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VAGUS, v[=a]'gus, _n._ the tenth cranial nerve or wandering nerve, the longest and most widely extended of the nerves of the brain:--_pl._ V[=A]'G[=I].

VAIDIC, v[=a]'dik, _adj._ Same as VEDIC.

VAIL, v[=a]l. Same as VEIL.

VAIL, v[=a]l, _v.t._ to let fall.--_v.i._ to yield: to drop, move down.--_n._ (_Shak._) submission, decline.--_n._ VAIL'ER. [Contr. from _avale_; cf. _Avalanche_.]

VAIL, v[=a]l', _v.i._ (_poet._) to profit, VAILS, money given to servants by a visitor--also VALES. [Contr. from _avail_.]

VAIN, v[=a]n, _adj._ unsatisfying: fruitless: unreal: silly: conceited: showy: (_B._) vacant, worthless.--_adv._ VAIN'LY.--_ns._ VAIN'NESS, fruitlessness: (_Shak._) empty pride, folly; VAN'ITY, worthlessness, futility: empty pride or ostentation: ambitious display: idle show: empty pleasure: fruitless desire, a trifle: (_Shak._) a personified vice in the old moralities and puppet-shows: (_B._) a heathen deity.--VANITY FAIR, the world as the scene of vanity or empty folly, the world of fashion, so named from the fair described in Bunyan's _Pilgrim's Progress_.--IN VAIN, FOR VAIN (_Shak._), ineffectually: to no end: with levity or profanity.

[Fr.,--L. _vanus_, empty.]

VAINGLORY, v[=a]n-gl[=o]'ri, _n._ vain or empty glory in one's own performances: pride above desert.--_v.i._ to boast vainly.--_adj._ VAINGL[=O]'RIOUS, given to vainglory: proceeding from vanity.--_adv._ VAINGL[=O]'RIOUSLY.--_n._ VAINGL[=O]'RIOUSNESS.

VAIR, v[=a]r, _n._ (_her._) a kind of fur, the skin of the squirrel, bluish-gray on the back and white on the belly, represented by blue and white shields or bells in horizontal rows.--_adjs._ VAIRe, VAIRY (v[=a]'ri), charged or variegated with vair. [O. Fr.,--L. _varius_, variegated.]

VAISHNAVA, v[=i]sh'na-va, _n._ a worshipper of _Vishnu_, the Vaishnavas forming one of the great sects of Brahmanism. [Sans.,--_Vishnu_, Vishnu.]

VAISYA, v[=i]s'ya, _n._ a member of the third caste among the Hindus.

[Sans. _vaicya_--_vic_, settler.]


VAKASS, va-kas', _n._ a semicircular eucharistic vestment in Armenian use--also called _Ephod_.

VAKE, v[=a]k, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to be vacant.

VAKEEL, VAKIL, va-k[=e]l', _n._ a native attorney or agent in the East Indies. [Hind.,--Ar. _vak[=i]l_.]

VALANCE, val'ans, _n._ hanging drapery for a bed, &c.--also VAL'ENCE.--_v.t._ to decorate with such. [From _Valence_--L. _Valentia_, in France.]


VALE, v[=a]l, _n._ a tract of low ground, esp. between hills: a valley.

[Fr. _val_--L. _vallis_, a vale.]

VALEDICTION, val-[=e]-dik'shun, _n._ a farewell.--_adj._ VALEDIC'TORY, saying farewell: farewell: taking leave.--_n._ a farewell oration spoken at American graduations by the graduating person of highest rank, often called the VALEDICT[=O]'RIAN. [L. _valedic[)e]re_, _-dictum_--_vale_, farewell, _dic[)e]re_, to say.]

VALENCE, v[=a]'lens, _n._ (_chem._) the combining power of an element, or the proportion in which it forms a combination with another.--Also V[=A]'LENCY. [From L. _val[=e]re_, to be strong.]

VALENCIENNES, va-long-si-enz', _n._ a kind of lace made at _Valenciennes_ in France.

VALENTINE, val'en-t[=i]n, _n._ a lover or sweetheart chosen on St Valentine's Day, 14th February: a love-letter or other amatory print sent on that day. [O. Fr. _valentin_, a young person betrothed on the first Sunday in Lent, perh. from a form _valant_, equiv. to _galant_, gallant, but commonly identified with the name of St _Valentine_, on whose day the choice of valentines came to be made, because birds on that day were supposed to choose their mates.]

