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PEBBLE, peb'l, _n._ a small roundish ball or stone: transparent and colourless rock-crystal used for glass in spectacles, a fine kind of glass: a large size of gunpowder.--_v.t._ to give (to leather) a rough appearance with small rounded prominences.--_adjs._ PEBB'LED, PEBB'LY, full of pebbles.--_ns._ PEBB'LE-POW'DER, gunpowder consisting of large cubical grains, and burning slowly--also _Cube-powder_ and _Prismatic-powder_; PEBB'LE-WARE, a kind of fine pottery made of various coloured clays mixed together; PEBB'LING, a way of graining leather with a ribbed or roughened appearance. [A.S. _papol_-(_-stan_), a pebble(-stone); akin to L. _papula_, a pustule.]

PEBRINE, peb'rin, _n._ a destructive disease of silkworms.--_adj._ PEB'RINOUS. [Fr.]

PECAN, p[=e]-kan', _n._ a North American tree whose wood is chiefly used for fuel, also the nut it yields.

PECCABLE, pek'a-bl, _adj._ liable to sin.--_ns._ PECCABIL'ITY; PECC'ANCY, sinfulness: transgression.--_adj._ PECC'ANT, sinning: transgressing: guilty: morbid: offensive: bad.--_adv._ PECC'ANTLY. [L.

_peccabilis_--_pecc[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to sin.]

PECCADILLO, pek-a-dil'lo, _n._ a little or trifling sin: a petty fault:--_pl._ PECCADIL'LOS, PECCADIL'LOES. [Sp. _pecadillo_, dim. of _pecado_--L. _peccatum_, a sin.]

PECCARY, pek'ar-i, _n._ a hog-like quadruped of South America.

PECCAVI, pe-k[=a]'v[=i], I have sinned. [L. 1st pers. sing. perf. indic.

act. of _pecc[=a]re_, I sin.]

PECH, PEGH, peh, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to pant, to breathe hard. [Imit.]

PECHT, peht, _n._ a corruption of _Pict_.

PECK, pek, _n._ a measure of capacity for dry goods=2 gallons, or one-fourth of a bushel: a great amount. [M. E. _pekke_, prob. from _peck_, 'to pick up.']

PECK, pek, _v.t._ to strike with the beak: to pick up with the beak: to eat: to strike with anything pointed: to strike with repeated blows.--_ns._ PECK'ER, that which pecks: a woodpecker: (_slang_) spirit, as in 'to keep one's pecker up'=to keep up one's spirits; PECK'ING, the sport of throwing pebbles at birds.--_adj._ PECK'ISH, somewhat hungry. [_Pick._]

PECKSNIFF, pek'snif, _n._ one who talks large about virtue and benevolence, while at heart a selfish and unprincipled hypocrite.--_adj._ PECK'SNIFFIAN.--_n._ PECK'SNIFFIANISM. [From Mr _Pecksniff_ in Dickens's _Martin Chuzzlewit_.]

PECTEN, pek'ten, _n._ a genus of molluscs, one species of which is the scallop--so called from the valves having ribs radiating from the umbo to the margin like a comb: a membrane on the eyes of birds.--_adjs._ PECTIN[=A]'CEOUS, like the scallops; PEC'TINAL, of a comb: comb-like: having bones like the teeth of a comb; PEC'TIN[=A]TE, -D, having teeth like a comb: resembling the teeth of a comb.--_adv._ PEC'TIN[=A]TELY.--_n._ PECTIN[=A]'TION, the state of being pectinated--_adjs._ PECTIN[=E]'AL, having a comb-like crest; PEC'TINIBRANCHIATE, having comb-like gills; PEC'TINIFORM, comb-like. [L. _pecten_, a comb.]

PECTIC, pek'tik, _adj._ congealing, curdling.--_ns._ PEC'TIN, PEC'TINE, a soluble gelatinising substance obtained from pectose; PEC'T[=O]SE, a substance yielding pectin, contained in the fleshy pulp of unripe fruit.

[Gr. _p[=e]ktikos_, congealing--_p[=e]gnynai_, to make solid.]

PECTORAL, pek't[=o]-ral, _adj._ relating to the breast or chest.--_n._ armour for the breast: an ornament worn on the breast, esp. the breastplate worn by the ancient Jewish high-priest, and the square of gold, embroidery, &c. formerly worn on the breast over the chasuble by bishops during mass: a pectoral cross: a pectoral fin: a medicine for the chest.--_adv._ PEC'TORALLY.--_n._ PECTORIL'OQUY, the sound of the patient's voice heard through the stethoscope when applied to the chest in certain morbid conditions of the lungs.--PECTORAL FINS, the anterior paired fins of fishes; PECTORAL THEOLOGY, a name sometimes applied to the theology of those Christians who make much of experience and emotion, as themselves guides to a knowledge of divine truth--in Neander's phrase, 'Pectus est quod facit theologum.' [Fr.,--L. _pectoralis_--_pectus_, _pectoris_, the breast.]

