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EXIST, egz-ist', _v.i._ to have an actual being: to live: to continue to be.--_n._ EXIST'ENCE, state of existing or being: continued being: life: anything that exists: a being.--_adjs._ EXIST'ENT, having being: at present existing; EXISTEN'TIAL. [L. _exist[)e]re_, _exsist[)e]re_--_ex_, out, _sist[)e]re_, to make to stand.]

EXIT, eks'it, _n._ a direction in playbooks to an actor to go off the stage: the departure of a player from the stage: any departure: a way of departure: a passage out: a quitting of the world's stage, or life: death:--_pl._ EX'EUNT.--_v.i._ to make an exit. [L. _exit_, he goes out, _exeunt_, they go out--_ex[=i]re_, to go out--_ex_, out, and _[=i]re_, _itum_, to go.]

EX LIBRIS, eks l[=i]'bris, _n._ a book-plate--lit. 'from the books of.'


EXODE, ek's[=o]d, _n._ the concluding part of a Greek drama: a farce or afterpiece. [Gr.]

EXODUS, eks'o-dus, _n._ a going out or departure, esp. that of the Israelites from Egypt (1491 B.C., Usher): the second book of the Old Testament.--_adj._ EXOD'IC.--_n._ EX'ODIST, one who goes out: an emigrant.

[L.,--Gr. _exodos_--_ex_, out, _hodos_, a way.]

EXOGAMY, eks-og'a-mi, _n._ the practice of marrying only outside of one's own tribe.--_adj._ EXOG'AMOUS. [Gr. _exo_, out, _gamos_, marriage.]

EXOGEN, eks'o-jen, _n._ a plant belonging to the great class that increases by layers growing on the outside of the wood.--_adj._ EXOG'ENOUS (-oj'), growing by successive additions to the outside. [L. _ex[=o]_, outside, and _gen_, root of _gignesthai_, to be produced.]

EXOMIS, eks-[=o]'mis, _n._ a sleeveless vest, worn by workmen and slaves--(_Browning_) EX[=O]'MION. [Gr. _ex[=o]mis_--_ex_, out, _[=o]mos_, shoulder.]

EXON, eks'on, _n._ one of the four officers of the yeomen of the Royal Guard. [App. intended to express the pronunciation of Fr. _exempt_ (Dr Murray).]

EXONERATE, egz-on'[.e]r-[=a]t, _v.t._ to free from the burden of blame or obligation: to acquit.--_n._ EXONER[=A]'TION, act of exonerating or freeing from a charge or blame.--_adj._ EXON'ERATIVE, freeing from a burden or obligation. [L. _exoner[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_ex_, from, _onus_, _oneris_, burden.]

EXOPHAGY, eks-of'a-ji, _n._ the custom among cannibals of eating only the flesh of persons not of their own tribe.--_adj._ EXOPH'AGOUS. [Formed from Gr. _ex[=o]_, outside, _phagein_, to eat.]

EXORABLE, ek's[=o]-ra-bl, _adj._ capable of being moved by entreaty.--_n._ EXOR[=A]'TION, entreaty.

EXORBITANT, egz-or'bi-tant, _adj._ going beyond the usual limits: excessive.--_ns._ EXOR'BITANCE, EXOR'BITANCY, extravagance: enormity.--_adv._ EXOR'BITANTLY.--_v.i._ EXOR'BIT[=A]TE, to stray. [L.

_exorbitans_, _-antis_, pr.p. of _exorbit[=a]re_--_ex_, out of, _orbita_, a track--_orbis_, a circle.]

EXORCISE, eks'or-s[=i]z, or eks-or'-, _v.t._ to adjure by some holy name: to call forth or drive away, as a spirit: to deliver from the influence of an evil spirit.--_ns._ EX'ORCISM, act of exorcising or expelling evil spirits by certain ceremonies: a formula for exorcising; EX'ORCIST, one who exorcises or pretends to expel evil spirits by adjurations: (_R.C. Church_) the third of the minor orders. [Through Late L., from Gr.

_exorkizein_--_ex_, out, _horkos_, an oath.]

EXORDIUM, egz-or'di-um, _n._ the introductory part of a discourse or composition.--_adj._ EXOR'DIAL, pertaining to the exordium: introductory.

[L. _exord[=i]ri_--_ex_, out, _ord[=i]ri_, to begin.]

