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RAHU, ra'h[=oo], _n._ in Hindu mythology, the demon who causes eclipses of sun and moon.

RAIBLE, r[=a]'bl, _v.t._ and _v.i._ a Scotch form of _rabble_.

RAID, r[=a]d, _n._ a hostile or predatory invasion: a sudden onset: an irruption, as if for assault or seizure.--_v.t._ to make a sudden attack.--_n._ RAID'ER, one who makes a raid.--RAID THE MARKET, to derange prices by a panic. [A.S. _rad_, a riding; Ice. _reidh_.]

RAIL, r[=a]l, _n._ a bar of timber or metal extending from one support to another, as in fences, staircases, &c.: one of those steel bars used on the permanent way of a railway, generally of that form known as the T-rail: a barrier: the railway as a means of travel or transport: (_archit._) the horizontal part of a frame and panel: (_naut._) the forecastle-rail, poop-rail, and top-rail are bars across the forecastle, &c.--_v.t._ to enclose with rails: to furnish with rails.--_ns._ RAIL'-BEND'ER, a screw-press for straightening rails; RAIL'-BOR'ER, a hand-drill for rails; RAIL'-CHAIR, an iron block by which the rails are secured to the sleepers; RAIL'-CLAMP, a wedge for clamping a rail firmly; RAIL'-COUP'LING, a bar by which the opposite rails of a railway are connected at curves, switches, &c.; RAIL'-GUARD, a guard-rail before a front wheel; RAIL'ING, a fence of posts and rails: material for rails; RAIL'-PUNCH, a machine for punching holes in the webs of rails; RAIL'ROAD, RAIL'WAY, a road or way laid with iron rails on which carriages run.--_v.t._ RAIL'ROAD (_U.S._), to push forward fast.--_ns._ RAIL'ROADER, one employed about a railway; RAIL'ROAD-WORM, the apple maggot; RAIL'-SAW, a portable machine for sawing off metal rails; RAIL'-SPLIT'TER (_U.S._), one who splits logs into rails for a fence; RAIL'WAY-CAR, a vehicle for the transportation of passengers and goods; RAIL'WAY-CARR'IAGE, a carriage for the conveyance of passengers; RAIL'WAY-CROSS'ING, an intersection of railway-lines: an intersection of an ordinary road with a railroad; RAIL'WAY-SLIDE, a turn-table; RAIL'WAY-STITCH, a loose and rapid stitch in knitting or crochet-work; RAIL'WAY-TRAIN (see TRAIN).--RAILWAY COMPANY, a stock company formed for the construction and working of a railway, usually organised by a legislative enactment.--ELEVATED RAILWAY, an elevated bridge-like structure used for railway purposes, to avoid obstruction of surface roadways; MILITARY RAILWAY, a railway equipped for military service, the locomotives being armoured, and the carriages armour-plated and provided with portholes for rifles; PORTABLE RAILWAY, a light railway made in detachable sections, and so suited for carrying easily from place to place. [Low Ger. _regel_, prob. through O. Fr. _reille_; cf. Ger. _riegel_, a bar. Some refer to L.

_regula_ through O. Fr. _reille_.]

RAIL, r[=a]l, _v.i._ to brawl: to use insolent language.--_v.t._ to scoff at, affect by railing.--_n._ RAIL'ER, one who rails: one who insults or defames by opprobrious language.--_adj._ RAIL'ING, reproachful, insulting.--_n._ reproachful and insulting language.--_adv._ RAIL'INGLY, in a railing manner: scoffingly: insultingly.--_n._ RAILLERY (r[=a]l'[.e]r-i, or ral'-), railing or mockery: banter: good-humoured irony. [Fr.

_railler_--L. _rallum_, a hoe--_rad[)e]re_, to scrape.]

RAIL, r[=a]l, _n._ a genus of wading-birds with a harsh cry.--_n._ RAIL'-BIRD, the Carolina rail.--GOLDEN RAIL, a rail snipe. [O. Fr. _rasle_ (Fr. _rale_)--Old Dut. _ratelen_, to rattle.]

RAIL, r[=a]l, _v.i._ (_Spens._) to flow or pour down.

RAIL, r[=a]l, _n._ a robe--now only in _Night-rail_.

RAIMENT, r[=a]'ment, _n._ that in which one is dressed: clothing in general. [For _arraiment_. Cf. _Array_.]

