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TERRIGENOUS, te-rij'e-nus, _adj._ produced by the earth.

TERRINE, te-r[=e]n', _n._ an earthenware vessel for containing some dainty: a tureen for soup. [Fr.,--L. _terra_, earth.]

TERRITORY, ter'i-t[=o]-ri, _n._ the extent of land around or belonging to a city or state: domain: (_U.S._) a portion of the country not yet admitted as a State into the Union, and still under a provisional government.--_adj._ TERRIT[=O]'RIAL, pertaining to territory: limited to a district.--_v.t._ TERRIT[=O]'RIALISE, to enlarge by addition of territory: to reduce to the state of a territory.--_ns._ TERRIT[=O]'RIALISM, a theory of church government according to which the ruler of a country has the natural right to rule also over the ecclesiastical affairs of his people; TERRITORIAL'ITY, the possession of territory.--_adv._ TERRIT[=O]'RIALLY.--_adj._ TERR'ITORIED, possessed of territory. [L.

_territorium_--_terra_, the earth.]

TERROR, ter'or, _n._ extreme fear: an object of fear or dread--(_Milt._) TERR'OUR.--_adj._ TERR'OR-HAUNT'ED, haunted with terror.--_n._ TERRORIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ TERR'ORISE, to terrify: to govern by terror.--_ns._ TERR'ORISER, one who terrorises; TERR'ORISM, a state of terror: a state which impresses terror: an organised system of intimidation; TERR'ORIST, one who rules by terror.--_adjs._ TERR'ORLESS, free from terror: harmless; TERR'OR-SMIT'TEN, -STRICK'EN, -STRUCK, seized with terror, terrified.--_v.t._ TERR'OR-STRIKE, to smite with terror.--KING OF TERRORS, death; REIGN OF TERROR, or THE TERROR, the period of fever in the first French Revolution, during which the king, the queen, thousands of victims--the innocent and the guilty--the Girondists, Danton, Madame Roland, and at last Robespierre, were hurried to the guillotine. [L.

_terror_--_terr[=e]re_, to frighten.]

TERRY, ter'i, _n._ a pile fabric with uncut loops.


TERSE, t[.e]rs, _adj._ compact or concise, with smoothness or elegance: neat.--_adv._ TERSE'LY.--_ns._ TERSE'NESS, conciseness, brevity; TER'SION, act of wiping. [L. _tersus_--_terg[=e]re_, _tersum_, to rub clean.]

TERTIAL, ter'shal, _adj._ of the third rank among the flight-feathers of a bird's wing.--_n._ a tertiary flight-feather.

TERTIAN, t[.e]r'shi-an, _adj._ occurring every third day.--_n._ an ague or fever with paroxysms every third day. [L. _tertianus_--_tertius_, third--_tres_, three.]

TERTIARY, t[.e]r'shi-ar-i, _adj._ of the third degree, order, or formation: pertaining to the series of sedimentary rocks or strata lying above the chalk and other secondary strata, and abounding in organic remains--the _Cainozoic_: (_ornith._) tertial.--_n._ one who, or that which, is TER'TIARIES, a class in the R.C. Church, who, without entering into the seclusion of a monastery, aspire to practise in ordinary life all the substantial obligations of the scheme of virtue laid down in the Gospel. [L. _tertiarius_--_tertius_.]

TERUNCIUS, te-run'shi-us, _n._ an ancient Roman coin, as, weighing 3 oz.

TERU-TERO, ter'[=oo]-ter'[=o], _n._ the Cayenne lapwing.

TERVY, ter'vi, _v.i._ (_prov._) to struggle.

TERZA-RIMA, ter'tsa-r[=e]'ma, _n._ a form of Italian triplet in iambic decasyllables, in which the middle line of the first triplet rhymes with the first and third lines of the next triplet, as in Dante's _Divina Commedia_ and Longfellow's translation of it.--_n._ TERZET'TO, a musical composition for three voices. [It., _terza_, fem. of _terzo_, third, _rima_, rhyme.]


TESSERA, tes'e-ra, _n._ one of the small square tiles or cut stones used in forming tessellated pavements:--_pl._ TESS'ERae--also TESSEL'LA:--_pl._ TESSEL'Lae.--_adjs._ TESS'ELLAR, composed of, or like, tessellae; TESS'ELLAR, TESSER[=A]'IC, TESS'ERAL, made up of tesserae.--_v.t._ TESS'ELLATE, to form into squares or lay with chequered work.--_adj._ TESS'ELLATED.--_n._ TESSELL[=A]'TION, tessellated or mosaic work: the operation of making it.

[L. _tessella_, dim. of _tessera_, a square piece.]


