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MAGILP, ma-gilp', _n._ a vehicle used by oil-painters, consisting of linseed-oil and mastic varnish--written also MEGILP'. [Prob. from a proper name.]

MAGISTERIAL, maj-is-t[=e]'ri-al, _adj._ pertaining or suitable to a master: in the manner of a master: of the rank of a magistrate: authoritative: proud: dignified.--_n._ MAGIS'TER, master.--_adv._ MAGIST[=E]'RIALLY.--_ns._ MAGIST[=E]'RIALNESS; MAGIST[=E]'RIUM, an authoritative statement; MAG'ISTERY, a term in alchemy for various preparations, esp. a precipitate of bismuth: any sovereign remedy: a mandate. [L. _magisterius_--_magister_, a master--_mag_, root of L.

_magnus_, great.]

MAGISTRATE, maj'is-tr[=a]t, _n._ a person entrusted with the power of putting the laws in force: a justice of the peace.--_n._ MAG'ISTRACY, the office or dignity of a magistrate: the body of magistrates.--_adj._ MAG'ISTRAL, magisterial: specially prescribed or made up, as a medicine: effectual.--_n._ (_fort._) the guiding line determining the other positions: a special preacher in Spanish cathedrals, &c.--_n._ MAGISTRAND', an arts student ready to proceed to graduation, at Aberdeen.--_adj._ MAGISTRAT'IC. [O. Fr.,--L. _magistratus_, _magister_.]

MAGMA, mag'ma, _n._ any soft doughy mass: the molten mass within the earth's crust: the residuum after expressing the juice from fruits. [Gr.]

MAGNA CHARTA, mag'na kar'ta, _n._ the Great Charter obtained from King John, 1215 A.D. [L.]

MAGNANERIE, man-yan'e-r[=e], _n._ a place for rearing silkworms. [Fr.]

MAGNANIMITY, mag-na-nim'i-ti, _n._ greatness of soul: elevation of dignity, of mind: that quality of mind which raises a person above all that is mean of unjust: generosity.--_adj._ MAGNAN'IMOUS, elevated in sentiment, noble: brave: unselfish.--_adv._ MAGNAN'IMOUSLY. [L. _magnanimitas_--_magnus_, great, _animus_, the mind.]

MAGNATE, mag'n[=a]t, _n._ a noble: a man of rank or wealth. [Fr. _magnat_, a title of Hungarian and Polish nobles--L. _magnas_, _magnatis_, a prince--_magnus_, great.]

MAGNES, mag'n[=e]z, _n._ (_Spens._) the magnet. [L.]

MAGNESIUM, mag-n[=e]'shi-um, or -si-um, _n._ a metal of a bright, silver-white colour, which while burning gives a dazzling white light, and forms magnesia.--_n._ MAGN[=E]'SIA, a light white powder, got by burning magnesium, used as a medicine.--_adj._ MAGN[=E]'SIAN, belonging to, containing, or resembling magnesia.--_n._ MAG'NESITE, native magnesium carbonate.

