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PSORIASIS, s[=o]-r[=i]'a-sis, _n._ a disease characterised by slight elevations of the surface of the skin covered with whitish scales.--_n._ PS[=O]'RA.--_adj._ PS[=O]'RIC. [Gr. _ps[=o]ri[=a]n_, to have the itch, _ps[=a]n_, to rub.]

PSYCHIC, -AL, s[=i]'kik, -al, _adj._ pertaining to the soul, or living principle in man: spiritual: pertaining to the mind, or to its faculties and functions.--_ns._ PSY'CHE, the personified soul or spirit: the human soul or spirit or mind: a genus of bombycid moths: a cheval-glass; PSYCH[=I]'ATER, PSYCH[=I]'ATRIST, one who treats diseases of the mind, an alienist; PSYCH[=I]'ATRY, the treatment of mental diseases; PSY'CHIC, a spiritualistic medium; PSY'CHICS, the science of psychology; PSY'CHISM, the doctrine that there is a universal soul animating all living beings; PSY'CHIST; PSYCHOGEN'ESIS, PSYCHOG'ENY, the origination and development of the soul; PSYCHOG'ONY, the doctrine of the development of mind; PSY'CHOGRAPH, an instrument used for so-called spirit-writing.--_adj._ PSYCHOGRAPH'IC.--_n._ PSYCHOG'RAPHY, the natural history of mind: supposed spirit-writing by the hand of a medium.--_adjs._ PSYCHOLOG'IC, -AL, pertaining to psychology: pertaining to the mind.--_adv._ PSYCHOLOG'ICALLY.--_v.i._ PSYCHOL'OGISE.--_ns._ PSYCHOL'OGIST, one who studies psychology; PSYCHOL'OGY, the science which classifies and analyses the phenomena or varying states of the human mind; PSYCHOM'ACHY, a conflict of soul with body; PSY'CHOMANCY, necromancy; PSYCHOM'ETRY, the science of the measurement of the duration, &c., of mental processes: an occult power claimed by some charlatans of divining the secret properties of things by mere contact.--_adj._ PSY'CHOM[=O]TOR, pertaining to such mental action as induces muscular contraction.--_ns._ PSYCHONEUROL'OGY, that part of neurology which deals with mental action; PSYCHONEUR[=O]'SIS, mental disease without apparent anatomical lesion; PSYCHON'OMY, the science of the laws of mental action; PSYCHONOSOL'OGY, the branch of medical science that treats of mental diseases; PSYCHOPAN'NYCHISM, the theory that at death the soul falls asleep till the resurrection; PSYCHOPAN'NYCHIST; PSYCHOPAR'ESIS, mental weakness; PSY'CHOPATH, a morally irresponsible person; PSYCHOP'ATHIST, an alienist; PSYCHOP'ATHY, derangement of mental functions.--_adj._ PSY'CHO-PHYS'ICAL.--_ns._ PSY'CHO-PHYS'ICIST; PSY'CHO-PHYSIOL'OGY, PSY'CHO-PHYS'ICS, the knowledge of the manifold correspondences of the most intimate and exact kind that exist between states and changes of consciousness on the one hand, and states and changes of brain on the other--the concomitance being apparently complete as respects complexity, intensity, and time-order; PSY'CHOPLASM, the physical basis of consciousness; PSY'CHOPOMP, Hermes, the guide of spirits to the other world; PSYCH[=O]'SIS, mental condition: a change in the field of consciousness: any mental disorder; PSYCHOST[=A]'SIA, the weighing of souls; PSY'CHO-STAT'ICS, the theory of the conditions of the phenomena of mind; PSYCHOTH[=E]'ISM, the doctrine that God is pure spirit; PSYCHOTHERAPEU'TICS, PSYCHOTHER'APY, the art of curing mental disease.--PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, inquiring into alleged phenomena, apparently implying a connection with another world; PSYCHIC FORCE, a power not physical or mechanical, supposed to cause certain so-called spiritualistic phenomena. [L. _psychicus_--Gr. _psychikos_--_psych[=e]_, the soul--_psych[=e]in_, to breathe.]

PSYCHROMETER, s[=i]-krom'e-t[.e]r, _n._ an instrument for measuring the tension of aqueous vapour in the atmosphere: a wet and dry bulb hygrometer.--_adjs._ PSYCHROMET'RIC, -AL.--_ns._ PSYCHROM'ETRY; PSYCHROPH[=O]'BIA, morbid impressibility to cold; PSY'CHROPHORE, a refrigerating instrument like a catheter for cooling the urethra. [Gr.