TEST, test, _n._ a pot in which metals are tried and refined: any critical trial: means of trial: (_chem._) anything used to distinguish substances or detect their presence, a reagent: standard: proof: distinction: a witness, testimony: the hard covering of certain animals, shield, lorica.--_v.t._ to put to proof: to examine critically.--_ns._ TEST'-P[=A]'PER, a bibulous paper saturated with some chemical compound that readily changes colour when exposed to certain other chemicals; TEST'-PLATE, a white plate or tile on which to try vitrifiable colours by heat: a glass plate with a series of finely ruled lines used in testing the resolving power of microscopic objectives; TEST'-TUBE, a cylinder of thin glass closed at one end, used in testing TEST'-TYPES, letters or words in type of different sizes for testing the sight.--TEST ACTS, acts meant to secure that none but rightly affected persons and members of the established religion shall hold office--especially those of 1673 and 1685. [O. Fr.

_test_--L. _testa_, an earthen pot.]

TEST, test, _v.t._ to attest legally and date.--_v.i._ to make a will.--_adj._ TES'TABLE, capable of being given by will, capable of witnessing. [Fr. _tester_--L. _test[=a]ri_, to testify.]

TESTA, tes'ta, _n._ the outer integument of a seed.

TESTACEA, tes-t[=a]'s[=e]-a, shelled or crustaceous animals.--_adjs._ TEST[=A]'CEAN (also _n._), TEST[=A]'CEOUS, consisting of, or having, a hard shell.--_ns._ TESTACELL'A, a genus of molluscs belonging to the _Pulmonifera_, and represented in Britain by three species; TESTACEOG'RAPHY, descriptive testaceology; TESTACEOL'OGY, conchology. [L.

_testaceus_--_testa_, a shell.]

TESTAMENT, tes'ta-ment, _n._ that which testifies, or in which an attestation is made: the solemn declaration in writing of one's will: a will: a dispensation, as of the Mosaic or old and the Christian or new, one of the two great divisions of the Bible.--_n._ TES'TACY, state of being testate.--_adjs._ TESTAMEN'TAL, TESTAMEN'TARY, pertaining to a testament or will: bequeathed or done by will.--_adv._ TESTAMEN'TARILY.--_adj._ TES'T[=A]TE, having made and left a will.--_ns._ TEST[=A]'TION, a witnessing, a giving by will; TEST[=A]'TOR, one who leaves a will;--_fem._ TEST[=A]'TRIX; TEST[=A]'TUM, one of the clauses of an English deed, enumerating the operative words of transfer, statement of consideration, money, &c. [L. _testamentum_--_test[=a]ri_, to be a witness--_testis_, a witness.]

TESTAMUR, tes-t[=a]'mur, _n._ a certificate that one has passed an examination at an English university--from the opening word. [L., 'we testify.']

TESTER, tes't[.e]r, _n._ a flat canopy, esp. over the head of a bed. [O.

Fr. _teste_ (Fr. _tete_), the head--L. _testa_, an earthen pot, the skull.]

TESTER, tes't[.e]r, _n._ a sixpence--also TES'TERN.--_v.t._ TES'TERN (_Shak._), to present or reward with a sixpence. [O. Fr. _teston_--_teste_ (Fr. _tete_), the head, from that of Louis XII. on it.]

TESTICLE, tes'ti-kl, _n._ a gland which secretes the seminal fluid in males, a testis, one of the stones.--_adjs._ TES'TICOND, having the testes concealed; TESTIC'ULAR, pertaining to a testicle; TESTIC'ULATE, -D, shaped like a testicle.--_n._ TES'TIS, a testicle, a rounded body resembling it:--_pl._ TES'TES. [L. _testiculus_, dim. of _testis_, a testicle.]

TESTIERE, tes-ti-[=a]r', _n._ complete armour for a horse's head. [O. Fr.]

TESTIFY, tes'ti-f[=i], _v.t._ to bear witness: to make a solemn declaration: to protest or declare a charge (with _against_).--_v.t._ to bear witness to: to affirm or declare solemnly or on oath:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ tes'tif[=i]ed.--_ns._ TESTIF'IC[=A]TE (_Scots law_), a solemn written assertion; TESTIFIC[=A]'TION, the act of testifying or of bearing witness; TES'TIFIER. [L. _testific[=a]ri_--_testis_, a witness, _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

TESTIMONY, tes'ti-m[=o]-ni, _n._ evidence: declaration to prove some fact: proof: (_B._) the two tables of the law: the whole divine revelation.--_v.t._ (_Shak._) to witness.--_adj._ TESTIM[=O]'NIAL, containing testimony.--_n._ a writing or certificate bearing testimony to one's character or abilities: a sum of money raised by subscription and presented in any form to a person as a token of respect.--_v.t._ TESTIM[=O]'NIALISE, to present with a testimonial. [L.

