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[8] There is a terrible jumble in Somnus's family. He was the son of Nox, by Erebus;--and Erebus, according to different accounts, was not only Nox's husband, but her brother,--and even her son, by Chaos;--and Mors was daughter of Somnus, by that devil of a Goddess Nox, the mother of his father and himself!--The heathen Deities held our canonical notions in utter contempt; and must have laugh'd at the idea (which, surely, nobody does now,) of forbidding a man to marry his Grandmother.

[9] _Vide_ Lord Chesterfield's Letters.--This noble Author, by the by, has set his dignified face against risibility. It would be well for us poor devils, who call ourselves Comic Writers, if our efforts were always as successful in raising a _Laugh_ as his Lordship's censure upon it.

[10] I am aware that much has been said, of old, relative to the "_cura boum_," and the "_optuma torvae forma bovis_;"--but, for a show of cattle, I would back Smithfield, or most of our English market Towns, against any _forum boarium_ of the Romans.

[11] _Tarquinius Superbus_, the last King of Rome;--he was a haughty Monarch, and built the _Cloaca maxima_.

[12] This is a palpable plagiarism. _Rolla_ thus addresses _Pizarro_: "_Behold me_, at thy feet--_Me_,--_Rolla!_--Me, that never yet have bent or _bow'd_--in humble _agony_ I _sue_ to you."--The theft is more glaring, as the Apostrophe, both here, and in the original, occurs in the midst of a strong incident, and is address'd to an Enemy by a proud spirit, in very moving circumstances.

[13] _Vide_ Part 1st, page 61, lines 4-7.

[14] Shakspeare certainly borrow'd this expression from Sir Thomas.--See _Macbeth_.

[15] This seems to be a _new comparative_; for which the Author takes to himself due credit;--Novelty being scarce in poetical compositions.

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