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INLET, in'let, _n._ a passage by which one is let in: place of ingress: a small bay.

INLOCK, in-lok', _v.t._ Same as ENLOCK.

INLY, in'li, _adj._ inward: secret.--_adv._ inwardly: in the heart.

INMATE, in'm[=a]t, _n._ one who lodges in the same house with another: a lodger: one received into a hospital, &c.--_adj._ dwelling in the same place.

INMEATS, in'm[=e]ts, the entrails.


INN, in, _n._ a public house for the lodging and entertainment of travellers: a hotel, tavern: (_obs._) a lodging, a place of abode.--_ns._ INN'-HOLD'ER (_Bacon_), one who keeps an inn; INN'KEEPER, one who keeps an inn.--INNS OF COURT, the name given to the four voluntary societies which have the exclusive right of calling persons to the English bar (Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn, and Gray's Inn). [A.S. _in_, _inn_, an inn, house--_in_, _inn_, within (_adv._), from the prep. _in_, in.]

INNATE, in'[=a]t, or in-n[=a]t', _adj._ inborn: natural to the mind, instinctive, inherent.--_adv._ INN'ATELY.--_n._ INN'ATENESS.--_adj._ INN[=A]'TIVE, native.--INNATE IDEAS, _a priori_ principles of knowledge and of action, the word 'innate' implying that the power of recognising such principles is provided for in the constitution of the mind. [L.

_inn[=a]tus_--_innasci_--_in_, in, _nasci_, to be born.]

INNAVIGABLE, in-nav'i-ga-bl, _adj._ impassable by ships.--_adv._ INNAV'IGABLY.

INNER, in'[.e]r, _adj._ (comp. of _in_) farther in: interior.--_adjs._ INN'ERMOST, IN'MOST (superl. of _in_), farthest in: most remote from the outward part.--_adv._ INN'ERMOSTLY. [A.S. _in_, comp. _innera_, superl.

_innemest_--_inne-m-est_--thus a double superlative.]

INNERVATE, in-[.e]rv'[=a]t, _v.t._ to supply with force or nervous energy--also INNERVE'.--_n._ INNERV[=A]'TION, special mode of activity inherent in the nervous structure: nervous activity.

INNING, in'ing, _n._ the ingathering of grain: turn for using the bat in cricket (in this sense used only in the plural): the time during which a person or party is in possession of anything: (_pl._) lands recovered from the sea.--GOOD INNINGS, or LONG INNINGS, good luck, or a long run of such.

[A verbal noun from old verb to _inn_--i.e. to house corn, from noun _inn_.]

INNOCENT, in'o-sent, _adj._ not hurtful: inoffensive: blameless: pure: lawful: simple, imbecile.--_n._ one free from fault: an idiot.--_ns._ INN'OCENCE, harmlessness: blamelessness: purity: artlessness: integrity: imbecility: absence of legal guilt; INN'OCENCY, the quality of being innocent.--_adv._ INN'OCENTLY.--INNOCENTS' DAY (see CHILDERMAS). [O.

Fr.,--L. _innocens_, _-entis_--_in_, not, _noc[=e]re_, to hurt.]

INNOCUOUS, in-nok'[=u]-us, _adj._ not hurtful: harmless in effects.--_adv._ INNOC'UOUSLY.--_ns._ INNOC'UOUSNESS, INNOC[=U]'ITY, the state of being innocuous. [L. _innocuus_--_in_, not, _nocuus_, hurtful--_noc[=e]re_, to hurt.]

INNOMINATE, i-nom'i-n[=a]t, _adj._ having no name.--_adj._ INNOM'INABLE, trousers.--INNOMINATE ARTERY, the first large branch given off from the arch of the Aorta (q.v.); INNOMINATE BONE (_os innominatum_), the haunch-bone, hip-bone. [L. _in_, not, _nomin[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to name.]