_testimonium_--_test[=a]ri_, to witness.]

TESTING, tes'ting, _n._ the act of trying for proof: the operation of refining gold and silver: chemical analysis.--TESTING CLAUSE, in a Scotch deed, the last clause which narrates when and where the parties signed the deed, before what witnesses, by whose hand written, &c.

TESTRIL, tes'tril, _n._ (_Shak._) same as _Tester_, a sixpence.

TESTUDINAL, tes-t[=u]'din-al, _adj._ relating to, or resembling, the tortoise.--_adjs._ TEST[=U]'DINATE, -D, TESTUDIN'EOUS, arched, vaulted, resembling the carapace of a tortoise.--_n._ TEST[=U]'DO, a cover for the protection of Roman soldiers attacking a wall, formed by overlapping their oblong shields above their heads: any similarly shaped shelter for miners, &c.: an encysted tumour: the fornix: a kind of lyre, the lute. [L.

_testudo_, _-inis_, the tortoise.]

TESTY, tes'ti, _adj._ heady: easily irritated: fretful: peevish.--_adv._ TES'TILY.--_n._ TES'TINESS. [From O. Fr. _teste_ (Fr. _tete_), the head.]

TETANUS, tet'a-nus, _n._ an involuntary, persistent, intense, and painful contraction or cramp of more or less extensive groups of the voluntary muscles: lockjaw: the state of prolonged contraction of a muscle under stimuli repeated quickly.--_adjs._ TETAN'IC; TET'ANIFORM; TETANIG'ENOUS.--_n._ TETANIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ TET'ANISE.--_adj._ TET'ANOID.--_n._ TET'ANY, a rare and little understood disease of the nervous system, occurring both in children and adults, characterised by recurring attacks of tonic spasm of various muscles, particularly those of the fingers and toes, associated with defective hygienic conditions, imperfect ventilation, poor diet, and in children with rickets.

[L.,--Gr.,--_tetanos_, stretched--_teinein_, to stretch.]

TETCHY, TECHY, tech'i, _adj._ touchy, peevish, fretful.--_adv._ TETCH'ILY, in a tetchy or fretful manner.--_n._ TETCH'INESS, the state of being tetchy or fretful. [_Touchy_.]

TeTE, t[=a]t, _n._ a head, head-dress.--_n._ TeTE-a-TeTE (t[=a]t'-a-t[=a]t'), a private confidential interview: a sofa for two.--_adj._ confidential, secret.--_adv._ in private conversation: face to face. [Fr.]

TETHER, teth'[.e]r, _n._ a rope or chain for tying a beast, while feeding, within certain limits.--_v.t._ to confine with a tether: to restrain within certain limits. [M. E. _tedir_, acc. to Skeat, prob. Celt., Gael.

_teadhair_, a tether, W. _tid_, a chain. The Low Ger. _tider_, Ice.

_tjoir_, are prob. borrowed.]

TETRABRANCHIATE, tet-ra-brang'ki-[=a]t, _adj._ having four TETRABRANCH'I[=A]TA.

TETRACHORD, tet'ra-kord, _n._ a series of four sounds, forming a scale of two tones and a half.--_adj._ TET'RACHORDAL. [Gr. _tetrachordos_, four-stringed--_tetra_, for _tetara_=_tessares_, four, _chord[=e]_, chord.]

TETRACHOTOMOUS, tet-ra-kot'[=o]-mus, _adj._ doubly dichotomous, arranged in four rows.--_n._ TETRAC'TOMY, a division into four parts. [Gr. _tetracha_, in four parts, _temnein_, to cut.]

TETRACT, tet'rakt, _adj._ having four rays.--Also TETRAC'TINAL, TETRAC'TINE. [Gr., _tetra-_, four, _aktis_, a ray.]

TETRAD, tet'rad, _n._ a group of four: (_chem._) an atom, radical, or element having a combining power of four.--_adjs._ TET'RAD, TETRAD'IC.--_n._ TET'RADITE, one who attaches mystic properties to the number four, one born in the fourth month or on the fourth day of the month.

TETRADACTYL, tet-ra-dak'til. _adj._ having four fingers or toes--also TETRADAC'TYLOUS.--_n._ TETRADAC'TYL, a four-toed animal.

TETRADECAPOD, tet-ra-dek'a-pod, _adj._ having fourteen TETRADECAP'ODA, fourteen-footed crustaceans.--_adj._ TETRADECAP'ODOUS.

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