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NOKES, n[=o]ks, _n._ a simpleton.

NOLENS VOLENS, n[=o]lens vol'ens, unwilling (or) willing: willy-nilly.--_n._ NOLI-ME-TANGERE (n[=o]'l[=i]-m[=e]-tan'je-r[=e]), the wild cucumber: lupus of the nose: a picture showing Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene, as in John XX.--NOLLE PROSEQUI (nol'e pros'e-kw[=i]), a term used in English law to indicate that the plaintiff does not intend to go on with his action. [L. _nolle_, to be unwilling, _velle_, to be willing, _tang[)e]re_, to touch, _prosequi_, to prosecute.]

NOLL, nol, _n._ the head.

NOM, nong, _n._ name.--NOM DE PLUME, 'pen-name:' the signature assumed by an author instead of his own name--not a Fr. phrase, but one of Eng.

manufacture from Fr. _nom_, a name, _de_, of, _plume_, a pen.

NOMAD, NOMADE, nom'ad, _n._ one of a tribe that wanders about in quest of game, or of pasture for their flocks.--_adj._ NOMAD'IC, of or for the feeding of cattle: pastoral: pertaining to the life of nomads: wandering: unsettled: rude.--_adv._ NOMAD'ICALLY.--_v.i._ NOM'ADISE, to lead a nomadic or vagabond life.--_n._ NOM'ADISM, the state of being nomadic: habits of nomads. [Gr. _nomas_, _nomados_--_nomos_, pasture--_nemein_, to drive to pasture.]

NOMANCY, n[=o]'man-si, _n._ divination from the letters in a name.

NO-MAN'S-LAND, n[=o]'-manz-land, _n._ a region to which no one possesses a recognised claim.

NOMARCH, nom'ark, _n._ the ruler of a NOME, or division of a province, as in modern Greece.--_n._ NOM'ARCHY, the district governed by a nomarch. [Gr.

_nomos_, district, _arch[=e]_, rule.]

NOMBRIL, nom'bril, _n._ (_her._) the navel-point.

NOME, n[=o]m, _n._ See NOMARCH.

NOMEN, n[=o]'men, _n._ a name, esp. of the _gens_ or clan, as Caius _Julius_ Caesar. [L.]

NOMENCLATOR, n[=o]'men-kl[=a]-tor, _n._ one who gives names to things:--_fem._ N[=O]'MENCLATRESS.--_adjs._ NOMENCLAT[=O]'RIAL, N[=O]'MENCL[=A]TORY, N[=O]'MENCL[=A]T[=U]RAL.--_n._ N[=O]'MENCL[=A]TURE, a system of naming: a list of names: a calling by name: the peculiar terms of a science. [L.,--_nomen_, a name, _cal[=a]re_, to call.]

NOMIAL, n[=o]'mi-al, _n._ (_alg._) a single name or term.

NOMIC, nom'ik, _adj._ customary, applied to the common mode of spelling--opp. to _Glossic_ and _Phonetic_. [Gr. _nomos_, custom.]

NOMINAL, nom'in-al, _adj._ pertaining to a name: existing only in name: having a name.--_ns._ NOM'INALISM, the doctrine that general terms have no corresponding reality either in or out of the mind, being mere words; NOM'INALIST, one of a sect of philosophers who held the doctrine of nominalism.--_adj._ NOMINALIST'IC, pertaining to nominalism.--_adv._ NOM'INALLY. [L. _nominalis_--_nomen_, _-[)i]nis_, a name.]

NOMINATE, nom'in-[=a]t, _v.t._ to name: to mention by name: to appoint: to propose by name, as for an office or for an appointment.--_adv._ NOM'IN[=A]TELY, by name.--_ns._ NOM'IN[=A]TION, the act or power of nominating: state of being nominated; NOM'IN[=A]TION-GAME, in billiards, a game in which the player has to name beforehand what stroke he is leading.--_adjs._ NOMIN[=A]T[=I]'VAL; NOM'IN[=A]TIVE, naming: (_gram._) applied to the case of the subject.--_n._ the naming case, the case in which the subject is expressed.--_adv._ NOM'IN[=A]TIVELY.--_n._ NOM'IN[=A]TOR, one who nominates.--NOMINATIVE ABSOLUTE, a grammatical construction in which we have a subject (noun or pronoun) combined with a participle, but not connected with a finite verb or governed by any other words, as 'All being well, I will come.' [L. _nomin[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to name--_nomen_.]