_psychros_, cold, _psychein_, to blow, _metron_, a measure.]

PTARMIC, tar'mik, _n._ a medicine which causes sneezing.

PTARMIGAN, tar'mi-gan, _n._ a species of grouse with feathered toes inhabiting the tops of mountains. [Gael. _tarmachan_.]

PTERE, t[=e]r, _n._ (_zool._) an alate organ.--_ns._ PTERID'IUM, PTER[=O]'DIUM, a key-fruit or samara.

PTERICHTHYS, ter-ik'this, _n._ a genus of fossil ganoid fishes in the Old Red Sandstone strata, with wing-like pectoral fins. [Gr. _pteron_, wing, _ichthys_, fish.]

PTERION, t[=e]'ri-on, _n._ in craniometry, the region where the frontal, squamosal, parietal, and sphenoid bones meet:--_pl._ PT[=E]'RIA.

PTERIS, t[=e]'ris, _n._ a genus of ferns which includes the brakes.--_ns._ PTERIDOL'OGIST, one versed in the study of ferns; PTERIDOL'OGY, the science of ferns; PTERIDOM[=A]'NIA, a passion for ferns; PTERIG'RAPHY, a description of ferns. [Gr. _pteris_--_pteron_, a feather.]

PTERNA, ter'na, _n._ the heel-pad in birds:--_pl._ PTER'Nae.

PTERODACTYL, ter-[=o]-dak'til, _n._ an extinct flying reptile with large and bird-like skull, long jaws, and a flying-membrane like that of a bat.

[Gr. _pteron_, wing, _daktylos_, finger.]

PTEROGRAPHY, ter-og'ra-fi, _n._ the description of feathers.--_n._ PTEROG'RAPHER.--_adjs._ PTEROGRAPH'IC, -AL; PTEROLOG'ICAL.--_n._ PTEROL'OGY, the science of insects' wings.

PTEROMYS, ter'[=o]-mis, _n._ a genus of _Sciuridae_, the flying-squirrels.

PTERON, t[=e]'ron, _n._ a range of columns, portico.--_n._ PTER[=O]'MA, a peridrome: a side-wall. [Gr.]

PTEROPE, ter'[=o]p, _n._ a fruit-bat or flying-fox.

PTEROPOD, ter'[=o]-pod, _n._ one of a class of molluscs which move about by means of wing-like appendages attached to the sides of the head, which are not, however, homologous to the foot of other molluscs:--_pl._ PTEROP'ODA.

[Gr. _pteron_, wing, _pous_, _podos_, foot.]

PTEROSAURIA, ter-[=o]-saw'ri-a, a group of extinct flying reptiles.

[Gr. _pteron_, wing, _sauros_, lizard.]

PTERYGOID, ter'i-goid, _n._ one of a pair of bones in the facial apparatus of some vertebrata behind the palatines, known in human anatomy as the pterygoid plates of the sphenoid bone.--_adj._ aliform or alate.--_adj._ PTERYG'IAN.--_n._ PTERYG'IUM, a generalised limb of a vertebrate.

PTERYLae, ter'i-l[=e], the bands of contour feathers in birds.--_adjs._ PTERYLOGRAPH'IC, -AL.--_adv._ PTERYLOGRAPH'ICALLY.--_n._ PTERYLOG'RAPHY.

PTILOSIS, t[=i]-l[=o]'sis, _n._ plumage or mode of feathering of a bird.--Also PTERYL[=O]'SIS. [Gr. _ptilon_, a feather.]

PTISAN, tiz'an, _n._ a medicinal drink made from barley with other ingredients. [Gr. _ptisan[=e]_, peeled barley, barley-water--_ptissein_, to peel.]

PTOCHOCRACY, t[=o]-kok'ra-si, _n._ the rule of paupers.--_n._ PTOCHOG'ONY, the production of beggars--wholesale pauperisation. [Gr. _pt[=o]chos_, a beggar.]

PTOLEMAIC, tol-e-m[=a]'ik, _adj._ pertaining to the race of Egyptian kings called the _Ptolemies_: pertaining to _Ptolemy_ the astronomer (of the 2d century)--also PTOLEMae'AN.--_n._ PTOLEM[=A]'IST, one who believes in the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.--PTOLEMAIC SYSTEM, the method by which Ptolemy, the astronomer, explained the structure of the heavens and the motions of the heavenly bodies (139 A.D.).