MAGNET, mag'net, _n._ the lodestone, an iron ore which attracts iron, and, when hung so that it can move freely, points to the poles: a bar or piece of steel to which the properties of the lodestone have been imparted.--_adjs._ MAGNET'IC, -AL, pertaining to the magnet: having the properties of the magnet: attractive.--_adv._ MAGNET'ICALLY.--_ns._ MAGNETIC'IAN, MAG'NETIST, one versed in magnetism.--_adj._ MAGNETIS'ABLE.--_n._ MAGNETIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ MAG'NETISE, to render magnetic: to attract as if by a magnet.--_v.i._ to become magnetic.--_ns._ MAG'NETISER, one who, or that which, imparts magnetism; MAG'NETISM, the cause of the attractive power of the magnet: attraction: the science which treats of the properties of the magnet--(ANIMAL MAGNETISM, Mesmer's name for the phenomena of mesmerism; TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM, the magnetic properties possessed by the earth as a whole); MAG'NETIST, one skilled in magnetism.--_adjs._ MAG'NETO-ELEC'TRIC, -AL, pertaining to magneto-electricity.--_ns._ MAG'NETO-ELECTRIC'ITY, electricity produced by the action of magnets: the science which treats of electricity produced by magnetism; BAR'-MAG'NET, a magnet in the form of a bar.--MAGNETIC BATTERY, several magnets placed with their like poles together, so as to act with great force; MAGNETIC CURVES, the curves formed by iron-filings around the poles of a magnet; MAGNETIC EQUATOR, the line round the earth where the magnetic needle remains horizontal; MAGNETIC FIELD, the space over which magnetic force is felt; MAGNETIC FLUID, a hypothetical fluid assumed to explain the phenomena of magnetism; MAGNETIC MERIDIAN, the meridian lying in the direction in which the magnetic needle points; MAGNETIC NEEDLE, the light bar in the mariner's compass which, because it is magnetised, points always to the north; MAGNETIC NORTH, that point of the horizon which is indicated by the direction of the magnetic needle; MAGNETIC POLES, two nearly opposite points on the earth's surface, where the dip of the needle is 90; MAGNETIC STORM, a disturbance in the magnetism of the earth or air, which causes the magnetic needle to move rapidly backwards and forwards.--ARTIFICIAL MAGNET, a magnet made by rubbing with other magnets; HORSE-SHOE MAGNET, a magnet bent like a horse-shoe; PERMANENT MAGNET, a magnet that keeps its magnetism after the force which magnetised it has been removed. [Through O. Fr., from L. _magnes_, a magnet--Gr.

_magn[=e]s_=Magnesian stone, from _Magn[=e]sia_, in Lydia or Thessaly.]

MAGNIFICAT, mag-nif'i-kat, _n._ the song of the Virgin Mary, Luke, i.

46-55, beginning in the Vulgate with this word. [L. '(my soul) doth magnify,' 3d pers. sing. pres. ind. of _magnific[=a]re_.]

MAGNIFICENT, mag-nif'i-sent, _adj._ great in deeds or in appearance: grand: noble: pompous: displaying greatness of size or extent.--_n._ MAGNIF'ICENCE.--_adv._ MAGNIF'ICENTLY.--_n._ MAGNIF'ICO (_Shak._), a title for a Venetian nobleman: a grandee.

MAGNIFY, mag'ni-f[=i], _v.t._ to make great or greater: to enlarge: to cause to appear greater: to exaggerate: to praise highly:--_pa.p._ mag'nified.--_adjs._ MAG'NIFIABLE, that may be magnified; MAGNIF'IC, -AL, great: splendid: noble.--_adv._ MAGNIF'ICALLY, in a magnificent manner.--_ns._ MAGNIFIC[=A]'TION, act of magnifying: increase of visual power in penetration as well as enlargement; MAG'NIFIER, one who, or that which, magnifies or enlarges: one who extols.--MAGNIFY ONE'S SELF, show great pride--AGAINST, oppose with pride; MAGNIFYING GLASS, in optics, a convex lens, objects seen through it having their apparent dimensions increased. [Fr.,--L. _magnific[=a]re_--_magnus_, great, _fac[)e]re_, to make.]

MAGNILOQUENT, mag-nil'o-kwent, _adj._ speaking in a grand or pompous style: bombastic.--_n._ MAGNIL'OQUENCE.--_adv._ MAGNIL'OQUENTLY. [L., from _magnus_, great, _loqui_, to speak.]

MAGNITUDE, mag'ni-t[=u]d, _n._ greatness: size: extent: importance. [L.


MAGNOLIA, mag-n[=o]l'i-a, or -ya, _n._ a North American tree with beautiful foliage, and large, white or purplish, sweet-scented flowers. [From Pierre _Magnol_ (1638-1715), a Montpellier botanist.]

MAGNUM, mag'num, _n._ a bottle holding two quarts: the quantity of wine filling such. [L.]

MAGOT, mag'ot, _n._ the Barbary ape, the only species of monkey existing in Europe: a small grotesque figure, crouching on the covers of vases; &c.

MAGPIE, mag'p[=i], _n._ a chattering bird, of a genus allied to the crow, with pied or coloured feathers: (_slang_) a halfpenny--(_Shak._) MAG'OT-PIE, MAGG'OT-PIE. [_Mag_, a familiar contr. of _Margaret_ (cf.

