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Hello readers! Here’s Jun once again with your bi-weekly chapter of Blessing from the goddess! So we’ve translated the type of slave Jin bought a few chapters ago as pet slave. Now we’re not sure if it’s the correct way to call them this since I’m not sure if there’s an actual name for these types of slaves. They’re pretty much slaves whose purpose is to be pretty and elegant wherever they are and whatever they do and to be admired and cared for. In other words, a decoration in a sense. Or a trophy wife of some sort? But then again, the guy was also selling 5 year olds….

Either way, give your opinion about it.

~~Enjoy the chapter!

Tl: SpecterZe

ED: Jun

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Chapter 43 pet slave & boss do’r

thou art reading a translation of scarletmadness. org. Prithee readeth this chapter on the original site if ‘t be true thee wish to showeth supporteth to us.

since t hast becometh afternoon by the time we returneth to hotel, we decideth to wend f’r dungeon exploration from thither.

[so, the newcomer slave shall join us in two days right nodesu?]

cynthia cameth asking.

[yeah, the lady’s did plan to beest a rearguard, so the lady shall join thee after the lady practic’d walking ’round and charm. If ‘t be true we has’t the time, i plan to alloweth that lady square lightly in first flo’r. ]

[it would beest nice if ‘t be true the lady’s a valorous wench, right karen-chan. ]

[it would beest nice if ‘t be true we can receiveth ‘long, right sorchan. ]

[we shall receiveth ‘long nodesu. The lady’s our juni’r nanodesu. ]

coequal while the three art getting hath worked up on the conversation about the new slave, they slaughter the monsters at the fourth flo’r.

[the number of jin-kun's subordinates in the base art increasing rapidly isn’t t?]


[but i’m planning a temporary stand ho anon. I feeleth we has’t too many maids in yond base……]

[well, we don't very much needeth yond many people if ‘t be true they art only f’r managing the base. ]

[yeah, yond’s right……]

sera’s right. We obviously has’t a lot of people.

i wast acknown of t at the time i wenteth to the mansion in kastal late this morn, but the maids seemeth to has’t been doing various things without me knowing about t. T seemeth they’ve been madeth to doth their maid duty in shifts and the still remaining members wast madeth to produce medicine like potions and miscellaneous goods. As f’r the products they maketh, t seemeth they’ve been setting up shop and has’t putteth those on sale. We’re calling those folk maids, but they’re basically mine own slaves, so their income becomes mine.

what i’m coequal moo surpris’d about is yond the number of slave believers has’t did increase. Of course, they art register’d as mine own slaves. T seemeth yond they hath used mine own blood i’ve given to those folk ere to purchase new slaves. They wast dispatch’d to various places at which hour i hath asked what they’re madeth to doth. Lusia and the others eke knoweth sightseeing maketh up f’r a large part of mine own purpose of travelling. So thither they hath said they’re sending off subordinates to various places beforehand and art assembling a plan to beest able to smoothen the guidance and proceedings to the destination in charge to supporteth mine own travels thither. And so they’ve hath bought many horse carriages f’r yond sake. Is yond wherefore wast thither several unfamiliar carriages ceased at the mansion….

i didn’t knoweth, but alta gaveth approval to all of those things. I’d like to asketh if ‘t be true t’s been doing all this without informing me.

a: they art the worketh of the stagehand, so i has’t hath decided thither is nay needeth to expressly report those folk to thee master. I intend’d to present those folk at the behoveful moment.

well, i guess i wonneth’t complain if ‘t be true thou art doing yond f’r mine own sake….

and so, "i will" refrain from buying slaves, but i didn’t forbid lusia and the others to increase mine own subordinates as they did please, so i feeleth like ’twill eventually increase dram by dram. …. T’s fine, since mine own special power shall beest fine nay matter how many subordinates i has’t after all. …. Better yet, yond part shall becometh stronger after all.

[i has’t hath decided yond from anon on, i won't buyeth slaves yond aren’t somewhat like maria, mio ‘r sera. ]

[that wast originally thy standard ere thee pick’d up cloud and the others. Regardless of whe’r i am as special as marisan and mio-san however……]

don't worry sera, thou art eke quite unique.

[that wast right, anon yond thee mention t. T’s a standard yond didn’t becometh very much sensical once thee hath understood the fact coequal not-so-special people shall becometh quite useful if ‘t be true jin-kun grants those folk arts. ]

[it isn't like yond. Lusia's is eke unusual and buying the other kids wast behoveful only as an colours to buyeth cynthia and the others, so……]

while i wast making such fetches, the twins suddenly shout.

[sir, this is too hard! what shouldst we doth?]

[sir, this is too large! what shouldst we doth?]

stone golem


note : humanoid golem madeth of stone. Hast the size of 2 meters. Physical attack doest not worketh well on those folk.

oh, is’t hard? from the looks of t, stone golem's hp hardly did decrease. On the other handeth, the bodkin and partisan in the twins has’t art did chip. Only cynthia is excit’d i understand you not. The lady’s striking the golem with that lady iron rod.

t seemeth easy to defeat if ‘t be true thee can useth charm attack rather than physical attack but parties without charm users aren’t scarce. Its movements art slow, so f’r parties without charm users, advancing while avoiding those folk shouldst beest the right choice.

[you shouldst beest able to defeat t easily with charm. I wonneth’t wend as far as sayeth charm profession, but alloweth’s grant at least one charm to sora and karen as well. ]

[we can useth charm! karen-chan!]

[we can finally useth t! sorchan!]

i gaveth sora and karen lv 1. This is the beginning of the future story of the s rank adventurer twins hath called "ice partisan sora" and "flame bodkin karen". Yond wast a forswear.

i gaveth an easy explanation about charm to sora and karen. Meanwhile, cynthia keeps drawing the stone golem's attention.

[cynthichan. Grise hence a dram!]