NOMINEE, nom-in-[=e]', _n._ one who is nominated by another: one on whose life an annuity or lease depends: one to whom the holder of a copyhold estate surrenders his interest.

NOMISTIC, n[=o]-mis'tik, _adj._ pertaining to laws founded on a sacred book. [Gr. _nomos_, a law.]

NOMOCRACY, n[=o]-mok'ra-si, _n._ a government according to a code of laws.

[Gr. _nomos_, law, _kratia_--_kratein_, to rule.]

NOMOGENY, n[=o]-moj'e-ni, _n._ the origination of life according to natural law, not miracle--opp. to _Thaumatogeny_. [Gr. _nomos_, law, _geneia_--_gen[=e]s_, producing.]

NOMOGRAPHY, n[=o]-mog'ra-fi, _n._ the art of drawing up laws in proper form.--_n._ NOMOG'RAPHER, one versed in this art. [Gr. _nomos_, law, _graphein_, to write.]

NOMOLOGY, no-mol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science of the laws of the mind.--_adj._ NOMOLOG'ICAL.--_n._ NOMOL'OGIST. [Gr. _nomos_, law, _logia_, discourse--_legein_, to speak.]

NOMOS, nom'os, _n._ in modern Greece, a nome.

NOMOTHETIC, nom-[=o]-thet'ik, _adj._ legislative: founded on a system of laws, or by a lawgiver. [Gr. _nomothet[=e]s_, a lawgiver, one of a body of heliasts or jurors in ancient Athens, charged with the decision as to any proposed change in legislation.]

NON, non, _adv._ not, a Latin word used as a prefix, as in _ns._ NON-ABIL'ITY, want of ability; NON-ACCEPT'ANCE, want of acceptance: refusal to accept; NON-AC'CESS (_law_), absence of opportunity for marital commerce; NON-ACQUAINT'ANCE, want of acquaintance; NON-ACQUIESC'ENCE, refusal of acquiescence; NON-ADMISS'ION, refusal of admission: failure to be admitted; NON-ALIEN[=A]'TION, state of not being alienated: failure to alienate; NON-APPEAR'ANCE, failure or neglect to appear, esp. in a court of law; NON-ARR[=I]'VAL, failure to arrive; NON-ATTEND'ANCE, a failure to attend: absence; NON-ATTEN'TION, inattention; NON'-CLAIM, a failure to make claim within the time limited by law; NON-COM'BATANT, any one connected with an army who is there for some other purpose than that of fighting, as a surgeon, &c.: a civilian in time of war.--_adjs._ NON-COMMISS'IONED, not having a commission, as an officer in the army below the rank of commissioned officer--abbrev. NON-COM'.; NON-COMMIT'TAL, unwilling to commit one's self to any particular opinion or course of conduct, free from any declared preference or pledge.--_ns._ NON-COMM[=U]'NICANT, one who abstains from joining in holy communion, or who has not yet communicated; NON-COMM[=U]N'ION; NON-COMPL[=I]'ANCE, neglect or failure of compliance.--_adj._ NON-COMPLY'ING.--_n._ NON-CONCUR'RENCE, refusal to concur.--_adj._ NON-CONDUCT'ING, not conducting or transmitting: not allowing a fluid or a force to pass along, as glass does not conduct electricity.--_n._ NON-CONDUCT'OR, a substance which does not conduct or transmit certain properties or conditions, as heat or electricity.--_adj._ NONCONFORM'ING, not conforming, esp. to an established church.--_n._ and _adj._ NONCONFORM'IST, one who does not conform: esp. one who refused to conform or subscribe to the Act of Uniformity in 1662--abbrev.

