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HIDE, h[=i]d, _n._ the skin of an animal, esp. the larger animals, sometimes used derogatorily for human skin.--_v.t._ to flog or whip.--_adj._ HIDE'-BOUND, having the hide closely bound to the body, as in animals: in trees, having the bark so close that it impedes the growth: stubborn, bigoted, obstinate.--_n._ HID'ING, a thrashing. [A.S. _hd_; Ger.

_haut_, L. _cutis_.]

HIDE, h[=i]d, _n._ in old English law, a certain area of land, from 60 to 100 acres.--_n._ HID'AGE, a tax once assessed on every hide of land. [A.S.

_hid_, contracted from _higid_--_hiw-_, _hig-_, household.]

HIDEOUS, hid'e-us, _adj._ frightful: horrible: ghastly.--_ns._ HIDEOS'ITY, HID'EOUSNESS.--_adv._ HID'EOUSLY. [O. Fr. _hideus_, _hisdos_--_hide_, _hisde_, dread, prob.--L. _hispidus_, rough, rude.]

HIDROTIC, hid-rot'ik, _adj._ sudorific.--_n._ a sudorific.

HIE, h[=i], _v.i._ to hasten.--_v.t._ to urge on: pass quickly over:--_pr.p._ hie'ing; _pa.p._ hied. [A.S. _higian_.]

HIE, HIGH, h[=i], _n._ (_prov._) the call to a horse to turn to the left:--opposite of HUP.

HIELAMAN, h[=i]'la-man, _n._ the native Australian narrow shield of bark or wood.

HIEMS, h[=i]'emz, _n._ (_Shak._) winter.--_adj._ H[=I]'EMAL.--_v.t._ H[=I]'EMATE.--_n._ HIEM[=A]'TION, hibernation. [L.]

HIERACOSPHINX, h[=i]-er-[=a]'ko-sfingks, _n._ See SPHINX.

HIERA-PICRA, h[=i]'e-ra-pik'ra, _n._ a purgative drug from aloes and canella bark.--Also _Hickery-pickery_, _Higry-pigry_. [Gr. _hiera_, fem. of _hieros_, sacred, _pikra_, fem. of _pikros_, bitter.]

HIERARCH, h[=i]'[.e]r-ark, _n._ a ruler in sacred matters.--_adjs._ HI'ERARCHAL, HIERARCH'ICAL.--_adv._ HIERARCH'ICALLY.--_ns._ H[=I]'ERARCHISM; H[=I]'ERARCHY, rule in sacred matters: persons that so rule: the body of the clergy: a government by priests: a series of successive terms of different rank; HIEROC'RACY, government by priests.--CELESTIAL HIERARCHY, the collective body of angels, grouped in three divisions and nine orders of different power and glory: (1) seraphim, cherubim, thrones; (2) dominations or dominions, virtues, powers; (3) principalities, archangels, angels. [Gr. _hierarch[=e]s_--_hieros_, sacred, _archein_, to rule.]

HIERATIC, h[=i]-[.e]r-at'ik, _adj._ sacred: relating to priests, applying to a certain kind of ancient Egyptian writing, which consisted of abridged forms of hieroglyphics; also to certain styles in art. [L.

_hieraticus_--Gr. _hieratikos_--_hieros_, sacred.]


HIEROGLYPHIC, h[=i]-[.e]r-o-glif'ik, also H[=I]'EROGLYPH, _n._ the sacred characters of the ancient Egyptian language: picture-writing, or writing in which figures of objects are employed instead of conventional signs, like the alphabet--hieroglyphics are either _phonetic_ or _ideographic_, the former comprising signs which represent sounds, the latter those which represent ideas: any symbolical or enigmatical figure.--_v.t._ H[=I]'EROGLYPH, to represent by hieroglyphs.--_adjs._ HIEROGLYPH'IC, -AL.--_adv._ HIEROGLYPH'ICALLY.--_n._ HIEROG'LYPHIST, one skilled in hieroglyphics. [Gr. _hieroglyphikon_--_hieros_, sacred, _glyphein_, to carve.]

HIEROGRAM, h[=i]'er-o-gram, _n._ a hieroglyphic symbol.--_adjs._ HIEROGRAMMAT'IC, -AL.--_ns._ HIEROGRAM'MATIST, HIEROGRAM'MATE, a writer of sacred records; H[=I]'EROGRAPH, a sacred symbol; HIEROG'RAPHER, a sacred scribe.--_adjs._ HIEROGRAPH'IC, -AL, pertaining to sacred writing.--_n._ HIEROG'RAPHY, a description of sacred things. [Gr. _hieros_, sacred, _gramma_, a writing.]