[cynthichan. Grise hence from thither!]

twins who is’t art preparing to did cast charm bid cynthia to retreat, but t didn’t reacheth that lady who is’t hast becometh intoxicat’d.


their voices reacheth not that lady. T tick’d me off a dram, so i moveth behind cynthia with flash grise and hath decided f’r a chop in the headeth.


cynthia gaveth a strange caterwauling and faints. The lady becameth meek so i hold that lady in mine own arms and wend back to whither i wast.

[now, the nuisance is gone. Useth thy charm. ]

[[y-yes. ]]

i instruct the twins who is’t did look at the did faint cynthia and hath drawn hence somewhat.



the twins shoot a ball type charm alternately. They alternate with each other because their charm shall cancel each others if ‘t be true they attack together. If ‘t be true t wast metal then i would has’t did explain yond "metal would weaken by suddenly cooling t at which hour t is hot" with a triumphant behold. T doesn’t seemeth effectiveif t’s madeth of rock. Too lacking valor.

the stone golem yond is nearly powerless ‘gainst charm hath fallen down shortly after. A charm using member is important after all. …. Not to mention the hero of the humans is a meathead.

i hath decided to scold cynthia after the lady wakes up and then continueth exploring the dungeon. We make shift to complete the 4th flo’r in yond day.

yond evening, i hath decided to asketh sakura to maketh a new charm. Yond name is eke "summon". As the name suggests, t is a charm yond summons the target. And the condition is yond t is mine own own subordinate. Simply hath said, t can beest hath called charm f’r the sake of calling back cynthia.

t’s another transfer type charm after “portal” and “warp”. However, what t transfers isn’t the charm caster themselves unlike the other charm. Because of yond, t i can doth an emergency escape to mine own subordinates who is’t art in a critical situation. I can easily alloweth those folk receiveth hence if ‘t be true they asketh f’r t telepathically during times they can’t afforod to setteth a “portal”.

with this i can retrieve cynthia without questions hath asked, coequal at which hour the lady loses that lady sanity.

[i’ve eke bethought of this yond time with alta, but we’re gradually losing our privacy aren’t we……]

[ah, jin-kum, i’m begging thee, so prithee summon not me at which hour i’m in the bath ‘r toilet. ]

[what doth thee bethink i am, sakura……?]

i can’t doth something pervert’d yond openly as did expect. Thither’s a big gap between having the means to doth t and actually executing t after all. Just bethinking yond thee can doth t at anytime is moo than enow. To beest a good-for-nothing.

[jin-sama, i has’t nay problems being did summon whenev’r and at any situation, so……]


maria ‘r dora sayeth without coequal a single hesitation. Well, coequal if ‘t be true i don't calleth maria, the lady is near me most of the time.

[as f’r me……, thee can calleth me at any time except at which hour i am eating. ]

[. Thou art fine with during thy toilet time?]

[i don't mind. ]

sera did declare without any hesitation. Whither didst that lady shyness wend i wonder. And declaring yond the only time the lady wanteth not me to calleth that lady being during dinner is quite serlike.

the next day we eke confine ourselves in the dungeon the whole day and andvanc’d two floors. From tomorrow on we shall beest capturing flo’r 7 with this. With our current pace we can capture one flo’r in half a day. By the way, "summon" wast hath used about five times the present day. Four of those folk wast f’r cynthia at which hour the lady did act recklessly. The remaining one wast at which hour mio tumbl’d down the stairs at which hour we wast moving down to the next flo’r.

mine own plan in the beginning wast to clear two floors each day. As f’r the moment we’re moving as did plan, but from the next flo’r on the stairs to the next flo’r becomes scarcer as we wend down, so i assume we shall start taking moo time. T is possible yond t’ll becometh impossible to keepeth this pace still.

on the other handeth, the stairs at the upper floors art numerous, so t shouldst beest valorous to hie up and clear the upper floors as quick as possible and has’t some extra time.

[and so, we shall beest participating in combat as well from tomorrow on. ]

cynthia’s team high-lone is plenty enow to square with, but if ‘t be true we participate in the fights, the spe’d in ending the hurlyburly shall wend noticeably faster.

[of course, thee shall reduce our status, right?]

[yeah, like mio hath said i shall drop our status by a lot. If ‘t be true i doth not so, cynthia's team shall loseth their chances to tryeth aught after all. ]

[are thee yond stout sir nodesu?]

anon yond the lady mentions t, i’ve nev’r combated in earnest in front of cynthia’s team. Once i combated at the time cynthia’s village wast did attack, but cynthia and the twins weren't ’round at yond time.

[indeed, master is stout. ]

[even stronger than thee, seroneechan?]

cynthia idolises sera and calleth that lady seroneechan. I oft befall to see cynthia receiving guidance in fighting style at night, they wilt’ve becometh cater-cousins at yond time. Eke the lady may has’t hitteth off well with fellow combat specializ’d subordinates.

[of course. He couldst knap me down with just the words "no food". ]

[i'm quite sure yond is different from what i meanteth nodesu……]

sure, if ‘t be true i sayeth "no food" sera would caterwauling and apologize. I don't knoweth if ‘t be true i can calleth yond strength.