EXOSKELETON, ek-s[=o]-skel'e-tun, _n._ any structure produced by the hardening of the integument, as the scales of fish, but esp. when bony, as the carapace of the turtle, &c.--_adj._ EXOSKEL'ETAL. [Gr. _ex[=o]_, outside, _skeleton_.]

EXOSMOSE, eks'os-m[=o]z, _n._ the passage outward of fluids, gases, &c.

through porous media, esp. living animal membranes--also EXOSM[=O]'SIS.--_adj._ EXOSMOT'IC. [L.,--Gr. _ex_, out, _[=o]smos_, pushing.]

EXOSTOME, eks'os-t[=o]m, _n._ the small opening in the outer coating of the ovule of a plant. [Gr. _ex[=o]_, without, _stoma_, a mouth.]

EXOSTOSIS, eks-os-t[=o]'sis, _n._ (_anat._) morbid enlargement of a bone.

[Gr. _ex_, out, _osteon_, a bone.]

EXOTERIC, -AL, eks-o-ter'ik, -al, _adj._ external: fit to be communicated to the public or multitude--opp. to _Esoteric_.--_n._ EXOTER'ICISM. [Gr.

_ex[=o]terikos_--comp. formed from _ex[=o]_, outside.]

EXOTIC, egz-ot'ik, _adj._ introduced from a foreign country--the opposite of _indigenous_.--_n._ anything of foreign origin: something not native to a country, as a plant, a word, a custom.--_ns._ EXOT'ICISM, EX'OTISM.

[L.,--Gr. _ex[=o]tikos_--_ex[=o]_, outside.]

EXPAND, eks-pand', _v.t._ to spread out: to lay open: to enlarge in bulk or surface: to develop, or bring out in fuller detail.--_v.i._ to become opened: to enlarge.--_ns._ EXPANSE', a wide extent of space: the firmament; EXPANSIBIL'ITY.--_adj._ EXPANS'IBLE, capable of being expanded.--_adv._ EXPANS'IBLY.--_adj._ EXPANS'ILE, capable of expansion.--_n._ EXPAN'SION, act of expanding: state of being expanded: enlargement: that which is expanded: immensity: extension.--_adj._ EXPANS'IVE, widely extended: diffusive.--_adv._ EXPANS'IVELY.--_ns._ EXPANS'IVENESS; EXPANSIV'ITY. [L.

_expand[)e]re_--_ex_, out, _pand[)e]re_, _pansum_, to spread.]

EX PARTE, eks par'ti, _adj._ on one side only: partial: prejudiced. [L.

_ex_, out, _pars_, _partis_, part.]

EXPATIATE, eks-p[=a]'shi-[=a]t, _v.i._ to range at large: to enlarge in discourse, argument, or writing.--_n._ EXPATI[=A]'TION, act of expatiating or enlarging in discourse.--_adjs._ EXP[=A]'TIATIVE, EXP[=A]'TIATORY, expansive.--_n._ EXP[=A]'TIATOR. [L. _exspati[=a]ri_, _-[=a]tus_--_ex_, out of, _spati[=a]ri_, to roam--_spatium_, space.]

EXPATRIATE, eks-p[=a]'tri-[=a]t, _v.t._ to send out of one's native country: to banish, or exile.--_n._ EXPATRI[=A]'TION, act of expatriating: exile, voluntary or compulsory. [Low L. _expatri[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_ex_, out of, _patria_, fatherland.]

EXPECT, eks-pekt', _v.t._ to wait for: to look forward to as something about to happen: to anticipate: to hope.--_n._ (_Shak._) expectation.--_ns._ EXPECT'ANCE, EXPECT'ANCY, act or state of expecting: that which is expected: hope.--_adj._ EXPECT'ANT, looking or waiting for.--_n._ one who expects: one who is looking or waiting for some benefit or office.--_adv._ EXPECT'ANTLY.--_ns._ EXPECT[=A]'TION, act or state of expecting: prospect of future good: that which is expected: the ground or qualities for anticipating future benefits or excellence: promise: the value of something expected: (_pl._) prospect of fortune or profit by a will; EXPECT[=A]'TION-WEEK, the period between Ascension Day and Whitsunday--during this time the Apostles continued praying in expectation of the Comforter.--_adj._ EXPECT'ATIVE, giving rise to expectation: reversionary.--_n._ an expectancy.--_n._ EXPECT'ER (_Shak._), one who waits for a person or thing.--_adv._ EXPECT'INGLY, in a state of expectation. [L.

