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CARTOMANCY, kar't[=o]-man-si, _n._ a divination by playing-cards. [Low L.

_carta_, a card, Gr. _manteia_, divination.]

CARTON, kar'ton, _n._ a thin pasteboard, a box made from such: a small disc within the bull's-eye of the target, a shot that strikes this.--_ns._ CAR'TONNAGE, pasteboard: the outer covering of a mummy; CAR'TON-PIERRE', statuary pasteboard, a kind of papier-mache. [Fr. See CARTOON.]

CARTOON, kar-t[=oo]n', _n._ a preparatory drawing on strong paper to be transferred to frescoes, tapestry, &c.: any large sketch or design on paper, esp. a representation of current events in a comic paper.--_v.t._ to make a cartoon or working design: to caricature by a cartoon.--_n._ CARTOON'IST, one who makes cartoons. [Fr. _carton_ (It. _cartone_), augmentative of CARTE.]

CARTOUCHE, kar-t[=oo]sh', _n._ a case for holding cartridges: formerly a case containing bullets to be discharged from a mortar, but now merely a waterproof canvas case for holding the cartridges of a field battery, one to each ammunition-box: (_archit._) an ornament resembling a scroll of paper with the ends rolled up: an oval figure on ancient Egyptian monuments or papyri enclosing characters expressing royal or divine names.--Also CARTOUCH'. [Fr.,--It. _cartoccio_--L. _charta_, paper.]


CARTRIDGE, kar'trij, _n._ a case made of paper, pasteboard, metal, &c., containing the charge for a gun--BLANK'-CAR'TRIDGES contain powder only; BALL'-CARTRIDGES contain a bullet as well.--_ns._ CAR'TRIDGE-BAG, a bag of flannel, merino, &c., for holding a charge for a cannon; CAR'TRIDGE-BELT, a belt having pockets for cartridges; CAR'TRIDGE-BOX, a small box for holding cartridges, carried by soldiers; CAR'TRIDGE-P[=A]'PER, a light-coloured, strong paper, originally manufactured for making cartridges. [A corr. of CARTOUCHE.]

CARTULARY, kar't[=u]-lar-i, _n._ a register-book of a monastery, &c.: one who kept the records: the place where the register is kept. [Low L.

_chartularium_--L. _chartula_, a document--_charta_, paper.]

CARUCATE, kar'u-k[=a]t, _n._ originally an amount of land such as one team of oxen could plough in a season.--_n._ CAR'UCAGE, a tax on the carucate, first imposed by Richard I. in 1198. [Low L. _carruc[=a]ta_, ploughland--_carruca_, plough, from root of CAR.]

CARUNCLE, kar-unk'l, _n._ a small fleshy excrescence, as the wattles of the turkey-cock.--_adjs._ CARUN'CULAR, CARUN'CULATE, CARUN'CULOUS. [Fr.--L.


CARUS, ka'rus, _n._ complete insensibility. [Gr. _karos_, stupor.]

CARVE, karv, _v.t._ to cut into forms, devices, &c.: to make or shape by cutting: to cut up (meat) into slices or pieces: to apportion or distribute: (_Shak._) to speak with suavity.--_v.i._ to exercise the trade of a sculptor.--_p.adj._ CARV'EN, carved.--_ns._ CARV'ER, one who carves: a sculptor: a carving-knife; CARV'ING, the act or art of carving, a branch of sculpture usually performed on wood or ivory: the device or figure carved: the act or art of cutting up meat at table.--CARVE OUT, to hew out: to gain by one's exertions.--CUT AND CARVE, to refine. [A. S. _ceorfan_, to cut; Dut. _kerven_; Ger. _kerben_, to notch.]

CARVEL, kar'vel, _n._ older form of CARAVEL.--_adj._ CAR'VEL-BUILT, as distinguished from _clinker-built_ (q.v. under CLINK).

CARVY, kar'vi', _n._ Scotch form of CARAWAY.

CARYATID, kar-i-at'id, _n._ a female figure used instead of a column to support an entablature:--_pl._ CARYAT'IDES.--_adjs._ CARYAT'IC, CARYAT'IDAL, CARYATID[=E]'AN, CARYATID'IC. [Gr. _Karyatides_.]

