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POLYCARPOUS, pol-i-kar'pus, _adj._ having the fruit composed of two or more distinct carpels.

POLYCHORD, pol'i-kord, _adj._ having many chords.

POLYCHRESTIC, pol-i-kres'tik, _adj._ admitting of use in various ways.--_n._ POL'YCHRESTY.

POLYCHROITE, pol-i-kr[=o]'[=i]t, _n._ safranine.

POLYCHROMATIC, pol-i-kr[=o]-mat'ik, _adj._ many-coloured--also POLYCHR[=O]'MIC.--_adj._ POL'YCHROME, having, or tinted with, several or many colours.--_n._ POL'YCHROMY, decoration or execution in many colours, esp. of statuary or buildings.

POLYCLADOUS, pol-i-kl[=a]'dus, _adj._ much-branched.--_n._ POL'YCL[=A]DY, the production of a number of branches where there is normally but one.

POLYCOTYLEDON, pol-i-kot-i-l[=e]'don, _n._ a plant whose embryo has more than two cotyledons or seed-lobes.--_adj._ POLYCOTYL[=E]'DONOUS.

POLYCRACY, p[=o]-lik'r[=a]-si, _n._ government by many rulers.

POLYCROTIC, pol-i-krot'ik, _adj._ having several beats--of pulses.

POLYDACTYL, pol-i-dak'til, _adj._ having many digits.--_n._ a polydactyl animal.--_n._ POLYDAC'TYLISM, the condition of having many digits.--_adj._ POLYDAC'TYLOUS.

POLYDIPSIA, pol-i-dip'si-a, _n._ excessive thirst. [Gr. _polys_, much, _dipsa_, thirst.]

POLYERGIC, pol-i-er'jik, _adj._ acting in many ways.

POLYFOIL, pol'i-foil, _n._ an opening or ornament consisting of several combined foliations, a combination of more than five foils.--Also _adj._

POLYGALACEae, pol-i-g[=a]-l[=a]'s[=e]-[=e], an order of polypetalous plants--the milkwort family.

POLYGAMY, p[=o]-lig'a-mi, _n._ the practice of having more than one wife at the same POLYG[=A]'MIA, the 23d class in the Linnaean system, embracing plants in which the stamens and pistils are separate in some flowers and associated in others.--_adj._ POLYG[=A]'MIAN.--_n._ POLYG'AMIST.--_adj._ POLYG'AMOUS, relating to polygamy: (_bot._) a term applied to plants which bear both unisexual and hermaphrodite flowers, either on the same or on different individual plants. [Gr.,--_polys_, many, _gamos_, marriage.]

POLYGASTRIC, pol-i-gas'trik, _adj._ having, or appearing to have, many stomachs, as an animalcule.--Also POLYGAS'TRIAN.

POLYGENESIS, pol-i-jen'e-sis, _n._ origin from many separate germs: the theory that organisms sprang from different cells.--_adjs._ POLYGENET'IC, POLYGEN'IC, POLYG'ENOUS.--_ns._ POLYG'ENISM; POLYG'ENIST; POLYG'ENY, the multiple genesis of man.

POLYGLOT, pol'i-glot, _adj._ having or containing many languages.--_n._ a collection of versions in different languages of the same work, esp. a Bible of this kind: one who understands many languages.--_adjs._ POLYGLOT'TIC, POLYGLOT'TOUS. [Gr. _polys_, many, _gl[=o]tta_, the tongue.]

POLYGON, pol'i-gon, _n._ a plane figure bound by a number of straight lines: a figure of many angles.--_adjs._ POLYG'ONAL, POLYG'ONOUS. [L.,--Gr.

_polyg[=o]non_--_polys_, many, _g[=o]nia_, a corner.]

POLYGONUM, po-lig'o-num, _n._ a kind of plant with many joints, as the bistort, knotweed, & POLYGON[=A]'CEae, an order of apetalous plants, mostly herbs--the buckwheat family. [Gr. _polys_, many, _gonu_, a knee.]

POLYGRAM, pol'i-gram, _n._ a figure consisting of many lines.--_adj._ POLYGRAMMAT'IC.

POLYGRAPH, pol'i-graf, _n._ an instrument for multiplying copies of a writing: a collection of different books.--_adjs._ POLYGRAPH'IC, -AL.--_n._ POLYG'RAPHY, voluminous writing: art of writing in various ciphers.

POLYGYNY, p[=o]-lij'i-ni, _n._ polygamy.--_n._ POL'YGYN, a plant of the order POLYGYN'IA (_pl._), the 12th order in the first 13 classes of the Linnaean artificial system of plants, embracing those having flowers with more than twelve styles.--_adjs._ POLYGYN'IAN, POLYGYN'IC, POLYG'YNOUS.

[Gr. _polys_, many, _gyn[=e]_, woman.]

POLYHEDRON, pol-i-h[=e]'dron, _n._ a solid body with many bases or sides.--_adjs._ POLYH[=E]'DRAL, POLYH[=E]'DRICAL, POLYH[=E]'DROUS. [Gr.