_exspect[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_ex_, out, _spect[=a]re_, to look, freq. of _spec[)e]re_, to see.]

EXPECTORATE, eks-pek'to-r[=a]t, _v.t._ to expel from the breast or lungs by coughing, &c.: to spit forth.--_v.i._ to discharge or eject phlegm from the throat.--_adj._ EXPEC'TORANT, tending to promote expectoration.--_n._ a medicine which promotes expectoration.--_n._ EXPECTOR[=A]'TION, act of expectorating: that which is expectorated: spittle.--_adj._ EXPEC'TOR[=A]TIVE, having the quality of promoting expectoration. [L.

_expector[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_ex_, out of, from, _pectus_, _pectoris_, the breast.]

EXPEDIENT, eks-p[=e]'di-ent, _adj._ suitable: advisable: (_Shak._) hasty.--_n._ that which serves to promote: means suitable to an end: contrivance.--_ns._ EXP[=E]'DIENCE (_Shak._), haste, despatch: expediency; EXP[=E]'DIENCY, fitness: desirableness: self-interest.--_adj._ EXPEDIEN'TIAL.--_adv._ EXP[=E]'DIENTLY. [L. _expediens_, _-entis_, pr.p. of _exped[=i]re_.]

EXPEDITE, eks'pe-d[=i]t, _v.t._ to free from impediments: to hasten: to send forth: to despatch.--_adj._ free from impediment: unencumbered: quick: prompt.--_adv._ EX'PEDITELY.--_n._ EXPEDI'TION, speed: promptness: any undertaking by a number of persons: a hostile march or voyage: those who form an expedition.--_adjs._ EXPEDI'TIONARY; EXPEDI'TIOUS, characterised by expedition or rapidity: speedy: prompt.--_adv._ EXPEDI'TIOUSLY.--_n._ EXPEDI'TIOUSNESS, quickness.--_adj._ EXPED'ITIVE. [L. _exped[=i]re_, _-itum_--_ex_, out, _pes_, _pedis_, a foot.]

EXPEL, eks-pel', _v.t._ to drive out: eject: to discharge: to banish: (_Shak._) to keep off:--_pr.p._ expel'ling; _pa.p._ expelled'. [L.

_expell[)e]re_, _expulsum_--_ex_, out, _pell[)e]re_, to drive.]

EXPEND, eks-pend', _v.t._ to lay out: to employ or consume in any way: to spend.--_ns._ EXPEND'ITURE, act of expending or laying out: that which is expended: the process of using up: money spent; EXPENSE' (_Shak._), expenditure: outlay: cost: (_pl._) the cost of a lawsuit (_Scots law_).--_adj._ EXPENS'IVE, causing or requiring much expense: extravagant.--_adv._ EXPENS'IVELY.--_n._ EXPENS'IVENESS.--BE AT THE EXPENSE OF, to pay the cost of. [L. _expend[)e]re_--_ex_, out, _pend[)e]re_, _pensum_, to weigh.]

EXPERIENCE, eks-p[=e]'ri-ens, _n._ thorough trial of: practical acquaintance with any matter gained by trial: repeated trial: long and varied observation, personal or general: wisdom derived from the changes and trials of life.--_v.t._ to make trial of, or practical acquaintance with: to prove or know by use: to suffer, undergo.--_p.adj._ EXP[=E]'RIENCED, taught by experience: skilful: wise.--_adjs._ EXP[=E]'RIENCELESS, having no experience; EXPERIEN'TIAL, pertaining to or derived from experience.--_ns._ EXPERIEN'TIALISM; EXPERIEN'TIALIST.--EXPERIENCE MEETING, a religious meeting, where those present relate their religious experiences. [Fr.,--L. _experientia_, from _exper[=i]ri_--_ex_, inten., and old verb _per[=i]ri_, to try.]

EXPERIMENT, eks-per'i-ment, _n._ a trial: something done to prove some theory, or to discover something unknown.--_v.i._ to make an experiment or trial: to search by trial.--_adj._ EXPERIMENT'AL, founded or known by experiment: taught by experience: tentative.--_v.i._ EXPERIMENT'ALISE.--_ns._ EXPERIMENT'ALIST, EXPER'IMENTIST, one who makes experiments.--_adv._ EXPERIMENT'ALLY.--_n._ EXPERIMENT[=A]'TION.--_adj._ EXPERIMENT'ATIVE. [L. _experimentum_, from _exper[=i]ri_, to try thoroughly.]