VALENTINIAN, val-en-tin'i-an, _n._ one of a Gnostic sect founded by _Valentinus_ (died c. 160 A.D.).--_adj._ belonging to the foregoing.--_n._ VALENTIN'IANISM.

VALERIAN, va-l[=e]'ri-an, _n._ the plant all-heal, the root of which is used in medicine.--_adj._ VAL'ERIC, pertaining to or obtained from the root of valerian. [O. Fr.,--L. _val[=e]re_, to be strong.]

VALET, val'et, or val'[=a], _n._ a man-servant, esp. one who attends on a gentleman's person.--_v.t._ to act as valet to.--_n._ VALET DE PLACE, in France, one who offers his services as guide, messenger, &c. for hire, esp.

to strangers. [O. Fr.,--_vaslet_, later also _varlet_--Low L.

_vassalettus_, dim. of _vassalis_, a vassal.]

VALETUDINARIAN, val-[=e]-t[=u]-di-n[=a]'ri-an, _adj._ pertaining to ill-health: sickly: weak--also VALET[=U]'DINARY.--_n._ a person of weak health.--_ns._ VALET[=U]'DINARINESS, VALET[=U]DIN[=A]'RIANISM, the condition of a valetudinarian: weak health; VALETUDIN[=A]'RIUM, an ancient Roman hospital. [L. _valetudinarius_--_valetudo_, state of health--_val[=e]re_, to be strong.]

VALGUS, val'gus, _n._ a bow-legged man: a form of club-foot--_talipes valgus_:--_pl._ VAL'GI (-j[=i]). [L.]

VALHALLA, val-hal'la, _n._ (_Scand. myth._) the palace of immortality for the souls of heroes slain in battle: an edifice forming the final resting-place of the heroes of a nation. [Ice. _valholl_, 'the hall of the slain'--_valr_, the slain, conn. with A.S. _wael_, slaughter, Ice. _holl_, hall.]

VALIANT, val'yant, _adj._ strong: brave: intrepid in danger: heroic.--_n._ (_obs._) a valiant person.--_ns._ VAL'IANCE, VAL'IANCY.--_adv._ VAL'IANTLY, bravely.--_n._ VAL'IANTNESS, courage. [Fr. _vaillant_--L. _valens_, _valentis_, pr.p. of _val[=e]re_, to be strong.]

VALID, val'id, _adj._ strong: having sufficient strength or force: founded in truth: sound: conclusive: (_law_) executed with the proper formalities: legal: rightful.--_v.t._ VAL'IDATE, to confirm, give legal force to: test the validity of.--_ns._ VALID[=A]'TION; VALID'ITY.--_adv._ VAL'IDLY.--_n._ VAL'IDNESS. [Fr.,--L. _validus_--_val[=e]re_, to be strong.]

VALISE, va-l[=e]s', _n._ a travelling bag, generally of leather, opening at the side: a portmanteau. [Fr.,--L. _valise_ (It. _valigia_, Sp. _balija_), orig. unknown.]

VALKYR, val'kir, _n._ (_Scand. myth._) one of the nine handmaidens of Odin, serving at the banquet of Valhalla--also VALKYR'IA, WAL'KYR.--_adjs._ VALKYR'IAN, WALKYR'IAN. [Ice. _valkyrja_--_valr_, the slain, _kyrja_--_kjosa_, to choose. Ger. _Walkure_.]

VALLAR, val'ar, _adj._ pertaining to a rampart.--Also VALL'ARY. [L.


VALLATE, val'[=a]t, _adj._ cup-shaped: circumvallate.--Also VALL'ATED.

VALLECULA, va-lek'[=u]-la, _n._ a groove or furrow.--_adjs._ VALLEC'ULAR, VALLEC'ULATE.

VALLEY, val'i, _n._ a vale or low land between hills or mountains: a low, extended plain, usually watered by a river:--_pl._ VALL'EYS. [O. Fr.

_valee_ (Fr. _vallee_)--_val_, a vale.]

VALLISNERIA, val-is-n[=e]'ri-a, _n._ a genus of the natural order of plants _Hydrocharideae_. [Named after Antonio _Vallisneri_ (1661-1730), an Italian naturalist.]

VALLUM, val'um, _n._ a rampart, entrenchment: (_anat._) the eyebrow. [L., 'a rampart.']

VALONIA, va-l[=o]'ni-a, _n._ the large acorn-cup of a species of oak which grows round the Levant, used in tanning. [It. _vallonia_--Gr. _balanos_, an acorn.]