RAIN, r[=a]n, _n._ water from the clouds in drops: a shower: a fall of any substance through the atmosphere in the manner of rain.--_v.i._ to fall from the clouds: to drop like rain.--_v.t._ to pour like rain.--_ns._ RAIN'BAND, a dark band in the solar spectrum; RAIN'-BIRD, a bird, like the RAIN'-CROW, supposed to foretell rain by its cries and actions; RAIN'BOW, the brilliant-coloured bow or arch seen when rain is falling opposite the sun, called _lunar rainbow_ when formed by the moon; RAIN'BOW-DART'ER, the soldier-fish.--_adjs._ RAIN'BOWED, formed with, or like, a rainbow; RAIN'BOW-TINT'ED, having tints like those of a rainbow: iridescent.--_ns._ RAIN'BOW-TROUT, a variety of the Californian salmon; RAIN'-CHAM'BER, an attachment to a furnace in which the fumes of any metal are condensed; RAIN'-CHART, -MAP, a chart giving information as to the distribution of rain in any part of the world; RAIN'-CLOUD, a cloud in meteorology called nimbus; RAIN'DROP, a drop of rain; RAIN'FALL, a fall of rain: the amount of water that falls in a given time in the form of rain; RAIN'-GAUGE, an instrument for measuring the quantity of rain that falls; RAIN'INESS, the state of being rainy.--_adj._ RAIN'LESS, without rain.--_ns._ RAIN'-MAK'ER, -DOC'TOR, a sorcerer, as those of Africa, professing to bring rain; RAIN'-POUR, a heavy rainfall; RAIN'-PRINT, one of the small pits seen on the surfaces of some argillaceous rocks, and believed to be the impressions of raindrops.--_adjs._ RAIN'-PROOF, -TIGHT, impervious to rain.--_ns._ RAIN'STORM; RAIN'-TREE, the genisaro of South America; RAIN'-WA'TER, water which falls in rain from the clouds.--_adj._ RAIN'Y, abounding with rain: showery.--RAIN CATS AND DOGS (see CAT).--A RAINY DAY (_fig._), a time of need or hardship: future want or need; THE FORMER AND THE LATTER RAIN, Palestine, the rain in spring and in autumn: rain in its season. [A.S.

_regn_, _ren_, rain; Dut. and Ger. _regen_, Ice. _regn_.]


RAISE, r[=a]z, _v.t._ to cause to rise: to lift up: to hoist: to set upright: to originate or produce: to bring together: to cause to grow or breed: to produce: to give rise to: to exalt: to increase the strength of: to excite: to collect: muster: (_Scot._) to rouse, inflame: to recall from death: to cause to swell, as dough: to extol: to bring up: to remove, take off, as a blockade: to collect, as to raise a company: to give rise to, as to raise a laugh.--_n._ an ascent, a cairn: (_coll._) an enlargement, increase.--_adj._ RAIS'ABLE, capable of being raised.--_ns._ RAIS'ER, one who, or that which, raises a building, &c.: (_archit._) the upright board on the front of a step in a flight of steps; RAIS'ING, the act of lifting: the embossing of sheet-metal by hammering or stamping: the process of deepening colours in dyeing: that with which bread is raised; RAIS'ING-BEE, a gathering of neighbours to help in raising the frame of a house, &c.; RAIS'ING-BOARD, a ribbed board by which to raise the grain of leather; RAIS'ING-GIG, a machine for raising a nap on cloth; RAIS'ING-PIECE, a piece of timber laid on a brick wall, or on a frame, to carry a beam or beams; RAIS'ING-PLATE, a horizontal timber supporting the heels of rafters.--RAISE A SIEGE, to relinquish a siege, or cause this to be done; RAISE BREAD, to make it light, as by yeast or leaven; RAISE CAIN, THE DEVIL, HELL, THE MISCHIEF, &c., to create confusion or riot; RAISED BEACH (_geol._), a terrace of gravel, &c., marking the margin of an ancient sea; RAISED EMBROIDERY, that in which the pattern is raised in relief from the ground; RAISED WORK, in lace-making, work having the edge or some other part of the pattern raised in relief; RAISE MONEY ON, to get money by pawning something; RAISE ONE'S DANDER (see DANDER); RAISE THE MARKET UPON (_coll._), to charge more than the regular price; RAISE THE WIND, to obtain money by any shift. [M. E. _reisen_--Ice. _reisa_, causal of _risa_, to rise. Cf. _Rise_.]

RAISIN, r[=a]'zn, _n._ a dried ripe grape.--RAISIN WINE, wine made from dried grapes. [Fr.,--L. _racemus_, a bunch of grapes.]