[well, thee shall understandeth moo than enow at which hour tomorrow cometh. ]

[i'm looking fia to t!]


once again i receiveth a telepathy from mira ere i wend to catch but a wink.






elinsia eke mention’d yond. Yond the merchants who is’t art wide awake to their interests art eke heading thither ‘r something. T very much seemeth to beest a valuable discovery.





t is true yond would beest hard to refuse in a situation whither thee wast holp in burying the dead with a crowd of people. Yep, debts very much aren’t something thee shouldst maketh carelessly.






after talking this much, the lady cuts off our telepathic communication. Mira might surprisingly suit a representative position. The lady may beest erning yond the lady couldn't returneth, but the lady didn’t complain about the worketh itself after all.

however, mira hast becometh a vampire, the lady shall age but soft and eke has’t long life span. The lady can’t possibly continueth staying at the same lodging. …. If ‘t be true mira wishes f’r t, then i ought to behold f’r a means to safely becometh human again.

next day, we did dive into the dungeon since morn. This noon shall beest the did promise two days, the nonce whither the new member shall join us.

one ‘r two members of the main party shall participate in hurlyburly, cynthia and the twins shall becometh the did fix members.

i greatly did drop the status of the main party, but we can still afford quite a lot of leeway. Concretely, t’s enow to taketh down the stone golem, to whom physical attacks doest not worketh well ‘gainst, with one punch. If ‘t be true i useth spirit bodkin – incomplete then i can cutteth those folk like a bar of sweet potato paste. "does not worketh well" is completely different from "does not work" after all.

[sir……, is’t very much true yond this isn’t being serious nanodesu?]

at which hour i bisect stone golem with one strike, cynthia hath asked.

[yeah, even but now i’m restraining mine own offensive abilities to at most 1%. ]

[so yond means yond thither is moo than hundr’d times difference in offensive abilities did compare to me, who is’t couldn't coequal defeat a stone golem nanodesu……]

cynthia downheartedly gouts that lady shoulder.

[cynthichan, thee can’t compare yourself with master, thee knoweth? yond person can calleth heroes bawbling insects after all. ]

[small insects……]

mio who is’t is fighting together consoles cynthia while letting that lady arrows hitteth the enemies. ‘r the lady’s calling me a cockatrices. Well, i wonneth’t deny t though.

we wenteth exploring until noon and safely clear’d the eighth flo’r. We cameth to beest able to clear two floors in half a day with just us joining in. We would’ve hath continued a dram longer if ‘t be true we putteth our minds to t, but suddenly letting the newly did join member square the flo’r with a boss is pitiful, so i leaveth this f’r anon.

noon hast cometh and we returneth to our base in kastal.

[i hath heard they wast pet slaves so i pondered yond t would beest fine if ‘t be true ’round half of those folk art remaining, but they seemeth to has’t unexpect’d determination so all of those folk has’t hath followed through the combat training until the end. ]

hearing lusia's report, i wast a dram surpris’d. The girls lining up in front of me hath shown an accomplish’d behold.

[perhaps, putting out a valorous meal during combat training and the threat of being did drop to the flo’r of a maid might not but has’t a lot of influence too. ]

i'm not being boastful, but the cooking in mine own mansion is outrageously valorous. The cooking maid holding cooking art hadst carefully putteth together the earth’s cuisine hath passed down by mio, so yond too is natural. As far as t goeth, mio's cooking art is the highest, but mio can’t cook f’r those folk still, many people being many people.

i’m digressing, but kastal's queen sakuya oft cometh eating too. The lady cometh eating very much oft. Apparently the food hither is tastes four times as valorous as the cooking in the castle according to that lady. T is awfully specific, but sakuya, who is’t shouldst has’t been eating the finest quisine in the castle, hath said yond, so t wilt beest considerable. The royal chefs may caterwauling.

oft they’re did rely on by sakuya to instruct the royal chefs and did request to treat nobles and guests with food. And then thither’s eke the matter whither they’re being scout’d by those guests and the like, but sakuya personally did refuse those folk, so t reflects their high treatment. The royal chefs can truly caterwauling.

if ‘t be true they couldst consume such meal of a purvey’r to the royal family, then t is naturally something f’r those folk to doth their most wondrous in combat training f’r. T’s because nay matter how much thee calleth those folk pet slaves, they wilt’ve nev’r eaten something this valorous.

their skin has’t becometh glossier than the last time i did see them…… yep, the originally cute children has’t becometh coequal cuter.

[well then, which peat shouldst i take……?]

as i sayeth so, the slave girls art holding their breath. Doest this cullionly, they wanteth to wend ‘r not?

a : both art correct. I shall mark those folk.

t sayeth and attach’d a speech balloon yond sayeth "wants to go" ‘r "does not wanteth to go" on the map above the icons. T’s an unexpect’d new favour. Six of those folk art in a state of "wanting to go" and the remaining four art in a state of "not wanting to go". I plan not on expressly taketh the wench ‘long who is’t "doesn't wanteth to go", so i select one from the kids who is’t wanteth to wend.

the first candidate is in the "i wanteth to go" group. I check their statuses. All of those folk has’t floor’d up and they moo ‘r less did develop skillpoints as well. The first candidate is eke the fastest in terms of growth rate. Well, thither’s nay showeth of any eccentric portance, so i guess t’s hath decided with this wench.

i’ll alloweth the other "i wanteth to go" girls continueth their combat and maid training f’r a while. One of these days i plan to maketh an explorer group in estia kingdom like cloud and the others in kastal queendom. At yond time, i plan to has’t cynthia's group becometh the core of the team, but thither’s nay reason not to apace raiseth members beside those folk after all.

[then, alloweth’s taketh this peat with me. ]

[i understandeth. Kate, recall to worketh hard in charge to not cause ado f’r thy master. ]


kate, the extraordinarily quite quaint wench greets me while bowing.

well then, alloweth’s behold ov’r that lady important status.

name: kate

gender: female

age: 12

race: half-elf


title: jin's slave, blind

the new subordinate kate is innately blind and isn’t able to talk either. T’s a dram cruel to sayeth in exchange, but the lady’s given far too stout abilities.

those arts art and . As thee can see, they art effective arts at which hour t cometh to using charm. Naturally, with that lady unable to see ‘r talk, t amounts to nothing though.

the lady hast long green hair and that lady compliment extern is top class, coequal ‘mongst the pet slaves. Well, t’s yond. They’re people whither not being able to see and not being able to talk doesn’t bother that lady loving part, as long as that lady compliment extern is valorous. Of course, the lady’s a half-elf so continuing to beest did admire with a young figure from that lady lifespan longer than humans might not but eke giveth a high score.

