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CHIT, chit, _n._ a note: an order or pass.--Also CHIT'TY. [Hind.


CHIT, chit, _n._ a baby: a lively or pert young child: contemptuously, a young woman or girl. [A.S. _cith_, a young tender shoot.]

CHITCHAT, chit'chat, _n._ chatting or idle talk: prattle: gossip. [A reduplication of CHAT.]

CHITIN, k[=i]'tin, _n._ the substance which forms most of the hard parts of jointed footed animals.--_adj._ CH[=I]'TINOUS. [Fr. _chitine_--Gr.

_chiton_, a tunic.]

CHITON, k[=i]'ton, _n._ the ancient Greek tunic: a genus of marine molluscs. [Gr. _chit[=o]n_, a tunic]

CHITTER, chit'[.e]r, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to shiver.--_n._ CHITT'ERING. [Cf.


CHITTERLING, chit'[.e]r-ling, _n._ the smaller intestines of a pig or other edible animal: a frill--prov. forms, _Chidling_, _Chitling_, _Chitter_.

[Ety. dub.]

CHIVALRY, shiv'al-ri, _n._ the usages and qualifications of chevaliers or knights: bravery and courtesy: the system of knighthood in feudal times.--_adjs._ CHIVAL'RIC, CHIV'ALROUS, pertaining to chivalry: bold: gallant.--_adv._ CHIV'ALROUSLY.--_n._ CHIV'ALROUSNESS. [Fr.

_chevalerie_--_cheval_--Low L. _caballus_, a horse.]

CHIVE, ch[=i]v, _n._ an herb like the leek and onion, with small, flat, clustered bulbs: a small bulb.--Also CIVE. [Fr. _cive_--L. _caepa_, an onion.]

CHIVY, chiv'vy, or CHEVY, chev'vy, _n._ a hunting cry.--_v.t._ to chase.--_v.i._ to scamper. [Prob. from the Border battle of _Chevy_ Chase.]

CHLAMYS, kl[=a]'mis, _n._ an ancient Greek short cloak or mantle for men: a purple cope: a genus of phytophagous beetles. [Gr.]

CHLOASMA, kl[=o]-az'ma, _n._ a skin-disease marked by yellowish-brown patches. [Gr. _chlo[=e]_, verdure.]

CHLORINE, kl[=o]'rin, _n._ a yellowish-green gas with a peculiar and suffocating odour.--_ns._ CHL[=O]'RAL, a limpid, colourless, oily liquid, with a peculiar penetrating odour, formed when anhydrous alcohol is acted on by dry chlorine gas; CHL[=O]'RALISM, the habit of using chloral, a morbid state induced by such; CHL[=O]'RATE, a salt composed of chloric acid and a base.--_adj._ CHL[=O]'RIC, of or from chlorine.--_n._ CHL[=O]'RIDE, a compound of chlorine with some other substance, as potash, soda, &c.--_v.t._ CHL[=O]'RIDISE, to convert into a chloride: (_phot._) to cover with chloride of silver--also CHL[=O]'RIDATE.--_n._ CHLORIN[=A]'TION, the process of getting gold, &c., out of ore by the use of chlorine.--_v.t._ CHL[=O]'RINISE, to combine or otherwise treat with chlorine--also CHL[=O]'RINATE.--_ns._ CHL[=O]'RITE, a mineral consisting of silica, alumina, &c., in variable proportions--it is of a green colour, rather soft, and is easily scratched with a knife; CHL[=O]'RODYNE, a patent medicine containing opium, chloroform, &c., used for allaying pain and inducing sleep; CHL[=O]'ROFORM, a limpid, mobile, colourless, volatile liquid, with a characteristic odour and a strong sweetish taste, used to induce insensibility.--_adj._ CHL[=O]'ROID, like chlorine.--_ns._ CHL[=O]ROM'ETER, an instrument for measuring the bleaching powers of chloride of lime; CHL[=O]ROM'ETRY, the process of testing the decolouring power of any compound of chlorine; CHL[=O]'ROPHYL, the ordinary colouring matter of vegetation, consisting of minute soft granules in the cells; CHLOR[=O]'SIS, properly _green-sickness_, a peculiar form of anaemia or bloodlessness, common in young women, and connected with the disorders incident to the critical period of life.--_adjs._ CHL[=O]ROT'IC, pertaining to chlorosis; CHL[=O]'ROUS, full of chlorine.--CHLORIC ACID, a syrupy liquid, with faint chlorine colour and acid reaction. [Gr. _chl[=o]ros_, pale-green.]

CHOBDAR, chob'dar, _n._ a frequent attendant of Indian nobles, and formerly also of Anglo-Indian officials of rank, carrying a staff overlaid with silver. [Pers.]

CHOCK, chok, _v.t._ to fasten as with a block or wedge.--_n._ a wedge to keep a cask from rolling: a log.--_adjs._ CHOCK'-FULL, CHOKE'-FULL, quite full; CHOCK'-TIGHT, very tight. [See CHOKE.]