RAISON D'eTRE, r[=a]-zong' d[=a]'tr, _n._ reason or excuse for being: rational ground for existence.--_adj._ RAISONNe (r[=a]-zo-n[=a]'), reasoned out, systematic, as in 'catalogue raisonne.' [Fr. _raison_, reason, _de_, of, _etre_, to be.]

RAJAH, RAJA, ra'ja, _n._ a native prince or king in Hindustan.--_ns._ RAJ (raj), rule; RA'JAHSHIP, the dignity or principality of a rajah; RAJPOOT, RAJPUT (raj-poot'), a member of various tribes in India, descended either from the old royal races of the Hindus or from the warrior caste. [Sans.

_r[=a]jan_, a king, cog. with L. _rex_; Sans. _putra_, a son.]

RAKE, r[=a]k, _n._ an instrument with teeth or pins for smoothing earth, &c.: any tool consisting of a flat blade at right angles to a long handle.--_v.t._ to scrape with something toothed: to draw together: to gather with difficulty: to level with a rake: to search diligently: to pass over violently and swiftly: (_naut._) to fire into, as a ship, lengthwise: to inter or hide, as by raking earth over a body.--_v.i._ to work with a rake: to search minutely.--_ns._ R[=A]'KER; R[=A]'KING, the act or operation of using a rake: the space raked at once: the quantity collected at once with a rake: sharp criticism.--_adj._ such as to rake, as a raking fire.--RAKE HELL, to search even hell to find a person equally bad; RAKE UP, to cover with material raked or scraped together: to draw from oblivion, to revive. [A.S. _raca_, a rake; Ger. _rechen_, Ice. _reka_, a shovel.]

RAKE, r[=a]k, _n._ [Contr. of _rakehell_.]

RAKE, r[=a]k, _n._ (_naut._) the projection of the stem and stern of a ship beyond the extremities of the keel: the inclination of a mast from the perpendicular.--_v.i._ to incline from the perpendicular or the horizontal.--_v.t._ to cause to incline or slope.--_adj._ R[=A]'KISH, having a rake or inclination of the masts.--_adv._ R[=A]'KISHLY. [Scand., Sw. _raka_, to reach.]

RAKE, r[=a]k, _n._ a dissolute person: a libertine.--_v.i._ to lead a debauched life, esp. to make a practice of lechery.--_n._ RAKE'HELL, a rascal or villain: a debauchee.--_adjs._ RAKE'HELL, -Y, dissolute.--_ns._ RAKEHELL[=O]'NIAN, a rakehell; R[=A]'KERY, dissoluteness; RAKE'SHAME (_Milt._), a base, dissolute wretch.--_adj._ R[=A]'KISH, like a rake: dissolute: debauched.--_adv._ R[=A]'KISHLY.--_n._ R[=A]'KISHNESS, dissoluteness: the state of being rakish or dissolute: dissolute practices.

[Corr. of M. E. _rakel_, corr. into _rakehell_, shortened to _rake_; Scand., as Sw. _rakkel_, a vagabond, Ice. _reikall_, unsettled--_reika_, to wander.]

RAKE, r[=a]k, _v.i._ (_prov._) to wander, to take a course, proceed: (_hunting_) of a hawk, to fly wide of the game: of a dog, to follow a wrong course.--RAKE ABOUT (_Scot._), to gad or wander about. [M. E. _raken_--A.S.

_racian_, to run; confused with M. E. _raiken_--Ice. _reika_, to wander.]

RAKI, rak'[=e], _n._ a spirituous liquor used in the Levant and Greece.--Also RAK'EE. [Turk.]

RAKSHAS, -A, rak'shas, -a, _n._ in Hindu mythology, one of a class of evil spirits or genii, generally hideous, frequenting cemeteries.

RaLE, ral, _n._ (_path._) an abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the lungs. [Fr.,--_raler_, to rattle--Low Ger. _ratelen_, to rattle.]

RALLENTANDO, ral-len-tan'd[=o], _adj._ (_mus._) becoming slower.--Also RALLENTA'TO, and abbrev. RALL. [It., _rallentare_, to slacken.]

RALLIER, ral'i-[.e]r, _n._ one who rallies.

RALLUS, ral'us, _n._ a genus containing the true rails, water-rails, and marsh-hens.--_adjs._ RALL'IFORM; RALL'INE. [_Rail._]

RALLY, ral'i, _v.t._ to gather again: to collect and arrange, as troops in confusion: to recover.--_v.i._ to reassemble, esp. after confusion: to recover wasted strength:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ rallied (ral'id).--_n._ act of rallying: a melee of pantomimists, as at the end of a transformation scene: recovery of order: recovery of prices: the return of the ball in tennis, playing frequently from one side to the other.--_n._ RALL'YING-POINT, a place or person at or about whom people come together for action. [O. Fr. _rallier_--L. _re-_, again, _ad_, to, _lig[=a]re_, to bind. Cf. _Ally_.]