EXPERT, eks-p[.e]rt', _adj._ taught by practice: having a familiar knowledge: having a facility of performance: skilful, adroit.--_n._ EX'PERT, one who is expert or skilled in any art or science: a specialist: a scientific or professional witness.--_adv._ EXPERT'LY.--_n._ EXPERT'NESS.

[Fr.,--L. _expertus_--_exper[=i]ri_, to try thoroughly.]

EXPIATE, eks'pi-[=a]t, _v.t._ to make complete atonement for: to make satisfaction or reparation for.--_p.adj._ (_Shak._) expired.--_adj._ EX'PIABLE, capable of being expiated, atoned for, or done away.--_ns._ EXPI[=A]'TION, act of expiating or atoning for: the means by which atonement is made: atonement; EX'PI[=A]TOR, one who expiates.--_adj._ EX'PI[=A]TORY, having the power to make expiation or atonement. [L.

_expi[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_ex_, inten., _pi[=a]re_, to appease, atone for.]

EXPIRE, eks-p[=i]r', _v.t._ to breathe out: to emit or throw out from the lungs: to emit in minute particles.--_v.i._ to breathe out the breath of life: to die out (of fire): to die: to come to an end.--_adj._ EXP[=I]'RABLE, that may expire or come to an end.--_ns._ EXP[=I]'RANT, one expiring; EXPIR[=A]'TION, the act of breathing out: (_obs._) death: end: that which is expired.--_adj._ EXP[=I]'RATORY, pertaining to expiration, or the emission of the breath.--_p.adj._ EXP[=I]'RING, dying: pertaining to or uttered at the time of dying.--_n._ EXP[=I]'RY, the end or termination: expiration. [Fr. _expirer_--L. _ex_, out, _spir[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to breathe.]

EXPISCATE, eks-pis'k[=a]t, _v.t._ to find out by skilful means or by strict examination.--_n._ EXPISC[=A]'TION.--_adj._ EXPIS'CATORY. [L.

_expisc[=a]ri_, _expisc[=a]tus_--_ex_, out, _pisc[=a]ri_, to fish--_piscis_, a fish.]

EXPLAIN, eks-pl[=a]n', _v.t._ to make plain or intelligible: to unfold and illustrate the meaning of: to expound: to account for.--_adj._ EXPLAIN'ABLE, that may be explained or cleared up.--_ns._ EXPLAIN'ER, one who explains; EXPLAN[=A]'TION, act of explaining or clearing from obscurity: that which explains or clears up: the meaning or sense given to anything: a mutual clearing up of matters.--_adv._ EXPLAN'ATORILY.--_adj._ EXPLAN'ATORY, serving to explain or clear up: containing explanations.--EXPLAIN AWAY, to modify the force of by explanation, generally in a bad sense. [O. Fr. _explaner_--L. _explan[=a]re_--_ex_, out, _plan[=a]re_--_planus_, plain.]

EXPLETIVE, eks'ple-tiv, _adj._ filling out: added for ornament or merely to fill up.--_n._ a word or syllable inserted for ornament or to fill up a vacancy: an oath.--_adj._ EX'PLETORY, serving to fill up: expletive. [L.

_expletivus_--_ex_, out, _pl[=e]re_, to fill.]

EXPLICATE, eks'pli-k[=a]t, _v.t._ to unfold, develop: to lay open or explain the meaning of.--_adj._ EX'PLICABLE, capable of being explicated or explained.--_n._ EXPLIC[=A]'TION, act of explicating or explaining: explanation.--_adjs._ EX'PLIC[=A]TIVE, EX'PLIC[=A]TORY, serving to explicate or explain. [L. _explic[=a]re_, _explic[=a]tum_ or _explicitum_--_ex_, out, _plic[=a]re_, to fold.]

EXPLICIT, eks-plis'it, _adj._ not implied merely, but distinctly stated: plain in language: outspoken: clear: unreserved.--_adv._ EXPLIC'ITLY.--_n._ EXPLIC'ITNESS. [L. _explicitus_, from _explic[=a]re_.]

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