PECULATE, pek'[=u]-l[=a]t, _v.t._ to take for one's own use money or property entrusted to one's care: to embezzle: to steal.--_ns._ PECUL[=A]'TION; PEC'UL[=A]TOR. [L. _pecul[=a]ri_, _-[=a]tus_--_pec[=u]lium_, private property, akin to _pecunia_, money.]

PECULIAR, p[=e]-k[=u]l'yar, _adj._ one's own: belonging to no other: appropriate: particular: odd, uncommon, strange.--_n._ (_obs._) private property: a parish or church exempt from the jurisdiction of the ordinary or bishop in whose diocese it is placed.--_v.t._ PECUL'IARISE, to set apart.--_n._ PECULIAR'ITY, quality of being peculiar or singular: that which is found in one and in no other: that which marks a person off from others: individuality.--_adv._ PECUL'IARLY.--_n._ PEC[=U]'LIUM, private property, esp. that given by a father to a son, &c.--PECULIAR PEOPLE, the people of Israel: a sect of faith-healers, founded in London in 1838, who reject medical aid in cases of disease, and rely on anointing with oil by the elders, and on prayer, with patient nursing. [Fr.,--L.

_peculiaris_--_peculium_, private property.]

PECUNIARY, p[=e]-k[=u]'ni-ar-i, _adj._ relating to money: consisting of money.--_adv._ PEC[=U]'NIARILY.--_adj._ PEC[=U]'NIOUS, rich. [Fr.,--L.

_pecuniarius_--_pecunia_, money--_pecu-_, which appears in L. _pecudes_ (pl.), cattle.]

PED, ped, _n._ (_Spens._) a basket, a hamper. [_Pad._]

PEDAGOGUE, ped'a-gog, _n._ a teacher: a pedant.--_v.t._ to teach.--_adjs._ PEDAGOG'IC, -AL, relating to teaching: belonging to, or possessed by, a teacher of children.--_ns._ PEDAGOG'ICS, PED'AGOGISM, PED'AGOGY, the science of teaching: instruction: discipline. [Fr.,--L.,--Gr.

_paidag[=o]gos_--_pais_, _paidos_, a boy, _ag[=o]gos_, a leader--_agein_, to lead.]

PEDAL, ped'al, _adj._ pertaining to a foot.--_n._ any part of a machine transmitting power from the foot: in musical instruments, a lever moved by the foot.--_v.i._ to work a pedal.--_n._ P[=E]D[=A]'LE, a foot-cloth in front of an altar: a collection of canons of general councils in the Greek Church.--_adjs._ P[=E]D[=A]'LIAN, relating to the foot, or to a metrical foot; PED'[=A]TE, divided like a foot: (_bot._) having the side lobes of a divided leaf also divided into smaller parts, the midribs of which do not run to a common centre as in the palmate leaf.--_adv._ PED'[=A]TELY.--_adj._ PEDAT'IFID, divided in a pedate manner, but having the divisions connected at the base.--COMBINATION PEDAL, a metal pedal in organs controlling several stops at once. [L. _pedalis_--_pes_, _pedis_, the foot.]

PEDANT, ped'ant, _n._ one who makes a vain display of learning: a pretender to knowledge which he does not possess: (_Shak._) a pedagogue.--_adjs._ PEDANT'IC, -AL, displaying knowledge for the sake of showing.--_adv._ PEDANT'ICALLY, in a pedantic manner.--_ns._ PEDANT'ICISM, PED'ANTISM.--_v.i._ PED'ANTISE, to play the pedant.--_ns._ PEDANTOC'RACY, government by pedants; PED'ANTRY, acts, manners, or character of a pedant: vain display of learning: (_Swift_) the overrating of any kind of knowledge we pretend to. [Fr.,--It. _pedante_--L. _paedagogan_s, _-antis_, teaching--_paedagogus_, a pedagogue.]

PEDDLE, ped'l, _v.i._ to travel about with a basket or bundle of goods, esp. of smallwares, for sale: to trifle.--_v.t._ to retail in small quantities.--_ns._ PEDD'LER, PED'LAR, PED'LER, a hawker or travelling merchant; PEDD'LERY, PED'LARY, the trade or tricks of a peddler: wares sold by a peddler.--_adj._ PEDD'LING, unimportant.--_n._ the trade or tricks of a peddler. [_Peddar_, _pedder_, one who carries wares in a _ped_ or basket.]

PEDERASTY, ped'e-rast-i, _n._ unnatural commerce of males with males, esp.

boys.--_n._ PED'ERAST, one addicted to this vice.--_adj._ PEDERAST'IC.

[Gr., _pais_, _paidos_, a boy, _erast[=e]s_--_eraein_, to love.]