HIEROLATRY, h[=i]-er-ol'a-tri, _n._ the worship of saints or sacred things.

HIEROLOGY, h[=i]-[.e]r-ol'o-ji, _n._ the science of sacred matters, esp.

ancient writing and Egyptian inscriptions.--_adj._ HIEROLOG'IC.--_n._ HIEROL'OGIST. [Gr. _hierologia_--_hieros_, sacred, _legein_, to speak.]

HIEROMANCY, h[=i]-er-o-man'si, _n._ divination by observing the objects offered in sacrifice.

HIERONYMIC, h[=i]-e-r[=o]-nim'ik, _adj._ of or pertaining to St Jerome--also HIERONYM'IAN.--_n._ HIERON'YMITE, one of the many hermit orders established in the course of the 13th and 14th centuries. [L.

_Hieronymus_, Jerome.]

HIEROPATHIC, h[=i]-er-o-path'ik, _adj._ consisting in love of the clergy.

HIEROPHANT, h[=i]'[.e]r-o-fant, _n._ one who shows or reveals sacred things: a priest.--_adj._ HIEROPHANT'IC, belonging to or relating to hierophants. [Gr. _hierophant[=e]s_--_hieros_, sacred, _phainein_, to show.]

HIEROSCOPY, h[=i]-er-os'ko-pi, _n._ the same as hieromancy.

HIEROSOLYMITAN, h[=i]-e-r[=o]-sol'i-m[=i]-tan, _adj._ of or pertaining to Jerusalem. [L. _Hierosolyma_, Jerusalem.]

HIERURGY, h[=i]'er-ur'ji, _n._ a sacred performance.--_adj._ HIERUR'GICAL.

HIGGLE, hig'l, _v.i._ to make difficulty in bargaining: to chaffer.--_v.i._ HIGG'LE-HAGG'LE, a reduplicated variant of _higgle_.--_ns._ HIGG'LER; HIGG'LING. [Prob. a form of _haggle_.]

HIGGLEDY-PIGGLEDY, hig'l-di-pig'l-di, _adv._ and _adj._ topsy-turvy: (_coll._) upside down. [A word coined to express a meaningless jumble.]