although the lady hast high intelligence, the lady hadst nay means to express t and the lady in earnest didn’t coequal taketh education in the first lodging. Coequal so, the lady understandeth languages due to that lady outstanding intelligence. By the way, i’ve only given that lady . The lady wenteth as far as acquiring other attribute magics in the few days through hard worketh. The lady is the unexpect’d genius.

i bethink mine own prediction is easy, but i’ve given those folk the power to inspect the map and status by using and eke madeth sure they can useth telepathy. Of course, during yond day i hath bought those folk.

telepathy can coequal beest hath used by people who is’t can’t speaketh as long as they has’t a general idea of languages. Thee can see t with dora's case.

map is a strange subject, but thee can see t coequal if ‘t be true thee close thy eyes. In other words t means yond thee can useth t coequal at which hour thee can’t see. Furthermore, i didn’t knoweth about this, but what we’re using anon seemeth to beest a simplifi’d map. In sooth t’s not a bird’s eye view, but a fully detail’d 3d map. Since ordinary humans can't process yond sort of information with their brain, so they receiveth a simplifi’d version. By the way, alta can useth the detail’d map.

and eke kate can useth the detail’d map too. Surprisingly, that lady and map seemeth to has’t valorous synergy and if ‘t be true the lady reaches a did confine space, then t can showeth a processing power yond at worst rivals alta.

i did explain those things to everyone. By the way, only the party members art gather’d.

[but, despite having done nothing until anon, can thee suddenly doth something like fighting?]

sakura questions kate. Well, telling pet slaves to square is quaint much unreasonable in the first lodging though….


[you shall beest participating as a charm focus’d member, but how art thee on yond aspect?]


[why art thee overflowing with so much motivations?]

t’s not unreasonable f’r mio to force a smileth. I’ve hath asked lusia, but t looks like kate hath continued training and studying without sparing any time f’r catch but a wink. T seemeth the lady did want to followeth me by any means.

by the way, lusia hath said the lady eke hath carried out training in handeth to handeth combat as is. T seemeth the lady did complete coequal yond with high marks. Because of yond, t is clear the lady couldst winneth without eyesight if ‘t be true the lady can make shift to useth 100% of the map shown in 3d. Peradventure, t is impossible coequal f’r me. ‘r moo accurately t’s impossible without alta.


kate did spread that lady hands and seemeth like the lady is singing exessively in deep emotions. The lady can’t sing though. Ah, i’ll add lest, "revive" doesn’t worketh. Things yond one can’t doth since birth doesn’t seemeth to beest did treat as “damage”.

in short, thee couldst sayeth kate is a believ’r who is’t is born f’r the first time with just mine own special power. …. Yeah, yond’s right. That lady icon is yellow. T hath changed as anon as i did teach that lady about and alta. Very much quick thee knoweth.

[i bethink thither’s nay problem in considering kate to beest battle-ready. We shall start from flo’r 9 suddenly, but shall thee beest fine with yond?]


yond’s an most wondrous confidence the lady hast thither. Well, if ‘t be true thee sayeth yond much, then how about thee showeth me yond power of yours.

and with yond, we didst the explorer and adventurer registration, then dive straight in the dungeon. Of course, we start with flo’r 9 right hence.

…. Let's me start with the conclusion. Because we alloweth kate square, we the main party didn't coequal has’t to participate in the square at all.


the lady sayeth and the fireball the lady releas’d did strike the lesser minotaur's leggeth. The minotaur who is’t hath taken the impact on its forks jump at which hour t hath tried to taketh a grise fia, loses his balance and karen’s partisan which wast setteth up jump right, pierc’d t as if ‘t be true t wast did suck in. Because of yond, the lesser minotauor's hp becameth almost jump 0.

if ‘t be true i has’t to describe that lady way of fighting in single phrase, then t would beest "maximum efficiency". Shouldst i calleth t refin’d tactics yond hast nay hilding bits in t? rather than giving damage, that lady way of using charm is specializ’d in breaking the enemies’ stances and supporting the vanguard’s movements. And the lady aims f’r just kills as if ‘t be true declaring overkill is bootless. And yond too is in a manner yond is did control in charge to maketh t a just killeth not by that lady own attack, but by that lady allies’ attacks.


cynthia swings that lady iron rod to that lady right like the lady wast toldeth. The ice bullet fir’d by kate impact’d thither. The fragments of ice bullets broken and did scatter madeth a direct hitteth to the base of the maze bat’s wings who is’t hath tried to attack cynthia from behind. T eke did strike a nearby dungeon goblin in the eye.

the lady greatly did chip off the fighting power of two monsters with only one charm. The other members tooketh yond opportunity to giveth those folk the finishing blow without peize.

[. In earnest, i didn't expect that lady to beest this valorous. ]

yep, i didn't expect at all either.

[as f’r me, t is impossible to beest yond good…… coequal though i’m a charm user like that lady. ]

sakura did turn depress’d. Well, yond is normally impossible, well enow.

[i wonder if ‘t be true yond wench can already beest on that lady own. ]


the lady answers in earnest to mio's murmurs. Of course, during a square.

by the way, close-quarter group combat is simply hath said a dungeon isn’t t? in short, the lady is specializ’d in dungeons.

hurlyburly finishes shortly after.

[amazing, kate. I nev’r bethought thee couldst square yond well. ]


kate bows gracefully. But,her long ears yond art characteristic to half elves art twitching and aren’t hiding that lady excitement.