PTOMANE, t[=o]'ma-in, _n._ a somewhat loosely used generic name for those bodies, usually poisonous, formed from animal tissues during putrefaction--_putrescine_, _cadaverine_, _creatinin_, _neurin_, _choline_, _muscarine_, &c.--Also PT[=O]'MAN. [Gr. _pt[=o]ma_, a corpse--_piptein_, to fall.]

PTOSIS, t[=o]'sis, _n._ inability to raise the upper eyelid.

[Gr.,--_piptein_, to fall.]

PTYALIN, -E, t[=i]'a-lin, _n._ the nitrogenous essential principle of saliva.--_v.i._ PTY'ALISE, to salivate.--_n._ PTY'ALISM, salivation.--_adj._ PTYALOGOG'IC.--_ns._ PTYAL'OGOGUE, PTYS'MAGOGUE, a medicine which causes salivation. [Gr.,--_ptuein_, to spit.]

PUB, pub, _n._ (_slang_) a public-house, tavern.

PUBERTY, p[=u]'b[.e]r-ti, _n._ the age of full development: early manhood or womanhood: the period when a plant begins to flower.--_adjs._ P[=U]'BERAL; P[=U]BER'ULENT, covered with very fine downy hairs.--_ns._ P[=U]'BES, the pubic region, the hair growing thereon at puberty; P[=U]BES'CENCE, state of one arrived at puberty: (_bot_.) the soft, short hair on plants.--_adj._ P[=U]BES'CENT, arriving at puberty: (_bot._, _zool._) covered with soft, short hair; PUBIG'EROUS, pubescent. [Fr.

_puberte_--L. _pubertas_, _-tatis_--_pubes_, _puber_, grown up.]

PUBIS, p[=u]'bis, _n._ a bone of the pelvis which in man forms the anterior portion of the _os innominatum_.--_adjs._ P[=U]'BIC; PUBOFEM'ORAL; P[=U]'BO-IL'IAC; P[=U]'BO-IS'CHIAC; PUBOPROSTAT'IC; P[=U]'BO-UR[=E]'THRAL; PUBOVES'ICAL. [For _os pubis_, gen. of _pubes_, grown up.]

PUBLIC, pub'lik, _adj._ of or belonging to the people: pertaining to a community or a nation: general: common to or shared in by all: generally known.--_n._ the people: the general body of mankind: the people, indefinitely: a public-house, tavern.--_ns._ PUB'LICAN, the keeper of an inn or public-house: (_orig_.) a farmer-general of the Roman taxes: a tax-collector; PUBLIC[=A]'TION, the act of publishing or making public: a proclamation: the act of printing and sending out for sale, as a book: that which is published as a book, & PUB'LIC-BILLS, -LAWS, &c., bills, laws, &c. which concern the interests of the whole people; PUB'LIC-FUNDS, money lent to government for which interest is paid of a stated amount at a stated time.--_ns._ PUB'LIC-HOUSE, a house open to the public: one chiefly used for selling beer and other liquors: an inn or tavern; PUB'LIC-INSTIT[=U]'TION, an institution kept up by public funds for the public use, as an educational or charitable foundation; PUB'LICIST, one who writes on or is skilled in public law, or on current political topics; PUBLIC'ITY, the state of being public or open to the knowledge of all: notoriety; PUB'LIC-LAW (see INTERNATIONAL).--_adv._ PUB'LICLY.--_adjs._ PUB'LIC-MIND'ED, -SPIR'ITED, having a spirit actuated by regard to the public interest: with a regard to the public interest.--_ns._ PUB'LICNESS; PUB'LIC-OPIN'ION, the view which the people of a district or county take of any question of public interest; PUB'LIC-POL'ICY, the main principles or spirit upon which the law of a country is constructed; PUB'LIC-SPIR'IT, a strong desire and effort to work on behalf of the public interest.--_adv._ PUB'LIC-SPIR'ITEDLY.--_n._ PUB'LIC-SPIR' PUB'LIC-WORKS, permanent works or improvements made for public use or benefit.--PUBLIC HEALTH, the department in any government, municipality, &c. which superintends sanitation; PUBLIC HOLIDAY, a general holiday ordained by parliament; PUBLIC LANDS, lands belonging to government, esp. such as are open to sale, grant, &c.; PUBLIC ORATOR, an officer of English universities who is the voice of the Senate upon all public occasions; PUBLIC SCHOOL (see SCHOOL).--IN PUBLIC, in open view. [Fr.,--L. _publicus_--_populus_, the people.]