HIGH, h[=i], _adj._ elevated: lofty: tall: elevated relatively to something, as upward from a base, in position from the mouth of a river, &c.: eminent in anything: exalted in rank: dignified: chief: noble: ostentatious: arrogant: proud: strong, intensified: extreme in opinion: powerful: angry: loud: violent: tempestuous: shrill: excellent: far advanced: difficult: dear: remote in time: slightly tainted (of game, &c.).--_adv._ aloft: eminently: powerfully: profoundly: of flesh, on the point of beginning to decay.--_ns._ HIGH'-AD'MIRAL, a high or chief admiral of a fleet; HIGH'-AL'TAR, the principal altar in a church; HIGH'-BAIL'IFF, an officer who serves writs, &c., in certain franchises, exempt from the ordinary supervision of the sheriff; HIGH'-BIND'ER (_U.S._), a rowdy, ruffian, blackmailer.--_adjs._ HIGH'-BLEST (_Milt._), supremely blest or happy; HIGH'-BLOOD'ED, of noble lineage; HIGH'-BLOWN, swelled with wind: (_Shak._) inflated, as with pride; HIGH'-BORN, of high or noble birth; HIGH'-BRED, of high or noble breed, training, or family.--_ns._ HIGH'-CHURCH, applied to a party within the Church of England, which exalts the authority of the Episcopate and the priesthood, the saving grace of sacraments, &c. (also _adj._); HIGH'-CHURCH'ISM; HIGH'-CHURCH'MAN.--_adj._ HIGH'-COL'OURED, having a strong or glaring colour.--_ns._ HIGH'-COURT, a supreme court; HIGH'-CROSS, a market cross; HIGH'-DAY, a holiday or festival: (_B._) broad daylight.--_adj._ befitting a festival.--_v.t._ HIGH'ER, to raise higher: to lift.--_v.i._ to ascend.--_n._ HIGH'-FAL[=U]'TIN, bombastic discourse.--_adj._ bombastic: pompous.--_adj._ HIGH'-FED, fed highly or luxuriously: pampered.--_ns._ HIGH'-FEED'ING; HIGH'-FLIER, a bird that flies high: one who runs into extravagance of opinion or action.--_adjs._ HIGH'-FLOWN, extravagant: elevated: turgid; HIGH'-FLY'ING, extravagant in conduct or opinion; HIGH'-GROWN (_Shak._), covered with a high growth; HIGH'-HAND'ED, overbearing: violent: arbitrary.--_n._ HIGH'-HAND'EDNESS.--_adjs._ HIGH'-HEART'ED, with the heart full of courage; HIGH'-HEELED, wearing high heels--of shoes.--_n._ HIGH'-JINKS, boisterous play or jollity: an old Scotch pastime in which persons played various parts under penalty of a forfeit.--_adj._ HIGH'-KILT'ED, wearing the kilt or petticoat high: indecorous.--_n._ and _adj._ HIGH'LAND, a mountainous district, esp. in _pl._ that portion of Scotland lying north and west of a line drawn diagonally from Nairn to Dumbarton.--_ns._ HIGH'LANDER, HIGH'LANDMAN, an inhabitant of a mountainous region; HIGH'-LOW, a high shoe fastened with a leather thong in front.--_adv._ HIGH'LY.--_n._ HIGH'-MASS (see MASS).--_adjs._ HIGH'-METT'LED, high-spirited, courageous; HIGH'-MIND'ED, having a high, proud, or arrogant mind: having honourable pride: magnanimous.--_n._ HIGH'-MIND'EDNESS.--_adjs._ HIGH'MOST, highest; HIGH'-NECKED, of a dress, cut so as to cover the shoulders and neck.--_n._ HIGH'NESS, the state of being high: dignity of rank: a title of honour given to princes.--_adj._ HIGH'-PITCHED, high-strung: haughty.--_n._ HIGH'-PLACE (_B._), an eminence on which idolatrous rites were performed by the Jews--hence the idols, &c., themselves.--_adjs._ HIGH'-PRESS'URE, applied to a steam-engine in which the steam is raised to a high temperature, so that the pressure may exceed that of the atmosphere; HIGH'-PRICED, costly.--_ns._ HIGH'-PRIEST (see PRIEST); HIGH'-PRIEST'ESS; HIGH'-PRIEST'HOOD.--_adjs._ HIGH'-PRIN'CIPLED, of high, noble, or strict principle; HIGH'-PROOF, proved to contain much alcohol: highly rectified; HIGH'-RAISED, raised aloft: elevated; HIGH'-REACH'ING, reaching upwards: ambitious.--_n._ HIGH'-ROAD, one of the public or chief roads: a road for general traffic.--_adjs._ HIGH'-SEA'SONED, made rich or piquant with spices or other seasoning; HIGH'-SIGHT'ED (_Shak._), always looking upwards; HIGH'-SOULED, having a high or lofty soul or spirit; HIGH'-SOUND'ING, pompous: ostentatious; HIGH'-SPIR'ITED, having a high spirit or natural fire: bold: daring: irascible.--_n._ HIGH'-STEP'PER, a horse that lifts its feet high from the ground.--_adjs._ HIGH'-STEP'PING, having a proud or conceited carriage or walk; HIGH'-STOM'ACHED (_Shak._), proud-spirited, lofty, obstinate; HIGH'-STRUNG, high-spirited: sensitive.--_n._ HIGHT (_Milt._), obsolete form of height.--_adj._ HIGH'-TAST'ED, having a strong, piquant taste or relish.--_n._ HIGH'-TIDE (_rare_), a great festival.--_adj._ HIGH'-TONED, high in pitch: dignified.--_ns._ HIGH'-TOP (_Shak._), a mast-head; HIGH'-TREA'SON, treason against the sovereign or state.--_adj._ HIGH'-VICED (_Shak._), enormously wicked.--_ns._ HIGH'-WA'TER, the time at which the tide is highest: the greatest elevation of the tide; HIGH'-WA'TER-MARK, the highest line so reached; HIGH'WAY, a public road on which all have right to go: the main or usual way or course; HIGH'WAYMAN, a robber who attacks people on the public way.--_adj._ HIGH'-WROUGHT, wrought with exquisite skill: highly finished: agitated.--HIGH AND DRY, of a ship, up out of the water: disabled; HIGH AND LOW, rich and poor, people of every condition; HIGH AND MIGHTY, exalted: arrogant; HIGH CELEBRATION (see CELEBRATION); HIGH LIFE, the life of fashionable society: the people of this society; HIGH LIVING, over-indulgence in the pleasures of the table; HIGH SEAS, the open sea, including the whole extent of sea so far as it is not the exclusive property of any particular country; HIGH TABLE, the table in the dining-hall of a college where the dons sit; HIGH TEA, a tea with hot meat, &c., as opposed to a plain tea.--A HIGH HAND, OR ARM, might: power: audacity; A HIGH TIME, A HIGH OLD TIME (_coll._), a time of special jollity or enthusiasm; BE HIGH TIME, to be fully time something was done that should have been done well before; BE ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE, to assume an attitude of fancied superiority: to be arrogant.--HIGHLAND COSTUME, the fillibeg or kilt, shoulder-plaid, sporran, &c.; HIGHLAND REGIMENTS, a number of regiments in the British army, wearing the Highland dress and feather-bonnet, or tartan trews and shakos.--IN HIGH FEATHER, in high spirits: happy; ON HIGH, in or to a height; ON THE HIGH ROPES (_coll._), in an elated or highly excited mood; WITH A HIGH HAND, arrogantly. [A.S.