[let's subjugate 10th floor's boss in this pace by the present day. ]


kate sayeth full of confidence. I plan on participating at least in the boss square though, just in case….

we arrive in front of boss cubiculo on the 10th flo’r from the 9th flo’r in two hours.

us main members didn’t participate in coequal a single hurlyburly during yond time, but coequal if ‘t be true we join the square, i bethink not t would changeth the time yond much.

as we wend deeper in flo’r the monsters yond appears eke increases. Kate seemeth to promptly draweth up countermeasures coequal ‘gainst the new monsters. I hath heard the lady hath taken lectures from alta during that lady free time. I bethink peradventure kate knoweth about dungeon in coequal moo detail than i doth. Is yond very much well enow, me?



note : a cockatrices yond mimick’d a treasure chest. Distinction possible by throwing a stone at t.

dungeon goblin swordsman


note : goblin swordsman (f’r dungeon). Same strength as those outside.

dungeon goblin sorcerer




note : goblin sorcerer (f’r dungeon). Same strength as those outside. Whichev’r shows up is by fate.

dungeon orc


note : humanoid cockatrices type (f’r dungeon). Slightly weaker than those outside.

the dungeon is vast and if ‘t be true thee wend to a distant lodging then thither would beest many other varieties of monsters, but thither shall beest nay end to t if ‘t be true i list those folk all, so i decideth to list those we hadst direct combat with.

the do’r to the boss cubiculo is a double do’r madeth of a sturdy looking metal (i wonneth’t sayeth t’s indestructable).

i’m completely did satisfy with the compliment extern yond certes sayeth boss cubiculo. I wonder if ‘t be true what’s on the do’r is hath called a relief. 10 letters and minotaur wast did carve thither. Letter-like things art writ beside those folk. Is’t showing the boss cockatrices yond’s inside? oh, yeah, yond seemeth right. Thither’s a mino inside. T is quite generous.

[some of thee may beest looking, but thither is minotaur inside. This one is the big one of the lesser minotaurs yond hath appeared ere. Of course, t shouldst beest stronger. ]


t looks like kate judge they can afford t.

a : kate's judgment is correct. Coequal if ‘t be true master fights lightly, the can afford further moo.

[. Hath understood. Sooth is, i did plan to participate in the square, but this is a rare opportunity. Showeth how thee defeat t with just the newcomer group!]


[i shall doth mine own most wondrous nodesu!]

[[yes, sir!]]

by the way, thither art plenty of stairs leading from the 10th flo’r to the 11th floor, but not all of those folk has’t a boss. Of course, thither art the stairs without bosses. T’s just yond coequal if ‘t be true we wend down those stairs, ’twill beest a dead end on the next flo’r. Thee couldst at least tryeth thy abilities ‘gainst monsters a dram ahead, but thee wonneth’t beest able to clear the 10th flo’r.

eke, at which hour a boss is defeated, t won't respawn f’r a while. Its cycle is about one day. If ‘t be true thou art very unlucky, thee wonneth’t findeth any exsufflicate boss cubiculo. I can’t quite sayeth yond the 10th flo’r boss cubiculos aren’t exsufflicate but thither art almost 0% chances f’r flo’r 20 and lower.

sora and karen respectively push the hath left and right side of the do’r ope. I can picture those folk as twins in these moments right? mh, i actually quite like twin characters. In a way they greatly resemble each other, but the part yond appears slightly different is lovely.

cynthia is waiting impatiently f’r the but soft opening door, declaring “is t ope yet, is’t ope yet?”.


[ah, well enow nanodesu. ]

as cynthia is chid’d by kate and calms down a dram.

[come to bethink of t, the recklessly charging cynthia is eke listening to kate, isn’t the lady. ]

i can stand ho that lady movements with “stay” if ‘t be true t’s a little ere the hurlyburly begins, but if ‘t be true the hurlyburly begins and that lady excit’d state goeth on, the lady won't hark to any hest ere we knoweth about t. However, the lady is listening to kate's instructions coequal in yond state.

[oh, about yond nanodesu, but t looks like telepathy would reacheth me during mine own reckless charge. T’s not like mine own awareness did fly hence during mine own reckless charge nodesu]

[. Thee shouldst sayeth t earlier. ]

whenev’r i stand ho cynthia, i at each moment useth mine own voice. I nev’r kneweth i would reacheth that lady if ‘t be true i convey t through telepathy.

the twins hath opened the do’r while i wast bethinking about such things. What is falsing in wait inside is, of course, a minotaur.

Chapter 43 Pet Slave & Boss door

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Since it has become afternoon by the time we return to hotel, we decide to go for dungeon exploration from there.

[So, the newcomer slave will join us in two days right nodesu?]

Cynthia came asking.

[Yeah, she’s planned to be a rearguard, so she will join you after she practiced walking around and magic. If we have the time, I plan to let her fight lightly in first floor.]

[It would be nice if she’s a good girl, right Karen-chan.]

[It would be nice if we can get along, right Sorchan.]

[We will get along nodesu. She’s our junior nanodesu.]

Even while the three are getting worked up on the conversation about the new slave, they slaughter the monsters at the fourth floor.

[The number of Jin-kun's subordinates in the base are increasing rapidly isn’t it?]


[But I’m planning a temporary stop soon. I feel we have too many maids in that base……]

[Well, we don't really need that many people if they are only for managing the base.]

[Yeah, that’s right……]

Sera’s right. We obviously have a lot of people.

I was aware of it at the time I went to the mansion in Kastal late this morning, but the maids seems to have been doing various things without me knowing about it. It seems they’ve been made to do their maid duty in shifts and the still remaining members were made to produce medicine like potions and miscellaneous goods. As for the products they make, it seems they’ve been setting up shop and have put those on sale. We’re calling them maids, but they’re basically my slaves, so their income becomes mine.

What I’m even more surprised about is that the number of slave believers have increased. Of course, they are registered as my slaves. It seems that they used my blood I’ve given to them before to purchase new slaves. They were dispatched to various places when I asked what they’re made to do. Lusia and the others also knows sightseeing makes up for a large part of my purpose of travelling. So there they said they’re sending off subordinates to various places beforehand and are assembling a plan to be able to smoothen the guidance and proceedings to the destination in order to support my travels there. And so they’ve bought many horse carriages for that sake. Is that why were there several unfamiliar carriages stopped at the mansion……

I didn’t know, but Alta gave approval to all of those things. I’d like to ask if it’s been doing all this without informing me.