RALLY, ral'i, _v.t._ to attack with raillery: to banter.--_v.i._ to exercise raillery:--_pa.t._ and _pa.p._ rall'ied.--_n._ satirical merriment.--_adv._ RALL'YINGLY. [Fr. _railler_. A variant of _rail_ (v.i.).]

RALPH, ralf, _n._ (_slang_) the imp of mischief in a printing-house: a raven.

RAM, ram, _n._ a male sheep, a tup: (_astron._) Aries (q.v.), one of the signs of the zodiac: an engine of war for battering, with a head like that of a ram: a hydraulic engine, called water-ram: a ship-of-war armed with a heavy iron beak for running down a hostile vessel.--_v.t._ to thrust with violence, as a ram with its head: to force together: to drive hard down:--_pr.p._ ram'ming; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ rammed.--_n._ RAM'-HEAD, an iron lever for raising great stones: a cuckold. [A.S. _ram_, _rom_; Ger.


RAM, ram, _adj._ strong-scented: (used as a prefix) very.--_n._ RAM'-CAT, a tom-cat.--_adj._ RAM'MISH, strong-scented: lewd.--_n._ RAM'MISHNESS.--_adj._ RAM'MY. [Ice. _ramr_, strong, as Ice. _ramliga_, strongly.]

RAMADAN, RAMADHAN, ram-a-dan', _n._ the ninth month of the Mohammedan year, throughout which the faithful are required to fast from dawn to sunset--prop. RAMAZAN'. [Ar.,--_ramed_, to be hot.]


RAMAYANA, ra-ma'ya-na, _n._ one of the two great epic poems of ancient India--the history of _Rama_.

RAMBADE, ram'b[=a]d, _n._ the elevated platform built across the prow of a vessel for boarding. [Fr.]

RAMBLE, ram'bl, _v.i._ to go from place to place without object: to visit many places: to be desultory, as in discourse.--_n._ a roving about: an irregular excursion: a place in which to ramble.--_n._ RAM'BLER.--_adj._ RAM'BLING, moving about irregularly: desultory.--_adv._ RAM'BLINGLY, in a rambling manner. [Freq. of M. E. _ramen_, to roam.]

RAMBUSTIOUS, ram-bus'tyus, _adj._ (_slang_) boisterous.

RAMBUTAN, ram-b[=oo]'tan, _n._ the edible fruit of a lofty Malaysian tree (_Nephelium lappaceum_).--Also RAMB[=OO]'TAN, RAMBOST'AN. [Malay.]

RAMe, ra-m[=a]', _adj._ (_her._) attired. [O. Fr., 'branched.']

RAMEAL, r[=a]'m[=e]-al, _adj._; RAMIFY, &c. See under RAMUS.

RAMED, ramd, _adj._ framed on the stocks, and adjusted by the RAM'-LINE, a small rope or line used for setting the frames fair, helping to form the sheer of the ship, &c. [Fr. _rame_, a branch--L. _ramus_.]

RAMEKIN, ram'e-kin, _n._ toasted cheese and bread. [Fr. _ramequin_--Old Flem. _rammeken_.]

RAMENT, r[=a]-ment', _n._ (_bot._) a bristle-shaped leaflet in the angle of a petiole:--_pl._ R[=A]MEN'TA, loose foliaceous scales on plants, esp. on the petioles and leaves of ferns.--_adj._ R[=A]MENT[=A]'CEOUS (_bot._), covered with ramenta. [L. _ramenta_, scrapings, pl. of _ramentum_--_rad[)e]re_, to scrape.]

RAMFEEZLE, ram-f[=e]'zl, _v.t._ (_Scot._) to weary out.

RAMGUNSHOCK, ram-gun'shok, _adj._ (_Scot._) rough.

RAMICORN, r[=a]'mi-korn, _n._ the horny sheath of the side of the lower mandible in birds.--_adj._ possessing ramified antennae. [L. _ramus_, branch, _cornu_, horn.]

RAMIE, RAMEE, ram'[=e], _n._ China-grass, _Boehmeria nivea_, or its fibre, long used in the East for ropes and cordage, and for cloth in China and Japan.--Also _Rhea_ and _China-grass_. [Malay.]

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