NON-CON'.--_n._ NONCONFORM'ITY, want of conformity, esp. to the established church.--_adj._ NON-CONT[=A]'GIOUS, not infectious.--_ns._ NON'-CONTENT, one not content: in House of Lords, one giving a negative vote; NON-DELIV'ERY, failure or neglect to deliver.--_adj._ NON-EFFECT'IVE, not efficient or serviceable: unfitted for service.--_n._ a member of a force who is not able, for some reason, to take part in active service.--_adj._ NON-EFFIC'IENT, not up to the mark required for service.--_n._ a soldier who has not yet undergone the full number of drills.--_n._ NON-[=E]'GO, in metaphysics, the not-I, the object as opposed to the subject, whatever is not the conscious self.--_adjs._ NON-EGOIS'TICAL; NON-ELAS'TIC, not elastic; NON-[=E]LECT', not elect.--_n._ one not predestined to salvation.--_n._ NON-[=E]LEC'TION, state of not being elected.--_adjs._ NON-ELEC'TRIC, -AL, not conducting the electric fluid; NON-EMPHAT'IC; NON-EMPIR'ICAL, not empirical, not presented in experience; NON-EPIS'COPAL.--_n._ NON-EPISCOP[=A]'LIAN.--_adj._ NON-ESSEN'TIAL, not essential: not absolutely required.--_n._ something that may be done without.--_n._ NON-EXIST'ENCE, negation of existence: a thing that has no existence.--_adj._ NON-EXIST'ENT.--_n._ NON-EXPORT[=A]'TION.--_adj._ NON-FOR'FEITING, of a life insurance policy not forfeited by reason of non-payment.--_ns._ NON-FULFIL'MENT; NON-IMPORT[=A]'TION.--_adj._ NON-IMPORT'ING.--_ns._ NON-INTERVEN'TION, a policy of systematic non-interference by one country with the affairs of other nations; NON-INTRU'SION, in Scottish Church history, the principle that a patron should not force an unacceptable clergyman on an unwilling congregation; NON-INTRU'SIONIST.--_adj._ NON-ISS'UABLE, not capable of being issued: not admitting of issue being taken on it.--_n._ NON-JOIN'DER (_law_), the omitting to join all the parties to the action or suit.--_adj._ NONJUR'ING, not swearing allegiance.--_n._ NONJUR'OR, one of the clergy in England and Scotland who would not swear allegiance to William and Mary in 1689, holding themselves still bound by the oath they had taken to the deposed king, James II.--_adjs._ NON-L[=U]'MINOUS; NON-MANUFACT'URING; NON-MARR'YING, not readily disposed to marry; NON-METAL'LIC, not consisting of metal: not like the metals; NON-MOR'AL, involving no moral considerations; NON-NAT'URAL, not natural: forced or strained.--_n._ in ancient medicine, anything not considered of the essence of man, but necessary to his well-being, as air, food, sleep, rest, &c.--_ns._ NON-OB[=E]'DIENCE; NON-OBSERV'ANCE, neglect or failure to observe; NON-PAY'MENT, neglect or failure to pay; NON-PERFORM'ANCE, neglect or failure to perform.--_adjs._ NON-PLACENT'AL; NON-PON'DEROUS.--_n._ NON-PRODUC'TION.--_adj._ NON-PROFESS'IONAL, not done by a professional man, amateur: not proper to be done by a professional man, as unbecoming conduct in a physician, &c.--_ns._ NON-PROFIC'IENT, one who has made no progress in the art or study in which he is engaged; NON-REGARD'ANCE, want of due regard; NON-RES'IDENCE, failure to reside, or the fact of not residing at a certain place, where one's official or social duties require one to reside.--_adj._ NON-RES'IDENT, not residing within the range of one's responsibilities.--_n._ one who does not do so, as a landlord, clergyman, &c.--_n._ NON-RESIST'ANCE, the principle of not offering opposition: passive or ready obedience.--_adjs._ NON-RESIST'ANT, NON-RESIST'ING; NON-SEX'UAL, sexless, asexual; NON-SOC[=I]'ETY, not belonging to a society, esp. of a workman not attached to a trades-union, or of a place in which such men are employed.--_n._ NON-SOL[=U]'TION.--_adjs._ NON-SOL'VENT; NON-SUBMIS'SIVE.--_n._ NON'SUIT, a legal term in England, which means that where a plaintiff in a jury trial finds he will lose his case, owing to some defect or accident, he is allowed to be nonsuited, instead of allowing a verdict and judgment to go for the defendant.--_v.t._ to record that a plaintiff drops his suit.--_n._ NON'-TERM, a vacation between two terms of a law-court.--_adj._ NON-UN'ION (see NON-SOCIETY).--_ns._ NON-[=U]'SAGER (see USAGE); NON-[=U]'SER (_law_), neglect of official duty: omission to take advantage of an easement, &c.--_adj._ NON-V[=I]'ABLE, not viable, of a foetus too young for independent life.

NONAGE, non'[=a]j, _n._ legal infancy, minority: time of immaturity generally.--_adj._ NON'AGED. [L. _non_, not, and _age_.]