_Robin-Redbreast_, _Jenny Wren_), _pie_, from L. _pica_, a magpie--_ping[)e]re_, _pictum_, to paint.]

MAGYAR, ma-jar', or mag'yar, _n._ one of the prevailing race in Hungary: the native speech of Hungary.

MAHABHARATA, ma-ha-ba'ra-ta, _n._ the name of one of the two great epic poems of ancient India, the other being the _Ramayana_. [Sans.; prob. 'the great history of the descendants of _Bharata_.']

MAHADEVA, ma-ha-d[=a]'va, _n._ one of the names of the Hindu god Siva.

[Sans. _mah[=a]_, great, _deva_, god.]

MAHARAJAH, ma-ha-ra'ja, _n._ the title given to a great Indian prince:--_fem._ MAHARA'NI, MAHARA'NEE. [Sans. _mah[=a]_, great, _r[=a]ja_, prince or king.]

MAHATMA, ma-hat'ma, _n._ one skilled in mysteries or religious secrets: an adept. [Sans., 'high-souled.']

MAHDI, ma'd[=e], _n._ the great leader of the faithful Mohammedans, who is to appear in the last days--one pretended Mahdi overthrew the Egyptian power in the Soudan in 1884-85.--_ns._ MAH'DISM; MAH'DIST.

MAHL-STICK, mal'-stik, _n._ a tapering staff used by painters as a rest for the right hand.--Also MAL'STICK, MAUL'STICK. [Ger. _mahlstock_.]

MAHOGANY, ma-hog'a-ni, _n._ a tree of tropical America: its wood, which is of great value for making furniture.--_n._ MAHOG'ANY-TREE, same as mahogany: (_hum._) the dinner-table. [_Mahogoni_, the native South American name.]


MAHOUN, MAHOUND, ma-hown', ma-hownd', or ma'-, _n._ an old form of the name of _Mohammed_: an evil spirit: the devil.

MAHOUT, ma-h[=oo]t', _n._ the keeper and driver of an elephant. [Hind.

_mah[=a]ut_, _mah[=a]wat_.]

MAHRATTA, ma-rat'a, _n._ one of a once powerful race of Hindus in Western and Central India.

MAID, m[=a]d, _n._ an unmarried woman, esp. one young: a virgin: a female servant.--_ns._ MAID'-CHILD (_B._), a female child; MAID'-M[=A]'RIAN, the May-queen; a character in the old Morris-dance, usually represented by a man in woman's clothes (_Marian_, relating to Mary or to the Virgin Mary).--_adj._ MAID'-PALE (_Shak._), pale, like a sick girl.--_n._ MAID'SERVANT, a female servant.--MAID OF ALL WORK, a domestic who does general housework; OLD MAID, a woman left unmarried: a card game. [A.S.

_maegden_--_maege_, a maid; cf. _magu_, son, _m['ae]g_, may.]

MAIDAN, m[=i]'dan, _n._ an esplanade or parade-ground near a town in Persia and India. [Pers.]

MAIDEN, m[=a]d'n, _n._ a maid: in Scotland, a machine like the guillotine, formerly used for beheading criminals.--_adj._ pertaining to a virgin or young woman: consisting of maidens: (_fig._) unpolluted: fresh: new: unused: first: that has never been captured, said of a fortress.--_ns._ MAID'ENHAIR, a name given to a fern from the fine hair-like stalks of its fronds; MAID'ENHOOD, MAID'ENHEAD, the state of being a maid: virginity: purity: freshness; MAID'ENLINESS.--_adjs._ MAID'ENLY, maiden-like: becoming a maiden: gentle: modest; MAID'EN-MEEK (_Tenn._), meek as a maiden; MAID'EN-TONGUED, gentle in voice like a girl; MAID'EN-WID'OWED, widowed while still a virgin.--_n._ MAID'HOOD (_Shak._).--MAIDEN ASSIZE, an assize at which there are no criminal cases; MAIDEN BATTLE, a first contest; MAIDEN FORTRESS, a fortress that has never been captured; MAIDEN NAME, the family name of a married woman before her marriage; MAIDEN OVER, in cricket, an over in which no runs are made; MAIDEN SPEECH, the first public speech made by a person, esp. in Parliament; MAIDEN STAKES, in horse-racing, the money contended for in a race between horses that have never run before.