INNOVATE, in'o-v[=a]t, _v.t._ to introduce something new.--_v.i._ to introduce novelties: to make changes.--_ns._ INNOV[=A]'TION; INNOV[=A]'TIONIST; INN'OVATOR. [L. _innov[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_in_, in, _novus_, new.]

INNOXIOUS, in-nok'shus, _adj._ same as INNOCUOUS.--_adv._ INNOX'IOUSLY.--_n._ INNOX'IOUSNESS, the quality of being innocuous.

INNUENDO, in-[=u]-en'd[=o], _n._ a side-hint: an indirect reference or intimation: a part of a pleading in cases of libel and slander, pointing out what and who was meant by the libellous matter or description, [L., the ablative gerund of _innu[)e]re_--_in_, in, _nu[)e]re_, to nod.]

INNUMERABLE, in-n[=u]'m[.e]r-a-bl, _adj._ that cannot be numbered: countless.--_ns._ INN[=U]MERABIL'ITY, the state or quality of being innumerable; INN[=U]'MERABLENESS.--_adv._ INN[=U]'MERABLY.--_adj._ INN[=U]'MEROUS, without number: innumerable.

INNUTRITION, in-n[=u]-trish'un, _n._ want of nutrition: failure of nourishment.--_adj._ INNUTRIT'IOUS, not nutritious: without nourishment.

INOBSERVANT, in-ob-z[.e]r'vant, _adj._ not observant: heedless.--_adj._ INOBSER'VABLE, incapable of being observed.--_ns._ INOBSER'VANCE, lack of observance; INOBSERV[=A]'TION.

INOBTRUSIVE, in-ob-tr[=oo]'siv, _adj._ unobtrusive.--_adv._ INOBTRU'SIVELY.--_n._ INOBTRU'SIVENESS.

INOCULATE, in-ok'[=u]-l[=a]t, _v.t._ to insert a bud for propagation: to engraft: to communicate disease by inserting matter in the skin.--_v.i._ to propagate by budding: to practise inoculation.--_adj._ INOC'ULABLE.--_n._ INOCUL[=A]'TION, act or practice of inoculating: insertion of the buds of one plant into another: the communication of disease to a healthy subject by the introduction of a specific germ or animal poison into his system by puncture or otherwise.--_adjs._ INOCUL[=A]'TIVE, INOCUL[=A]'TORY.--_n._ INOC'ULATOR. [L. _inocul[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_in_, into, _oculus_, an eye.]

INODOROUS, in-[=o]'dur-us, _adj._ without smell.

INOFFENSIVE, in-of-fen'siv, _adj._ giving no offence: harmless: not unpleasing.--_adv._ INOFFEN'SIVELY.--_n._ INOFFEN'SIVENESS.

INOFFICIAL, in-of-fish'al, _adj._ not proceeding from the proper officer: without the usual forms of authority.--_adv._ INOFFIC'IALLY.--_adj._ INOFFIC'IOUS (_rare_), regardless of duty.

INOPERATIVE, in-op'[.e]r-a-tiv, _adj._ not in action: producing no effect.

INOPPORTUNE, in-op-por-t[=u]n', _adj._ unseasonable in time.--_adv._ INOPPORTUNE'LY.--_n._ INOPPORT[=U]N'ITY.

INORB, in-orb', _v.t._ to form as an orb.

INORDINATE, in-or'di-n[=a]t, _adj._ beyond usual bounds: irregular: immoderate.--_ns._ INOR'DINACY, INOR'DINATENESS.--_adv._ INOR'DINATELY.--_n._ INORDIN[=A]'TION, deviation from rule: irregularity.

[L. _inordinatus_--_in_, not, _ordin[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_, to arrange.]

INORGANIC, in-or-gan'ik, _adj._ without life or organisation, as minerals, &c.: of accidental origin, not normally developed.--_adv._ INORGAN'ICALLY.--_n._ INORGANIS[=A]'TION, want of organisation.--_adj._ INOR'GANISED, same as INORGANIC.--INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, a subdivision of chemistry made originally to designate the chemistry of purely mineral substances, and retained still mainly as a matter of convenience.