NONAGENARIAN, non-a-je-n[=a]'ri-an, _n._ one who is ninety years old.--_adj._ relating to ninety.--_adj._ NONAGES'IMAL, belonging to the number ninety.--_n._ that point of the ecliptic 90 degrees from its intersection by the horizon. [L. _nonagenarius_, containing ninety--_nonaginta_, ninety.]

NONAGON, non'a-gon, _n._ (_math._) a plane figure having nine sides and nine angles. [L. _novem_, nine, _nonus_, ninth, _g[=o]nia_, angle.]

NONCE, nons, _n._ (only in phrase 'for the nonce') the present time, occasion.--NONCE-WORD, a word specially coined, like Carlyle's _gigmanity_.

[The substantive has arisen by mistake from 'for the nones,' originally _for then ones_, meaning simply 'for the once.']

NONCHALANCE, non'shal-ans, _n._ unconcern: coolness: indifference.--_adj._ NONCHALANT (non'sha-lant).--_adv._ NON'CHALANTLY. [Fr., _non_, not, _chaloir_, to care for--L. _cal[=e]re_, to be warm.]

NONDESCRIPT, non'de-skript, _adj._ novel: odd.--_n._ anything not yet described or classed: a person or thing not easily described or classed.

[L. _non_, not, _descriptus_, _describ[)e]re_, to describe.]

NONE, nun, _adj._ and _pron._ not one: not any: not the smallest part.--_adv._ in no respect: to no extent or degree.--_n._ NONE'-SO-PRETT'Y, or London Pride, _Saxifraga umbrosa_, a common English garden-plant.--_adj._ NONE'-SPAR'ING (_Shak._), all-destroying. [M. E.

_noon_, _non_--A.S. _nan_--_ne_, not, _an_, one.]

NONENTITY, non-en'ti-ti, _n._ want of entity or being: a thing not existing: a person of no importance.

NONES, n[=o]nz, in the Roman calendar, the ninth day before the Ides (both days included)--the 5th of Jan., Feb., April, June, Aug., Sept., Nov., Dec., and the 7th of the other months: the Divine office for the ninth hour, or three o'clock. [L. _nonae_--_nonus_ for _novenus_, ninth--_novem_, nine.]

NON EST, non est, _adj._ for absent, being a familiar shortening of the legal phrase _non est inventus_=he has not been found (_coll_).

NONESUCH, nun'such, _n._ a thing like which there is none such: an extraordinary thing.

NONET, n[=o]-net', _n._ (_mus._) a composition for nine voices or instruments.

NON-FEASANCE, non-f[=e]'zans, _n._ omission of something which ought to be done, distinguished from _Misfeasance_, which means the wrongful use of power or authority. [Pfx. _non_, not, O. Fr. _faisance_, doing--_faire_--L.

_fac[)e]re_, to do.]

NONILLION, n[=o]-nil'yun, _n._ the number produced by raising a million to the ninth power.


NONNY, non'i, _n._ a meaningless refrain in Old English ballads, &c., usually 'hey, nonny'--often repeated _nonny-nonny_, _nonino_, as a cover for obscenity.

NONPAREIL, non-pa-rel', _n._ a person or thing without equal or unique: a fine apple: a printing-type forming about twelve lines to the inch, between emerald (larger) and ruby (smaller).--_adj._ without an equal: matchless.

[Fr.,--_non_, not, _pareil_, equal--Low L. _pariculus_, dim. of _par_, equal.]

NONPLUS, non'plus, _n._ a state in which no more can be done or said: great difficulty.--_v.t._ to perplex completely, to puzzle:--_pr.p._ non'plussing; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ non'plussed. [L. _non_, not, _plus_, more.]

NON POSSUMUS, non pos'[=u]-mus, we are not able: we cannot, a plea of inability. [L., 1st pl. pres. ind. of _posse_, to be able.]

NONSENSE, non'sens, _n._ that which has no sense: language without meaning: absurdity: trifles.--_adj._ NONSENS'ICAL, without sense: absurd.--_ns._ NONSENSICAL'ITY, NONSENS'ICALNESS.--_adv._ NONSENS'ICALLY.--NONSENSE NAME, an arbitrarily coined name, for mnemonic purposes, &c.; NONSENSE VERSES, verses perfect in form but without any connected sense, being merely exercises in metre, &c.: verses intentionally absurd, like that of the Jabberwock in _Through the Looking-glass_.

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