PEDERERO, ped-e-r[=e]'r[=o], _n._ an old gun for discharging stones, pieces of iron, &c., also for firing salutes.

PEDESIS, ped-[=e]'sis, _n._ the rapid oscillation of small particles in a liquid.

PEDESTAL, ped'es-tal, _n._ anything that serves as a foot or a support: the foot or base of a pillar, &c.: the fixed casting which holds the brasses, in which a shaft turns, called also _Axle-guard_ or _Pillow-block_.--_v.t._ to place on a pedestal. [Sp.,--It. _piedestallo_--L. _pes_, _pedis_, the foot, It. _stallo_, a place.]

PEDESTRIAN, p[=e]-des'tri-an, _adj._ going on foot: performed on foot: pertaining to common people: vulgar.--_n._ one journeying on foot: an expert walker, one who practises feats of walking or running.--_adj._ P[=E]DES'TRIAL, of or pertaining to the foot: pedestrian.--_adv._ P[=E]DES'TRIALLY.--_v.t._ P[=E]DES'TRIANISE, to traverse on foot.--_n._ P[=E]DES'TRIANISM, a going on foot: walking: the practice of a pedestrian.

[L. _pedestris_--_pes_, _pedis_.]

PEDETENTOUS, ped-[=e]-ten'tus, _adj._ proceeding slowly.

PEDIATRICS, ped-i-at'riks, that branch of medical science which relates to children and their special diseases.--Also PED'IATRY. [Gr.

_pais_, _paidos_, a child, _iatrikos_, relating to a physician.]

PEDICEL, ped'i-sel, _n._ the little footstalk by which a single leaf or flower is fixed on the twig or on the cluster of which it forms a part--also PED'ICLE.--_n._ PEDICELL[=A]'RIA, a minute structure on the skin of sea-urchins and star-fish, like a stalk with a three or two bladed snapping forceps at the summit.--_adjs._ PED'ICELLATE, PEDIC'[=U]LATE, provided with a pedicel.--_n._ PED'ICLE, a fetter for the foot. [Fr.

_pedicelle_--L. _pediculus_, dim. of _pes_, _pedis_, the foot.]

PEDICULUS, p[=e]-dik'[=u]-lus, _n._ a genus of lice, or an individual of it.--_adjs._ P[=E]DIC'ULAR, P[=E]DIC'ULOUS, lousy.--_ns._ P[=E]DICUL[=A]'TION, P[=E]DICUL[=O]'SIS, lousiness.

PEDICURE, ped'i-k[=u]r, _n._ the treatment of corns, bunions, or the like: one who treats the feet.

PEDIFEROUS, p[=e]-dif'e-rus, _adj._ footed--also P[=E]DIG'EROUS.--_adj._ PED'IFORM, foot-shaped.

PEDIGREE, ped'i-gr[=e], _n._ a line of ancestors: a list, in order, of the ancestors from whom one has descended: lineage: genealogy.--_adj._ PED'IGREED, having a pedigree. [Skeat suggests Fr. _pied de grue_, crane's-foot, from its use in the drawing out of pedigrees.]

PEDIMANOUS, p[=e]-dim'a-nus, _adj._ having all four feet like hands--of the opossums and lemurs.--_n._ PED'IMANE.


PEDIMENT, ped'i-ment, _n._ (_archit._) a triangular or circular ornament which crowns the fronts of buildings, and serves as a finish to the tops of doors, windows, porticoes, &c.--_adjs._ PEDIMENT'AL; PED'IMENTED, furnished with a pediment: like a pediment. [L. _pedamentum_--_pes_, _pedis_, the foot.]

PEDIPALP, ped'i-palp, _n._ a maxillipalp or maxillary palpus.--_adj._ pertaining to the PEDIPAL'PI, an order of _Arachnida_.--_adj._ PEDIPAL'POUS.


PEDOBAPTISM, p[=e]-d[=o]-bap'tizm, _n._ infant baptism.--_n._ PEDOBAP'TIST, one who believes in infant baptism. [Gr. _pais_, _paidos_, a child, _baptism_.]

PEDOMETER, p[=e]-dom'et-[.e]r, _n._ an instrument, somewhat like a watch, by which the number of the steps of a pedestrian are registered, from which the distance he has walked is measured.--_adj._ PEDOMET'RIC. [L. _pes_, _pedis_, a foot, Gr. _metron_, a measure.]

PEDOMOTOR, ped-[=o]-m[=o]'tor, _n._ a means for applying the foot as a driving power.--_adj._ PEDOM[=O]'TIVE.

PEDOTROPHY, p[=e]-dot'r[=o]-fi, _n._ the rearing of children.--_adj._ PEDOTROPH'IC.--_n._ PEDOT'ROPHIST. [Gr. _pais_, _paidos_, a child, _trephein_, to nourish.]

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