INOSCULATE, in-os'k[=u]-l[=a]t, _v.t._ and _v.i._ to unite by mouths or ducts, as two vessels in an animal body: to blend.--_n._ INOSCUL[=A]'TION.

[L. _in_, and _oscul[=a]ri_, _-[=a]tus_, to kiss.]

IN-PATIENT, in'p[=a]-shent, _n._ a patient lodged and fed as well as treated in a hospital:--_opp._ to _Out-patient_.

INPOURING, in'p[=o]r-ing, _n._ a pouring in: addition.

INPUT, in'p[=oo]t, _n._ (_Scot._) contribution.

INQUEST, in'kwest, _n._ act of inquiring: search: judicial inquiry before a jury into any matter, esp. any case of violent or sudden death. [O. Fr.

_enqueste_--L. _inquisita_ (_res_)--_inquir[)e]re_, to inquire.]

INQUIETUDE, in-kw[=i]'et-[=u]d, _n._ disturbance or uneasiness of body or mind.--_adj._ INQU[=I]'ET, unquiet.--_v.t._ to disturb.

INQUILINE, in'kwi-lin, _adj._ living in the abode of another, as a pea-crab in an oyster-shell.--_n._ an animal so living.--_adj._ INQUIL[=I]'NOUS. [L.

_inquilinus_--_incola_, inhabitant--_in_, in, _col[)e]re_, to inhabit.]

INQUIRE, in-kw[=i]r', _v.i._ to ask a question: to make an investigation.--_v.t._ to ask about: to make an examination regarding: (_Spens._) to call.--_n._ (_Shak._) a seeking for information.--_ns._ INQUIR[=A]'TION (_Dickens_), inquiry; INQUIREN'DO (_law_), an authority to inquire; INQUIR'ER.--_adj._ INQUIR'ING, given to inquiry.--_adv._ INQUIR'INGLY.--_n._ INQUIR'Y, act of inquiring: search for knowledge: investigation; a question.--WRIT OF INQUIRY, a writ appointing an inquest.

[Fr.,--L. _inquir[)e]re_--_in_, in, _quaer[)e]re_, _quaesitum_, to seek.]

INQUISITION, in-kwi-zish'un, _n._ an inquiring or searching for: investigation: judicial inquiry: a tribunal in the R.C. Church, called also 'the Holy Office,' for the discovery, repression and punishment of heresy, unbelief, and other offences against religion.--_v.t._ (_Milt._), to investigate.--_adjs._ INQUISIT'IONAL, making inquiry: relating to the Inquisition: INQUIS'ITIVE, searching into: apt to ask questions: curious.--_adv._ INQUIS'ITIVELY.--_ns._ INQUIS'ITIVENESS; INQUIS'ITOR, one who inquires: an official inquirer: a member of the Court of Inquisition.--_adj._ INQUISIT[=O]'RIAL.--_adv._ INQUISIT[=O]'RIALLY.--_n._ INQUIS'ITRESS, an inquisitive woman.--_adj._ INQUISIT[=U]'RIENT (_Milt._), inquisitorial.--GRAND INQUISITOR, the chief in a Court of Inquisition. [L.

_inquisition-em_. See INQUIRE.]

INROAD, in'r[=o]d, _n._ an incursion into an enemy's country: a sudden invasion: attack: encroachment.

INRUSH, in'rush, _n._ an invasion: an irruption.

INSALIVATION, in-sal-i-v[=a]'shun, _n._ the process of mixing the food with the saliva.

INSALUBRIOUS, in-sa-l[=u]'bri-us, _adj._ not healthful; unwholesome.--_n._ INSAL[=U]'BRITY.

INSALUTARY, in-sal'[=u]-tar-i, _adj._ not salutary or favourable to health: unwholesome.

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