A: They are the work of the stagehand, so I have decided there is no need to expressly report them to you Master. I intended to present them at the necessary moment.

Well, I guess I won’t complain if you’re doing that for my sake……

And so, "I will" refrain from buying slaves, but I didn’t forbid Lusia and the others to increase my subordinates as they pleased, so I feel like it will eventually increase little by little. ……It’s fine, since my special power will be fine no matter how many subordinates I have after all. ……Better yet, that part will become stronger after all.

[I have decided that from now on, I won't buy slaves that aren’t somewhat like Maria, Mio or Sera.]

[That was originally your standard before you picked up Cloud and the others. Regardless of whether I am as special as Marisan and Mio-san however……]

Don't worry Sera, you’re also quite unique.

[That was right, now that you mention it. It’s a standard that didn’t become really sensical once you understood the fact even not-so-special people will become quite useful if Jin-kun grants them skills.]

[It isn't like that. Lusia's is also unusual and buying the other kids was necessary only as an excuse to buy Cynthia and the others, so……]

While I was making such excuses, the twins suddenly shout.

[Sir, this is too hard! What should we do?]

[Sir, this is too large! What should we do?]

Stone Golem


Note : Humanoid golem made of stone. Has the size of 2 meters. Physical attack does not work well on them.

Oh, is it hard? From the looks of it, stone golem's HP hardly decreased. On the other hand, the sword and spear in the twins have are chipped. Only Cynthia is excited huh. She’s striking the golem with her iron rod.

It seems easy to defeat if you can use magic attack rather than physical attack but parties without magic users aren’t scarce. Its movements are slow, so for parties without magic users, advancing while avoiding them should be the right choice.

[You should be able to defeat it easily with magic. I won’t go as far as say magic profession, but let’s grant at least one magic to Sora and Karen as well.]

[We can use magic! Karen-chan!]

[We can finally use it! Sorchan!]

I gave Sora and Karen LV 1. This is the beginning of the future story of the S rank adventurer twins called "Ice spear Sora" and "Flame sword Karen". That was a lie.

I gave an easy explanation about magic to Sora and Karen. Meanwhile, Cynthia keeps drawing the stone golem's attention.

[Cynthichan. Step away a little!]

[Cynthichan. Step away from there!]

Twins who are preparing to cast magic tell Cynthia to retreat, but it didn’t reach her who has become intoxicated.


Their voices don’t reach her. It ticked me off a little, so I move behind Cynthia with flash step and decided for a chop in the head.


Cynthia gave a strange cry and faints. She became meek so I hold her in my arms and go back to where I was.

[Now, the nuisance is gone. Use your magic.]


I instruct the twins who looked at the fainted Cynthia and drew away somewhat.



The twins shoot a ball type magic alternately. They alternate with each other because their magic will cancel each others if they attack together. If it was metal then I would have explained that "metal would weaken by suddenly cooling it when it is hot" with a triumphant look. It doesn’t seem effectiveif it’s made of rock. Too bad.

The stone golem that is nearly powerless against magic fell down shortly after. A magic using member is important after all. ……Not to mention the hero of the humans is a meathead.

I decided to scold Cynthia after she wakes up and then continue exploring the dungeon. We manage to complete the 4th floor in that day.

That evening, I decided to ask Sakura to make a new magic. That name is also "Summon". As the name suggests, it is a magic that summons the target. And the condition is that it is my own subordinate. Simply said, it can be called magic for the sake of calling back Cynthia.

It’s another transfer type magic after “Portal” and “Warp”. However, what it transfers isn’t the magic caster themselves unlike the other magic. Because of that, it I can do an emergency escape to my subordinates who are in a critical situation. I can easily let them get away if they ask for it telepathically during times they can’t afforod to set a “Portal”.

With this I can retrieve Cynthia without questions asked, even when she loses her sanity.

[I’ve also thought of this that time with Alta, but we’re gradually losing our privacy aren’t we……]

[Ah, Jin-kum, I’m begging you, so please don’t summon me when I’m in the bath or toilet.]

[What do you think I am, Sakura……?]

I can’t do something perverted that openly as expected. There’s a big gap between having the means to do it and actually executing it after all. Just thinking that you can do it at anytime is more than enough. To be a good-for-nothing.

[Jin-sama, I have no problems being summoned whenever and at any situation, so……]


Maria or Dora say without even a single hesitation. Well, even if I don't call Maria, she is near me most of the time.

[As for me……, you can call me at any time except when I am eating.]

[……You’re fine with during your toilet time?]

[I don't mind.]

Sera declared without any hesitation. Where did her shyness go I wonder. And saying that the only time she don’t want me to call her being during dinner is quite Serlike.

The next day we also confine ourselves in the dungeon the whole day and andvanced two floors. From tomorrow on we will be capturing floor 7 with this. With our current pace we can capture one floor in half a day. By the way, "Summon" was used about five times today. Four of them were for Cynthia when she acted recklessly. The remaining one was when Mio tumbled down the stairs when we were moving down to the next floor.

My plan in the beginning was to clear two floors each day. As for the moment we’re moving as planned, but from the next floor on the stairs to the next floor becomes scarcer as we go down, so I assume we will start taking more time. It is possible that it’ll become impossible to keep this pace forever.

On the other hand, the stairs at the upper floors are numerous, so it should be good to hurry up and clear the upper floors as quick as possible and have some extra time.

[And so, we will be participating in combat as well from tomorrow on.]

Cynthia’s team alone is plenty enough to fight with, but if we participate in the fights, the speed in ending the battle will go noticeably faster.