CHOCOLATE, chok'[=o]-l[=a]t, _n._ a preparation of the seeds of _Theobroma cacao_, made by grinding the seeds mixed with water to a very fine paste: a beverage made by dissolving this paste in boiling water.--_adj._ chocolate-coloured, dark reddish-brown: made of or flavoured with chocolate. [Sp. _chocolate_; from Mex. _chocolatl_, chocolate.]

CHODE, ch[=o]d, an obsolete _pa.t._ of CHIDE.

CHOICE, chois, _n._ act or power of choosing: the thing chosen: alternative: preference: the preferable or best part.--_adj._ worthy of being chosen: select: appropriate.--_adjs._ CHOICE'-DRAWN (_Shak._), selected with care; CHOICE'FUL (_Spens._), making many choices, fickle.--_adv._ CHOICE'LY, with discrimination or care.--_n._ CHOICE'NESS, particular value: excellence: nicety.--HOBSON'S CHOICE, the alternative of a thing offered or nothing, from _Hobson_, a Cambridge carrier and innkeeper, who insisted on lending out the horse nearest the stable door, or none at all.--MAKE CHOICE OF, to select; TAKE ONE'S CHOICE, to take what one wishes. [Fr. _choix_--_choisir_; cf. CHOOSE.]

CHOIR, kw[=i]r, _n._ a chorus or band of singers, esp. those belonging to a church: the part of a church appropriated to the singers: the part of a cathedral separated from the nave by a rail or screen.--_v.i._ (_Shak._) to sing in chorus.--_ns._ CHOIR'-OR'GAN, one of the departments of a cathedral organ, standing behind the _great-organ_, having its tones less powerful, and more fitted to accompany the voice; CHOIR'SCREEN, a screen of lattice-work, separating the choir from the nave, so as to prevent general access thereto, though not to interrupt either sight or sound.--_adj._ CH[=O]'RAL, belonging to a chorus or choir.--_ns._ CH[=O]RAL', CHORALE', a simple harmonised composition, with slow rhythm: a tune written for a psalm or hymn: in R.C. usage, any part of the service sung by the whole choir.--_adv._ CH[=O]'RALLY, in the manner of a chorus: so as to suit a choir. [Fr. _choeur_--L. _chorus_--Gr. _choros_.]

CHOKE, ch[=o]k, _v.t._ to throttle: to suffocate: to stop or obstruct: to suppress.--_v.i._ to be choked or suffocated.--_n._ the action of choking.--_n._ CHOKE'-BORE, the bore of a gun when narrowed at the muzzle so as to concentrate the shot: a shot-gun so bored.--_v.t._ to bore in such a way.--_n._ CHOKE'-CHERR'Y, a name given to certain nearly allied species of cherry, natives of North America, whose fruit, though at first rather agreeable, is afterwards astringent in the mouth.--_adj._ CHOKED, suffocated, clogged.--_n._ CHOKE'DAMP, the carbonic acid gas given off by coal which accumulates in coal-mines, and may suffocate those exposed to it.--_adj._ CHOKE'-FULL (see CHOCK-FULL).--_ns._ CHOK'ER, one who chokes: a neckerchief; CHOK'ING, suffocation.--_adj._ smothering.--_adj._ CHOK'Y, tending to choke: inclined to choke.--CHOKE OFF, to put an end to, as if by choking; CHOKE UP, to obstruct completely, to suffocate.--WHITE CHOKER, a white neckerchief worn by clergymen, &c. [Prob. from sound.]

CHOKY, ch[=o]'ki, _n._ a prison: a toll-station. [Hind.]

CHOLaeMIA, CHOLEMIA, ko-l[=e]'mi-a, _n._ a morbid accumulation of the constituents of bile in the blood.--_adj._ CHOLae'MIC. [Gr. _chol[=e]_, bile, _haima_, blood.]

CHOLAGOGUE, kol'a-gog, _n._ a purgative causing evacuations of bile.--_adj._ CHOLAGOG'IC. [Gr. _chol[=e]_, bile, _ag[=o]gos_, leading.]

CHOLER, kol'[.e]r, _n._ the bile: (_Shak._) biliousness: anger, irascibility.--_adj._ CHOL'ERIC, full of choler: passionate.

[Fr.,--L.,--Gr. _cholera_--_chol[=e]_, bile.]

CHOLERA, kol'[.e]r-a, _n._ a highly infectious and deadly disease characterised by bilious vomiting and purging.--_adj._ CHOLER[=A]'IC.--BRITISH CHOLERA, an acute catarrhal affection of the mucous membrane of the stomach and small intestines. [Gr. _cholera_.]

CHOLESTERINE, ko-les'te-rin, _n._ a substance occurring abundantly in bile and biliary calculi, probably a monovalent alcohol.--_adj._ CHOLESTER'IC.

[Gr. _chol[=e]_, bile, _stereos_, solid.]

CHOLIAMB, k[=o]'li-amb, _n._ a variety of iambic trimeter, having a trochee for an iambus as the sixth foot.--_adj._ CHOLIAM'BIC. [L.,--Gr.