CARYOPHYLLACEOUS, kar-i-[=o]-fi-l[=a]'shi-us, _adj._ belonging to the natural order _Caryophyllaceae_;, applied esp. to flowers having five petals with long claws, as in the clove-pink. [Gr. _karyophyllon_, the clove-pink.]

CASCABEL, kas'ka-bel, _n._ the whole rear part behind the base-ring of a cannon. [Sp.]

CASCADE, kas-k[=a]d', _n._ a waterfall: a trimming of lace or other material in a loose wavy fall.--_v.i._ to fall in cascades. [Fr.,--It.--L.

_cad[)e]re_, to fall.]

CASCARA, kas'ka-ra, _n._ the _Cascara sagrada_, a Californian bark used as a tonic aperient: the _Cascara amarga_, a bitter Honduras bark.--_n._ CASCARILL'A, the aromatic bitter bark of the West Indian _Croton Eleuteria_. [Sp.]

CASCO, kas'k[=o], _n._ a form of boat used at Manila for lading and unlading ships.

CASE, k[=a]s, _n._ a covering, box, or sheath: a set: an outer coating for walls: in bookbinding, the boards and back, separate from the book: the frame in which a compositor has his types before him while at work.--_v.t._ to supply with a case.--_n._ CASE'-BOTT'LE, a bottle made to fit into a case with others.--_v.t._ CASE'-HARD'EN, to convert the surface of certain kinds of malleable iron goods into steel, thereby making them harder, less liable to rust, and capable of taking on a better polish.--_ns._ CASE'-HARD'ENING; CASE'-KNIFE, a large knife kept in a case; CASE'MAKER, one who makes cases or covers for books; CASE'MENT, the case or frame of a window: a window that opens on hinges: a hollow moulding.--_adj._ CASE'MENTED, having casements.--_ns._ CASE'-SHOT, canister-shot, an artillery projectile for use at close quarters; CASE'-WORM, the caddice; CAS'ING, the act of the verb CASE: an outside covering of any kind, as of boards, plaster, &c. [O. Fr. _casse_--L. _capsa_--_cap[)e]re_, to take.]

CASE, k[=a]s, _n._ that which falls or happens, event: particular state or condition--'in good case' = well off: subject of question or inquiry: an instance of disease: a person under medical treatment: a legal statement of facts: (_gram._) the inflection of nouns, &c.--CASE OF CONSCIENCE (see CONSCIENCE).--IN ANY CASE, at all events: at any rate; IN CASE, in the event that; IN CASE TO, in fit condition for; MAKE OUT ONE'S CASE, to give good reasons for one's statements or position; PUT THE CASE, to suppose an instance: to take for example; THE CASE, the fact, the reality. [O. Fr.

_cas_--L. _casus_, from _cad[)e]re_, to fall.]

CASEIN, CASEINE, k[=a]'s[=e]-in, _n._ an organic substance, contained in milk and cheese.--_adjs._ C[=A]'S[=E]IC; C[=A]'S[=E]OUS, pertaining to cheese. [Fr.,--L. _caseus_, cheese.]

CASEMATE, k[=a]s'm[=a]t, _n._ any bomb-proof vaulted chamber, even when merely used as quarters for the garrison: (_orig._) a loopholed gallery, from which the garrison of a fort could fire upon an enemy who had obtained possession of the ditch.--_adj._ CASE'MATED. [Fr.; der. uncertain.]


CASERN, ka-s[.e]rn', _n._ a lodging for troops in a town: a barrack.

[Fr.,--Sp. _caserna_--_casa_, a house.]

CASH, kash, _n._ coin or money: ready money.--_v.t._ to turn into or exchange for money: to pay money for.--_ns._ CASH'-ACCOUNT', an account to which nothing is carried but cash: a form of account with a bank, by which a person is entitled to draw out sums as required by way of loan to a stipulated amount--also called CASH'-CRED'IT; CASH'-BOOK, a book in which an account is kept of the receipts and disbursements of money; CASHIER', a cash-keeper: one who has charge of the receiving and paying of money; CASH'-PAY'MENT, payment in ready money; CASH'-RAIL'WAY, a mechanical device adopted in large shops and warehouses for the interchange of cash between the counters and the cash-desk.--HARD CASH, ready money; OUT OF CASH, or IN CASH, without or with money: out of, or in, pocket. [A doublet of CASE, a box--O. Fr. _casse_, a box.]