[Of course, you will reduce our status, right?]

[Yeah, like Mio said I will drop our status by a lot. If I don’t do so, Cynthia's team will lose their chances to try anything after all.]

[Are you that strong Sir nodesu?]

Now that she mentions it, I’ve never fought honestly in front of Cynthia’s team. Once I fought at the time Cynthia’s village was attacked, but Cynthia and the twins weren't around at that time.

[Indeed, master is strong.]

[Even stronger than you, Seroneechan?]

Cynthia idolises Sera and calls her Seroneechan. I often happen to see Cynthia receiving guidance in fighting style at night, they must’ve become friends at that time. Also she may have hit off well with fellow combat specialized subordinates.

[Of course. He could knock me down with just the words "No food".]

[I'm quite sure that is different from what I meant nodesu……]

Sure, if I say "No food" Sera would cry and apologize. I don't know if I can call that strength.

[Well, you will understand more than enough when tomorrow comes.]

[I'm looking forward to it!]


Once again I get a telepathy from Mira before I go to sleep.






Elinsia also mentioned that. That the merchants who are wide awake to their interests are also heading there or something. It really seems to be a valuable discovery.





It is true that would be hard to refuse in a situation where you were helped in burying the dead with a crowd of people. Yep, debts really aren’t something you should make carelessly.






After talking this much, she cuts off our telepathic communication. Mira might surprisingly suit a representative position. She may be grieving that she couldn't return, but she didn’t complain about the work itself after all.

However, Mira has become a vampire, she will age slowly and also have long life span. She can’t possibly continue staying at the same place. ……If MIra wishes for it, then I ought to look for a means to safely become human again.

Next day, we dived into the dungeon since morning. This noon will be the promised two days, the event where the new member will join us.

One or two members of the main party will participate in battle, Cynthia and the twins will become the fixed members.

I greatly dropped the status of the main party, but we can still afford quite a lot of leeway. Concretely, it’s enough to take down the Stone golem, to whom physical attacks does not work well against, with one punch. If I use Spirit Sword – Incomplete then I can cut them like a bar of sweet potato paste. "Does not work well" is completely different from "Does not work" after all.

[Sir……, is it really true that this isn’t being serious nanodesu?]

When I bisect stone golem with one strike, Cynthia asked.

[Yeah, right now I’m restraining my offensive abilities to at most 1%.]

[So that means that there is more than hundred times difference in offensive abilities compared to me, who couldn't even defeat a stone golem nanodesu……]

Cynthia downheartedly drops her shoulder.

[Cynthichan, you can’t compare yourself with Master, you know? That person can call Heroes small insects after all.]

[Small insects……]

Mio who is fighting together consoles Cynthia while letting her arrows hit the enemies. Or she’s calling me a monster. Well, I won’t deny it though.

We went exploring until noon and safely cleared the eighth floor. We came to be able to clear two floors in half a day with just us joining in. We would’ve continued a little longer if we put our minds to it, but suddenly letting the newly joined member fight the floor with a boss is pitiful, so I leave this for later.

Noon has come and we return to our base in Kastal.

[I heard they were pet slaves so I considered that it would be fine if around half of them are remaining, but they seem to have unexpected determination so all of them have followed through the combat training until the end.]

Hearing Lusia's report, I was a little surprised. The girls lining up in front of me showed an accomplished look.

[Perhaps, putting out a good meal during combat training and the threat of being dropped to the floor of a maid must have a lot of influence too.]

I'm not being boastful, but the cooking in my mansion is outrageously good. The cooking maid holding cooking skill had carefully put together the Earth’s cuisine passed down by Mio, so that too is natural. As far as it goes, Mio's cooking skill is the highest, but Mio can’t cook for them forever, many people being many people.

I’m digressing, but Kastal's queen Sakuya often comes eating too. She comes eating really often. Apparently the food here is tastes four times as good as the cooking in the castle according to her. It is awfully specific, but Sakuya, who should have been eating the finest quisine in the castle, said that, so it must be considerable. The royal chefs may cry.

Sometimes they’re relied on by Sakuya to instruct the royal chefs and requested to treat nobles and guests with food. And then there’s also the matter where they’re being scouted by those guests and the like, but Sakuya personally refused them, so it reflects their high treatment. The royal chefs can truly cry.

If they could eat such meal of a purveyor to the royal family, then it is naturally something for them to do their best in combat training for. It’s because no matter how much you call them pet slaves, they must’ve never eaten something this good.

Their skin have become glossier than the last time I saw them…… Yep, the originally cute children have become even cuter.

[Well then, which kid should I take……?]

As I say so, the slave girls are holding their breath. Does this mean, they want to go or not?

A : Both are correct. I will mark them.

It says and attached a speech balloon that says "wants to go" or "does not want to go" on the map above the icons. It’s an unexpected new feature. Six of them are in a state of "wanting to go" and the remaining four are in a state of "not wanting to go". I don’t plan on expressly take the girl along who "doesn't want to go", so I select one from the kids who wants to go.

The first candidate is in the "I want to go" group. I check their statuses. All of them have floored up and they more or less developed skillpoints as well. The first candidate is also the fastest in terms of growth rate. Well, there’s no show of any eccentric behavior, so I guess it’s decided with this girl.

I’ll let the other "I want to go" girls continue their combat and maid training for a while. One of these days I plan to make an explorer group in Estia Kingdom like Cloud and the others in Kastal Queendom. At that time, I plan to have Cynthia's group become the core of the team, but there’s no reason not to quickly raise members beside them after all.

[Then, let’s take this kid with me.]

[I understand. Kate, remember to work hard in order to not cause trouble for your master.]


Kate, the extraordinarily beautiful girl greets me while bowing.

Well then, let’s look over her important status.

Name: Kate

Gender: Female

Age: 12

Race: Half-elf


Title: Jin's slave, Blind

The new subordinate Kate is innately blind and isn’t able to talk either. It’s a little cruel to say in exchange, but she’s given far too strong abilities.

