _anc_estor (for L. _antecessor_). [L. _ante_, old form _anti_; conn. with _anti-_; Fr. _anci-_, _an-_.]

ANTI- (Gr.), opposite to, against, as _anti_pathy, _anti_podes; as ANT- in _ant_agonist, and ANTH- in _anth_em. [Gr.; conn. with L. _ante-_, Sans.

_anti-_, facing, Ger. _ant-_ in _Ant_wort, Eng. _an-_ (for _and-_) in _answer_ (see Dict.). Cf. _A-_ (A.S.) (2), above.]

AP-. See Ad-.

APO- (Gr.), off, from, away, as APOstle; as APH- in _aph_elion, _aph_aeresis. [Cog. with L. _ab-_.]

AR-. See Ad-.

ARCH-, ARCHI-, ARCHE- (Gr.), first, chief, as _arch_bishop, _archi_tect, _arche_type.

AS-. See Ad-.

AT-. See Ad-.

AT- (Eng.), denoting nearness, as _at_one; against, as _t_wit (A.S.

_aet-witan_, to blame). [A.S. _aet_.]

AUTO-, AUTH- (Gr.), self, as _auto_crat, _auto_graph, _auto_psy, _auth_entic.

AV-. See Ab-.

BE- (A.S.), the most fertile of all English prefixes, is the weak form of _by_. The original meaning was '_about_.' (1) It forms derivative verbs, with the sense of 'around,' 'on all sides,' 'in all directions,' as _be_blear=to blear all over, _be_girdle, _be_jumble, _be_paste, _be_smudge; (2) it forms intensive verbs, with the sense of 'thoroughly,' 'soundly,' as _be_breech=to breech soundly, _be_daub, _be_welcome; (3) it renders intransitive verbs transitive by adding a prepositional relation, as _be_chatter=to environ with chattering, _be_gaze=to gaze at, _be_smile=to smile at, _be_speak; (4) it forms transitive verbs of adjectives and substantives, as _be_foul=to affect with foulness, _be_dim=to make dim, _be_dew=to cover with dew, _be_friend.

BIS-, BI-, BIN- (L.), twice, double, as _bis_cuit, _bi_ennial, _bin_ocular; as BA- in balance. [Corr. of _duis_, ablative of _duo_, two.]

CATA-, CATH-, CAT- (Gr.), down, downwards, according to, thoroughly, as _cata_ract, _cath_olic, _cat_echism. [Gr. _kata_.]

CIRCUM-, CIRCU- (L.), round about, as _circum_scribe, _circu_it. [Properly accusative of _circus_, a circle. See Circle in Dict.]

CIS- (L.), on this side, as _cis_alpine.

COM-, CON-, CO- (L.), together, with, as _con_nect, _co_here, _col_lect, _cor_rect, _coun_cil. In _cur_ry, this prefix has been attached to O. Fr.

_roi_, order; often intensive, as _com_motion; _co-_admire, _co-_enjoy, _co-_actor, _co-_believer. [_Com-_ is the old form of L. _cum_, with; cog.

with Gr. _syn_, Sans. _sam_. The root, originally signifying 'one,' is seen in L. _sim-ul_, together, Gr. _ham-a_, together, Eng. _sim_ple (which see in Dict.).]

CONTRA-, CONTRO-, CONTR-, COUNTER- (L.), against, as _contra_dict, _contro_vert, _contr_alto, _counter_act. [L. _contra_ (whence Fr.

_contre_), from _Con-_, and -_tra_, from root _tar_, to cross, seen also in _trans_.]

DE- (L., or Fr.--L.), down, from, away, occurs in words derived either directly from L., as _de_duce; or through the Fr. from L., in which case DE-, DI-, represents either (1) O. Fr. _des-_ from L. _dis-_, asunder, not, as in _de_feat (O. Fr. _des-_fait), or (2) Fr.--L. _de-_, as _de_scribe [lit. 'write _down_'], decompose. This prefix DE- is negative and oppositive in _destroy_, _desuetude_, _deform_, or intensive in _declare_, _desolate_, _desiccate_.

DEMI- (Fr.--L.), half, as _demi_god, _demi_quaver. [Fr. _demi_--L.

_dimidium_, half.]

DI- (Gr.), double, as _di_lemma, _di_alogue.

DIA- (Gr.), through, as _dia_meter; shortened to DI- in _di_aeresis, and appearing as DE-, DEA-, in _de_vil, _dea_con. [Gr. _dia_, from _dyo_, two.]

DIF-. See Dis-.

DIS- (Gr.), two, twice, as _dis_syllable, _di_cotyledonous. [From _duis_, from root of _two_.]

DIS-, DI- (L.; in O. Fr. DES-), in two, asunder, as _dis_part, _dif_fer, _dis_perse; negative, as _dis_relish; privative, as _dis_lodge. Thus variously DI-, DIF-, DIS-, DES-, DE-, and even S-, as in _s_pend. [_Dis_ for _duis_, from L. _duo_, Gr. _dyo_, Sans. _dvi_, Goth. and Eng. _two_.]

DYS- (Gr.), ill, difficult, as _dys_entery, _dys_pepsy. [Cog. with Sans.

_dus_, Goth. _tus_, Ger. _zer-_, A.S. _to-_, Eng. _two_.]

E-. See Ex-.

E-=A.S. _ge-_, in enough (A.S. _genoh_, Ger. _genug_).

E-, as in _e_lope. See A- (A.S.) (2), and also An- (A.S.).

E-, a purely phonetic addition, of French origin, as in _e_squire, _e_state, _e_schew, _e_special, _e_scutcheon.

EC- or EX- (Gr.), out of, from, as _ec_stasy, _ex_odus; also as EL- in _el_lipse. [Gr. _ex_, cog. with L. _ex_, out.]

EDD-, in _eddy_. [A.S. _ed-_, back.]

EF-. See Ex-.

EL-, in _el_lipse, &c. See Ec- or Ex-.

EMB-, in _emb_er days. [A.S. _ymb-_ryne, a circuit.]

EN- (Gr.), in, on, as _en_ergy, _en_demic, emphasis--sometimes extended to ENDO-, within, as _endo_gen.

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