CASHEW, ka-sh[=oo]', _n._ a spreading tree of no great height, in both the East and West Indies, the fruit of which is a kidney-shaped nut at the end of a pear-shaped fleshy stalk, the kernel of this nut and the fleshy stalk (called the CASHEW'-APP'LE) being both used as food. [Fr.

_acajou_--Brazilian _acajoba_.]

CASHIER, kash-[=e]r', _v.t._ to dismiss from a post in disgrace: to discard or put away: to annul.--_ns._ CASHIER'ER, one who cashiers; CASHIER'ING, a punishment for officers in the army and navy, severer than dismissal, inasmuch as it disqualifies from entering the public service in any capacity; CASHIER'MENT, dismissal. [Dut. _casseren_, to cashier--L.

_cass[=a]re_, _cassus_, void, empty.]

CASHMERE, kash'm[=e]r, _n._ a rich kind of shawl made from the _Cashmere_ goat: any similar shawl.

CASINO, kas-[=e]'n[=o], _n._ a room for public dancing: a card-game. [It.; from L. _casa_, a cottage.]

CASK, kask, _n._ a hollow round vessel for holding liquor, made of staves bound with hoops: a measure of capacity: (_obs._) a casque,--_v.t._ to put in a cask. [Fr. _casque_--Sp. _casco_, skull, helmet, cask.]

CASKET, kask'et, _n._ a little cask or case: a small case for holding jewels, &c.: (_U.S._) a coffin. [Ety. uncertain; hardly a dim. of CASK.]

CASQUE, CASK, kask, _n._ a cover for the head: a helmet. [A doublet of CASK.]

CASSANDRA, kas-an'dra, _n._ a daughter of Priam, king of Troy, beloved by Apollo, who gave her the gift of prophecy, but not of being believed--hence any one who takes gloomy views of the political or social future.

CASSAREEP, kas'a-r[=e]p, _n._ a sauce or condiment made from the juice of the cassava, the chief ingredient in the West Indian pepper-pot.

CASSATION, kas-s[=a]'shun, _n._ the act of making null or void: (_French law_) the act of annulling the decision of a court or judicial tribunal--hence COURT OF CASSATION, the supreme tribunal. [Low L.

_cassation-em_--_cass[=a]re_, to bring to nought.]

CASSAVA, kas-sa'va, _n._ the West Indian name of the manioc, and the starch produced from it, called Brazilian Arrowroot, or Tapioca.

CASSEROLE, kas'e-r[=o]l, _n._ a stew-pan: the outer part of several dressed dishes. [Fr.]

CASSIA, kash'ya, _n._ a coarser kind of cinnamon--also CASS'IA-BARK: the tree which yields the foregoing: a fragrant plant mentioned in Ps. xlv. 8 (Heb. _qeci'oth_, prob. the Ind. _orris_ or _costus_): a genus of shrubs of the bean family (_Leguminosae_), the leaves of several species yielding senna, while the drug known as cassia fistula or purging cassia is derived from the pod of _Cassia fistula_, the bark of which is used in tanning. [L.

_casia_--Gr. _kasia_--Heb.]

CASSIMERE, kas-i-m[=e]r', _n._ a twilled cloth of the finest wools.--Also KERSEYMERE'. [Corr. of CASHMERE.]

CASSINO, kas-s[=e]'no, _n._ a game at cards. [See CASINO.]

CASSIOPEIA, kas-i-[=o]-p[=e]'ya, _n._ a constellation in the northern hemisphere, near the North Pole, named after the mother of Andromeda in Greek mythology.

CASSITERITE, ka-sit'e-r[=i]t, _n._ a brown native tin dioxide. [L.

_cassiterum_--Gr. _kassiteros_, tin.]

CASSOCK, kas'ok, _n._ a long loose black robe or outer coat, formerly in common wear, but now worn only by clergy and choristers: a shorter garment, usually of black silk, worn under the Geneva gown by Scotch ministers.--_adj._ CASS'OCKED. [Fr. _casaque_--It. _casacca_, prob. from L.

_casa_, a cottage, a covering. Some explain Fr. _casaque_, _casaquin_, It.

_casacchino_, as from Ar. _kaz[=a]yand_, a padded jerkin.]

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