MAIEUTIC, m[=a]-[=u]'tik, _adj._ helping childbirth.--_n._ midwifery. [Gr.]

MAIGRE, m[=a]'g[.e]r, _adj._ made neither from flesh-meat nor from gravy: belonging to a fast-day or to a fast.--MAIGRE FOOD, food allowed to be eaten on fast-days. [Fr. _maigre_, lean--L. _macer_.]

MAIL, m[=a]l, _n._ defensive armour for the body formed of steel rings or network: armour generally.--_v.t._ to clothe in mail: (_Scot._) to stain.--_adjs._ MAIL'-CLAD, clad with a coat of mail; MAILED, protected by mail. [Fr. _maille_--L. _macula_, a spot or a mesh.]

MAIL, m[=a]l, _n._ a bag for the conveyance of letters, &c.: the contents of such a bag: the person or the carriage by which the mail is conveyed.--_v.t._ to put into the mail: to send by mail.--_adj._ MAIL'ABLE, capable of being sent by mail.--_ns._ MAIL'-BAG, a bag in which letters are carried; MAIL'-BOAT, a boat which carries the public mails; MAIL'-CART, a cart in which mails are carried: a small cart, with long handles, for the amusement of children; MAIL'-CATCH'ER, an apparatus attached to a mail-carriage to catch up mail-bags while the train is in motion; MAIL'-COACH, -CAR, or -DRAG, the conveyance which carries the public mails; MAIL'-GUARD, an officer who guards the public mails; MAIL'ING-T[=A]'BLE, a table used in a post-office in sorting letters; MAIL'-TRAIN, a railway train which carries the public mails. [O. Fr. _male_, a trunk, a mail--Old High Ger. _malaha_, a sack; Gael. _mala_, a sack.]

MAIL, m[=a]l, _n._ an old French coin--half a denier: rent.--_n._ MAIL'ING, a farm. [See BLACKMAIL.]

MAIM, m[=a]m, _n._ a bruise: an injury: a lameness: the loss of any essential part.--_v.t._ to bruise: to disfigure: to injure: to lame or cripple: to render defective.--_n._ MAIM'EDNESS, the state of being maimed or injured. [O. Fr. _mehaing_, a bruise.]

MAIN, m[=a]n, _n._ might: strength. [A.S. _maegen_.]

MAIN, m[=a]n, _adj._ chief, principal: first in importance: leading.--_n._ the chief or principal part: the ocean or main sea: a continent or a larger island as compared with a smaller: a principal gas or water pipe in a street, or the largest conductor in a system of electric lights.--_ns._ MAIN'BOOM, the spar which extends the foot of a fore-and-aft mainsail; MAIN'DECK, the principal deck of a ship--so in MAIN'BRACE, the brace attached to the mainyard (see SPLICE); MAIN'LAND, the principal or larger land, as opposed to a smaller portion.--_adv._ MAIN'LY, chiefly, principally.--_ns._ MAIN'MAST, the principal mast of a ship, second from the prow; MAIN'SAIL, the principal sail generally attached to the mainmast; MAIN'SHEET, the sheet or rope attached to the lower corner of the mainsail; MAIN'SPRING, the spring which gives motion to any piece of machinery, esp.

that of a watch or a clock; MAIN'STAY, the rope which stretches forward from the top of the mainmast: chief support; MAIN'TOP, a platform on the top of the mainmast; MAIN'TOPMAST, the mast next above the lower mainmast; MAIN'TOPSAIL, the sail above the mainsail, in square-rigged vessels; MAIN'YARD, the lower yard on the mainmast. [O. Fr. _maine_ or _magne_, great--L. _magnus_, great.]

MAIN, m[=a]n, _n._ a hand at dice: a match at cockfighting: a banker's shovel for coin. [O. Fr. _main_--L. _manus_, hand.]

MAINOR, m[=a]'nor, _n._ act or fact, esp. of theft: that which is stolen.

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