_polys_, many, _hedra_, a base.]

POLYHISTOR, pol-i-his'tor, _n._ a person of great and varied learning.

POLYHYMNIA, pol-i-him'ni-a, _n._ the muse of the sublime hymn. [Gr.

_polys_, many, _hymnos_, a hymn.]

POLYMATHY, p[=o]-lim'a-thi, _n._ knowledge of many arts and sciences.--_n._ POL'YMATH, a person possessing this.--_adj._ POLYMATH'IC.--_n._ POLYM'ATHIST.

POLYMERISM, p[=o]-lim'[.e]r-ism, _n._ a particular form of isomerism, the property possessed by several compounds of having similar percentage composition but different molecular weights. [Gr. _polys_, many, _meros_, part.]

POLYMORPHOUS, pol-i-mor'fus, _adj._ having many forms: varying in appearance: taking on many changes--also POLYMOR'PHIC.--_ns._ POL'YMORPH, an organism showing polymorphism: a substance that crystallises in two or more systems; POLYMOR'PHISM, the property of being polymorphous. [Gr.

_polys_, many, _morph[=e],_ form.]

POLYNESIAN, pol-i-n[=e]'zi-an, _adj._ pertaining to _Polynesia_, the numerous groups of islands in the Pacific within or near the tropics.--_n._ a native of Polynesia. [Gr. _polys_, many, _n[=e]sos_, an island.]

POLYNOMIAL, pol-i-n[=o]'mi-al, _n._ an algebraic quantity of many names or terms--same as _multinomial_--also POL'YNOME.--_adj._ of many names or terms.--_n._ POLYN[=O]'MIALISM. [Gr. _polys_, many, L. _nomen_, a name.]

POLYONYMOUS, pol-i-on'i-mus, _adj_. having many names.--_n._ POL'YONYM, a name consisting of several terms.--_adjs._ POLYON'YMAL; POLYONYM'IC, of more than two terms.--_ns._ POLYON'YMIST; POLYON'YMY, multiplicity of names for the same object.

POLYOPIA, pol-i-[=o]'pi-a, _n._ multiple vision.--Also POL'YOPY.

POLYOPTRUM, pol-i-op'trum, _n._ a glass through which objects appear multiplied but diminished.--Also POLYOP'TRON.

POLYORAMA, pol-i-[=o]-ra'ma, _n._ an optical apparatus presenting many views.

POLYP, POLYPE, pol'ip, _n._ a name usually applied to an animal like the fresh-water hydra, having a tubular body, and a wreath of many tentacles round the mouth: something with many feet or roots: a pedunculated tumour attached to the surface of a mucous membrane--in the nose, &c.--also POL'YPUS:--_pl._ POLYPES (pol'ips), POLYPI (pol'i-p[=i]).--_ns._ POL'YPARY, the horny or chitonous outer covering of a colony of polyps; POL'YPIDE, an individual zooid of a polyzoarium or compound polyzoan; POLYP'IDOM, an aggregate of polypites or polypides; POL'YPIER, one individual of a compound polyp: a polypidom, polypary, or polyp-stock.--_adj._ POL'YPOUS.

[Gr. _polypous_--_polys_, many, _pous_, foot.]

POLYPETALOUS, pol-i-pet'al-us, _adj._ with many petals. [Gr. _polys_, many, _petalon_, a leaf.]

POLYPHAGOUS, p[=o]-lif'a-gus, _adj._ eating many different kinds of food.

POLYPHARMACY, pol-i-far'ma-si _n._ the prescribing of too many medicines.

POLYPHLOESBOEAN, pol-i-fles-b[=e]'an, _adj._ loud-roaring. [Homer's frequent description of the sea, _polys_, much, _phloisbos_, noise.]

POLYPHONIC, pol-i-fon'ik, _adj._ capable of being read in more than one way: noting a musical composition of two or more parts, each with an independent melody of its own.--_ns._ POL'YPH[=O]NISM, POLYPH'ONY; POL'YPH[=O]NIST, a ventriloquist: a contrapuntist. [Gr. _polys_, many, _ph[=o]n[=e]_, a voice.]

POLYPHYLETIC, pol-i-f[=i]-let'ik, _adj._ pertaining to many tribes or families: pertaining to the theory that animals are derived from several sources.

POLYPHYLLOUS, pol-i-fil'us, _adj._ many-leafed.

POLYPLASTIC, pol-i-plas'tik, _adj._ having or assuming many forms.

POLYPODE, pol'i-p[=o]d, _n._ an animal with many feet. [Gr.

_polypous_--_polys_, many, _pous_, _podos_, a foot.]

POLYPODIUM, pol-i-p[=o]'di-um, _n._ a genus of ferns with spore-cases on the back of the frond, distinct, ring-shaped, in roundish _sori_, destitute of _indusium_.--_n._ POL'YPODY, a fern of the genus _Polypodium_, having the seed-clusters round, and on each side of the midrib. [Gr. _polys_, many, _pous_, a foot.]

POLYPOROUS, p[=o]-lip'[=o]-rus, _adj._ having many pores.

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