_ch[=o]liambos_--_ch[=o]los_, lame, _iambos_, iambus.]

CHOLTRY, ch[=o]l'tri, _n._ a khan or caravansary for travellers: a shed used as a place of assembly.--Also CHOUL'TRY. [Malayalam.]

CHONDRIFY, kon'dri-f[=i], _v.t._ to convert into cartilage.--_v.i._ to be converted into cartilage.--_n._ CHONDRIFIC[=A]'TION. [Gr. _chondros_, cartilage.]

CHONDROID, kon'droid, _adj._ cartilaginous.--_ns._ CHON'DRIN, the proper substance of cartilage; CHONDR[=I]'TIS, inflammation of cartilage; CHONDROGEN'ESIS, the formation of cartilage.--_adj._ CHONDROGENET'IC.--_ns._ CHONDROG'RAPHY, a description of the cartilages; CHONDROL'OGY, the knowledge of the cartilages.

CHONDROPTERYGIAN, kon-drop-te-rij'i-an, _adj._ gristly-finned, belonging to the _Chondropterygii_, a group of fishes variously defined in different systems. [Gr. _chondros_, cartilage, _pterygion_, dim. of _pteryx_, a wing.]

CHOOSE, ch[=oo]z, _v.t._ to take one thing in preference to another: to select.--_v.i._ to will or determine: to think fit:--_pa.t._ ch[=o]se; _pa.p._ ch[=o]s'en.--_ns._ CHOOS'ER (_Shak._), one who chooses; CHOOS'ING, choice: selection.--CANNOT CHOOSE, can have no alternative.--NOT MUCH TO CHOOSE BETWEEN, each about equally bad.--PICK AND CHOOSE, to select with care. [A.S. _ceosan_, Dut. _kiesen_.]

CHOP, chop, _v.t._ to cut with a sudden blow: to cut into small pieces: (_Milton_) to change: to exchange or barter: (_Milton_) to trade in: to bandy words.--_v.i._ to change about: to shift suddenly, as the wind.--_n._ a blow: a piece cut off: a slice of mutton or pork, containing a rib: a change: vicissitude.--_ns._ CHOP'-HOUSE, a house where mutton-chops and beef-steaks are served: an eating-house; CHOP'PER, one who or that which chops: a cleaver; CHOP'PING-KNIFE, a knife for chopping or mincing meat.--_adj._ CHOP'PY, full of chops or cracks: running in irregular waves--also CHOP'PING.--CHOP AND CHANGE, to buy and sell: to change about; CHOP AT, to aim a blow at; CHOP IN, to break in, interrupt; CHOP LOGIC, to dispute in logical terms: to bandy words; CHOP UP, to cut into small pieces.--A CHOP-LOGIC (_Shak._), a contentious fellow. [A form of CHAP.]

CHOP, chop, _n._ the chap or jaw, generally used in _pl._: a person with fat cheeks: the mouth of anything, as a cannon.--_adj._ CHOP'-FALL'EN, lit.

having the chop or lower jaw fallen down: cast-down: dejected. [See CHAP (3).]

CHOP, chop, _n._ in China and India, an official mark or seal: a license or passport which has been sealed. [Hind. _chh[=a]p_, seal, impression.]

CHOPIN, chop'in, _n._ an old French liquid measure containing nearly an English imperial pint: a Scotch measure containing about an English quart.

[O. Fr. _chopine_, Old Dut. _schoppe_; Scot. _chappin_, Ger. _schoppen_, a pint.]

CHOPINE, chop-[=e]n', chop'in, _n._ a high clog or patten introduced into England from Venice during the reign of Elizabeth. [Sp. _chapin_.]

CHOPPING, chop'ing, _adj._ stout, strapping, plump.

CHOP-STICKS, chop'-stiks, two small sticks of wood, ivory, &c., used by the Chinese instead of knife and fork. [_Chop_, a corr. of _kih_, quick.]

CHORAGUS, ko-r[=a]'gus, _n._ in Athens, the person appointed to organise the chorus: the leader of a choir.--_adj._ CHORAG'IC, pertaining to a choragus.--CHORAGIC MONUMENT, a small temple on which were dedicated the tripods given in the Dionysian contests to the victorious chorus. [Gr.

_chor[=e]gos_--_choros_, chorus, and _agein_, to lead.]


CHORD, kord, _n._ (_mus._) the simultaneous and harmonious union of sounds of a different pitch.--The COMMON CHORD is a note with its third and perfect fifth reckoned upwards. [Formed from ACCORD.]

CHORD, kord, _n._ the string of a musical instrument: (_fig._) of the emotions: (_geom._) a straight line joining the extremities of an arc: a straight line joining any two points in the curve of a circle, ellipse, &c.

[L. _chorda_--Gr. _chord[=e]_, an intestine.]

CHOREA, ko-r[=e]'a, _n._ St Vitus's dance, a nervous disease causing irregular and involuntary movements of the limbs or face. [L.,--Gr.

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