VALOUR, val'ur, _n._ intrepidity: courage: bravery.--_adj._ VAL'OROUS, intrepid: courageous.--_adv._ VAL'OROUSLY. [O. Fr. _valour_--Low L.

_valor_--L. _val[=e]re_, to be strong.]

VALUE, val'[=u], _n._ worth: that which renders anything useful or estimable: the degree of this quality: esteem, regard: efficacy: importance: excellence: price: precise meaning: (_mus._) the relative length of a tone signified by a note: (_paint._) relation of one part of a picture to the others with reference to light and shade and without reference to hue: (_math._) the special determination of a quantity.--_v.t._ to estimate the worth of: to rate at a price: to esteem: to prize.--_v.i._ (_Shak._) to be worth.--_adj._ VAL'UABLE, having value or worth: costly: deserving esteem.--_n._ a thing of value, a choice article--often in _pl._--_ns._ VAL'UABLENESS; VALU[=A]'TION, the act of valuing: value set upon a thing: estimated worth; VALU[=A]'TOR, one who sets a value upon: an appraiser.--_adjs._ VAL'UED; VAL'UELESS.--_n._ VAL'UER, one who values.--VALUE IN EXCHANGE, exchange value: (_pol. econ._) economic value (i.e. the amount of other commodities for which a thing can be exchanged in open market) as distinguished from its more general meaning of utility; VALUE RECEIVED, a phrase indicating that a bill of exchange, &c., has been accepted for a valuable consideration.--GOOD VALUE, full worth in exchange. [O. Fr. _value_, prop. the fem. of Fr. _valu_, pa.p. of _valoir_, to be worth--L. _val[=e]re_.]

VALVE, valv, _n._ one of the leaves of a folding-door: a cover to an aperture which opens in one direction and not in the other: one of the pieces or divisions forming a shell: (_anat._) a membraneous fold resembling a valve or serving as a valve in connection with the flow of blood, lymph, or other fluid--also VAL'VA.--_adjs._ VAL'VAL, pertaining to a valve; VAL'V[=A]TE, having or resembling a valve or valves: (_bot._) meeting at the edges without overlapping, as the petals of flowers; VALVED, having or composed of valves.--_ns._ VALVE'-GEAR, the mechanism for working a valve; VALVE'LET, VAL'V[=U]LA, VAL'V[=U]LE, a little valve: (_bot._) formerly used of the pieces which compose the outer covering of a pericarp.--_adj._ VAL'V[=U]LAR.--_n._ VALV[=U]L[=I]'TIS, inflammation of one of the valves of the heart. [Fr.,--L. _valva_, a folding-door.]

VAMBRACE, vam'br[=a]s, _n._ a piece of plate-armour to protect the forearm.--_adj._ VAM'BR[=A]CED (_her._), having armour on the forearm.

[Also _vantbrace_, _vantbrass_--Fr. _avant-bras_--_avant_, before, _bras_, arm.]

VAMOSE, va-m[=o]s', _v.i._ (_slang_) to be off, to be gone. [Sp. _vamos_, 1st pers. pl. pres. indic.--L. _vadimus_, we go--_vad[)e]re_, to go.]

VAMP, vamp, _n._ the upper leather of a boot or shoe.--_v.t._ to repair with a new vamp: to patch old with new: give a new face to: (_mus._) to improvise an accompaniment to (_coll._).--_v.i._ to improvise accompaniments, to travel, proceed.--_n._ VAM'PER, one who vamps or cobbles up anything old to pass for new.--VAMP UP, to patch up, to improvise, to cook up.--IN VAMP, in pawn. [Corr. of Fr. _avant-pied_, the forepart of the foot--_avant_, before, _pied_--L. _pes_, _pedis_, foot.]

VAMPIRE, vam'p[=i]r, _n._ in eastern Europe, an accursed body which cannot rest in the kindly earth, but nightly leaves its grave to suck the blood of sleeping men: an extortioner.--_n._ VAM'PIRE-BAT, the name of several species of bats all supposed to suck blood--the real blood-suckers only in Central and South America, attacking cattle, horses, and sometimes human beings asleep.--_adj._ VAMPIR'IC.--_n._ VAM'PIRISM, the actions of a vampire or the practice of blood-sucking: extortion. [Fr.,--Servian _vampir_; the word is common in the Slavonic tongues.]

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