_heah_; Goth. _hauhs_, Ice. _har_, Ger. _hoch_.]

HIGHT, h[=i]t, _v.t._ to command: (_Spens._) to call, name.--_v.i._ (orig.

_pass._) to be called or named, to have as a name; therefore third pers.

sing., HIGHT=he was or is called. [M. E. _highte_--A.S. _hatte_, I was called, _pa.t._ of _hatan_, to call, to be called. Cf. Ger. _ich heisse_, I am named, from _heissen_, to call.]

HIGHTY-TIGHTY, h[=i]'ti-t[=i]'ti, _adj._ the same as HOITY-TOITY (q.v.).


HILAR, h[=i]'lar, _adj._ pertaining to a hilum.

HILARIOUS, hi-l[=a]'ri-us, _adj._ gay: very merry.--_adv._ HIL[=A]'RIOUSLY.--_n._ HILAR'ITY, gaiety: pleasurable excitement. [L.

_hilaris_--Gr. _hilaros_, cheerful.]

HILARY, hil'ar-i, _adj._ a term or session of the High Court of Justice in England; also one of the university terms at Oxford and Dublin--from St _Hilary_ of Poitiers (died 367), festival, Jan. 13.

HILCH, hilch, _v.t._ (_Scot._) to hobble.--_n._ a limp.

HILDEBRANDISM, hil'de-brand-izm, _n._ the spirit and policy of _Hildebrand_ (Pope Gregory VII., 1073-85), unbending assertion of the power of the Church, &c.--_adj._ HILDEBRAND'IC.

HILDING, hild'ing, _n._ a mean, cowardly person, a dastard.--_adj._ cowardly, spiritless. [Prob. _hield_, to bend down.]

HILL, hil, _n._ a high mass of land, less than a mountain.--_n._ HILL'-DIG'GER, one who digs into barrows, &c., for buried treasure.--_adj._ HILLED, having HILL'-FOLK, HILL'MEN, people living or hiding among the hills: the Scotch sect of Cameronians, the Covenanters generally.--_ns._ HILL'-FORT, a prehistoric stronghold; HILL'INESS; HILL'OCK, a small hill.--_adj._ HILL'OCKY.--_ns._ HILL'-SIDE, the slope of a hill; HILL'-TOP, the summit of a hill.--_adj._ HILL'Y, full of hills.--UP HILL AND DOWN DALE, vigorously and persistently. [A.S. _hyll_; cf. L.

_collis_, a hill, _celsus_, high.]

HILLO, hil'[=o], _interj._ Same as HALLO.

HILT, hilt, _n._ the handle, esp. of a sword.--_adj._ HILT'ED, having a hilt.--UP TO THE HILT, completely, thoroughly, to the full. [A.S. _hilt_; Dut. _hilte_, Old High Ger. _helza_; not conn. with _hold_.]

HILUM, h[=i]'lum, _n._ the scar on a seed at the point of union with the placenta: (_anat._) the depression at the place where ducts, vessels, and nerves enter an organ.--_adj._ H[=I]'LAR. [L.]

HIM, him, _pron._ the objective case of _he_.--_pron._ HIM'SELF, the emphatic and reflective form of _he_ and _him_: the proper character of a person. [A.S. _him_, dat. sing. masc. and neut. of _he_, _it_.]

HIMATION, hi-mat'i-on, _n._ the ancient Greek outer garment, oblong, thrown over the left shoulder, and fastened either over or under the right. [Gr.]

HIMYARITIC, him-ya-rit'ik, _adj._ a name formerly applied to the language of the ancient Sabaean inscriptions in the south-west of Arabia. [_Himyar_, a traditional king of Yemen.]

HIN, hin, _n._ a Hebrew liquid measure containing about six English quarts.


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