PUBLISH, pub'lish, _v.t._ to make public: to divulge: to announce: to proclaim: to send forth to the public: to print and offer for sale: to put into circulation.--_adj._ PUB'LISHABLE.--_ns._ PUB'LISHER, one who makes public: one who publishes books; PUB'LISHMENT, publication, esp. of banns.

PUCE, p[=u]s, _adj._ brownish-purple. [Fr. _puce_--L. _pulex_, _pul[)i]cis_, a flea.]

PUCELLE, p[=u]-sel', _n._ a maid, virgin, esp. the Maid of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc (1412-31): a wanton girl.--_n._ P[=U]'CELAGE, virginity. [O. Fr.

through Low L.,--L. _pullus_, a young animal.]

PUCK, puk, _n._ a goblin or mischievous sprite: a merry fairy in _Midsummer Night's Dream_.--_adj._ PUCK'ISH. [M. E. _pouke_--Celt., as Ir. _puca_, W.

_pwca_, _bwg_; conn. with Ice. _puki_. Cf. _Pug_, _Bug_.]

PUCKA, puk'a, _adj._ durable, substantial--opp. to _Cutcha_. [Anglo-Ind.]


PUCKER, puk'[.e]r, _v.t._ to gather into folds: to wrinkle.--_n._ a fold or wrinkle: a number of folds or wrinkles, esp. irregular ones: (_coll._) agitation, confusion.--_adj._ PUCK'ERY, astringent: tending to wrinkle.

[Cf. _Poke_, a bag, and _Pock_.]

PUD, pud, _n._ (_coll._) a paw, fist, hand. [Perh. Dut. _poot_, paw.]

PUDDENING, pud'ning, _n._ a thick pad of rope, &c., used as a fender on the bow of a boat.

PUDDER, pud'[.e]r, _n._ a pother, a bustle, a tumult.--_v.i._ to make a tumult or bustle.--_v.t._ to disturb: to perplex or confound. [_Pother._]

PUDDING, p[=oo]d'ing, _n._ a skin or gut filled with seasoned minced meat, &c., a sausage: a soft kind of food made of flour, milk, eggs, &c.: a piece of good fortune.--_adjs._ PUDD'ING-FACED, having a fat, round, smooth face; PUDD'ING-HEAD'ED (_coll._), stupid.--_ns._ PUDD'ING-PIE, a pudding with meat baked in it; PUDD'ING-SLEEVE, a large loose sleeve; PUDD'ING-STONE, a conglomerate rock made up of rounded pebbles; PUDD'ING-TIME, dinner-time: (_obs._) critical time. [Prob. Celt., as W. _poten_, Ir. _putog_--_put_, a bag. The Low Ger. _pudding_, Fr. _boudin_, L. _botulus_, are prob. all related words.]

PUDDLE, pud'l, _n._ an ill-shaped, awkward person. [Cf. Low Ger. _purrel_, something short and thick.]

PUDDLE, pud'l, _n._ a small pool of muddy water: a mixture of clay and sand.--_v.t._ to make muddy: to stir up mud: to make water-tight by means of clay: to convert into bar or wrought iron.--_v.i._ to make a dirty stir.--_ns._ PUDD'LER, one who turns cast-iron into wrought-iron by puddling; PUDD'LING, the act of rendering impervious to water by means of clay: the process of converting cast into bar or wrought iron.--_adj._ PUDD'LY, dirty. [M. E. _podel_ (prob. for _plod-el_)--Celt.; Ir. _plodach_, _plod_, a pool.]

PUDDOCK, pud'ok, _n._ Same as PADDOCK.

PUDENCY, p[=u]'dens-i, _n._ (_Shak._) shamefacedness, PUDEN'DA, the genitals.--_adjs._ PUDEN'DAL, PUDEN'DOUS, P[=U]'DIC, -AL, pertaining to the pudenda.--_n._ PUDIC'ITY, modesty. [L., as if _pudentia_--_pudens_, pr.p. of _pud[=e]re_, to be ashamed.]

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