Those skills are and . As you can see, they are effective skills when it comes to using magic. Naturally, with her unable to see or talk, it amounts to nothing though.

She has long green hair and her appearance is top class, even among the pet slaves. Well, it’s that. They’re people where not being able to see and not being able to talk doesn’t bother her loving part, as long as her appearance is good . Of course, she’s a half-elf so continuing to be admired with a young figure from her lifespan longer than humans must also give a high score.

Although she has high intelligence, she had no means to express it and she honestly didn’t even receive education in the first place. Even so, she understand languages due to her outstanding intelligence. By the way, I’ve only given her . She went as far as acquiring other attribute magics in the few days through hard work. She is the unexpected genius.

I think my prediction is easy, but I’ve given them the power to inspect the map and status by using and also made sure they can use telepathy. Of course, during that day I bought them.

Telepathy can even be used by people who can’t speak as long as they have a general idea of languages. You can see it with Dora's case.

Map is a strange subject, but you can see it even if you close your eyes. In other words it means that you can use it even when you can’t see. Furthermore, I didn’t know about this, but what we’re using now seems to be a simplified map. In truth it’s not a bird’s eye view, but a fully detailed 3D map. Since ordinary humans can't process that sort of information with their brain, so they get a simplified version. By the way, Alta can use the detailed map.

And also Kate can use the detailed map too. Surprisingly, her and map seems to have good synergy and if she reaches a confined space, then it can show a processing power that at worst rivals Alta.

I explained those things to everyone. By the way, only the party members are gathered.

[But, despite having done nothing until now, can you suddenly do something like fighting?]

Sakura questions Kate. Well, telling pet slaves to fight is pretty much unreasonable in the first place though……


[You will be participating as a magic focused member, but how are you on that aspect?]


[Why are you overflowing with so much motivations?]

It’s not unreasonable for Mio to force a smile. I’ve asked Lusia, but it looks like Kate continued training and studying without sparing any time for sleep. It seems she wanted to follow me by any means.

By the way, Lusia said she also carried out training in hand to hand combat as is. It seems she completed even that with high marks. Because of that, it is clear she could win without eyesight if she can manage to use 100% of the Map shown in 3D. Perhaps, it is impossible even for me. Or more accurately it’s impossible without Alta.


Kate spread her hands and seems like she is singing exessively in deep emotions. She can’t sing though. Ah, I’ll add just in case, "Revive" doesn’t work. Things that one can’t do since birth doesn’t seem to be treated as “Damage”.

In short, you could say Kate is a believer who is born for the first time with just my special power. ……Yeah, that’s right. Her icon is yellow. It changed as soon as I taught her about and Alta. Really quick you know.

[I think there’s no problem in considering Kate to be battle-ready. We will start from floor 9 suddenly, but will you be fine with that?]


That’s an amazing confidence she has there. Well, if you say that much, then how about you show me that power of yours.

And with that, we did the explorer and adventurer registration, then dive straight in the dungeon. Of course, we start with floor 9 right away.

……Let's me start with the conclusion. Because we let Kate fight, we the main party didn't even have to participate in the fight at all.


She says and the fireball she released struck the lesser minotaur's leg. The minotaur who received the impact on its legs exactly when it tried to take a step forward, loses his balance and Karen’s spear which was set up exactly right, pierced it as if it was sucked in. Because of that, the lesser minotauor's HP became almost exactly 0.

If I have to describe her way of fighting in single phrase, then it would be "Maximum Efficiency". Should I call it refined tactics that has no useless bits in it? Rather than giving damage, her way of using magic is specialized in breaking the enemies’ stances and supporting the vanguard’s movements. And she aims for just kills as if saying overkill is useless. And that too is in a manner that is controlled in order to make it a just kill not by her own attack, but by her allies’ attacks.


Cynthia swings her iron rod to her right like she was told. The ice bullet fired by Kate impacted there. The fragments of ice bullets broken and scattered made a direct hit to the base of the maze bat’s wings who tried to attack Cynthia from behind. It also struck a nearby dungeon goblin in the eye.

She greatly chipped off the fighting power of two monsters with only one magic. The other members took that opportunity to give them the finishing blow without delay.

[……Honestly, I didn't expect her to be this good.]

Yep, I didn't expect at all either.

[As for me, it is impossible to be that good…… Even though I’m a magic user like her……]

Sakura turned depressed. Well, that is normally impossible, okay.

[I wonder if that girl can already be on her own.]


She answers honestly to Mio's murmurs. Of course, during a fight.

By the way, close-quarter group combat is simply said a dungeon isn’t it? In short, she is specialized in dungeons.

Battle finishes shortly after.

[Amazing, Kate. I never thought you could fight that well.]


Kate bows gracefully. But,her long ears that are characteristic to half elves are twitching and aren’t hiding her excitement.

[Let's subjugate 10th floor's boss in this pace by today.]


Kate says full of confidence. I plan on participating at least in the boss fight though, just in case……

We arrive in front of boss room on the 10th floor from the 9th floor in two hours.

Us main members didn’t participate in even a single battle during that time, but even if we join the fight, I don’t think it would change the time that much.

As we go deeper in floor the monsters that appears also increases. Kate seems to promptly draw up countermeasures even against the new monsters. I heard she received lectures from Alta during her free time. I think perhaps Kate knows about dungeon in even more detail than I do. Is that really okay, me?



Note : A monster that mimicked a treasure chest. Distinction possible by throwing a stone at it.

Dungeon Goblin Swordsman


Note : Goblin swordsman (For dungeon). Same strength as those outside.

Dungeon Goblin Sorcerer




Note : Goblin sorcerer (For dungeon). Same strength as those outside. Whichever shows up is random.

Dungeon Orc


Note : Humanoid monster type (For Dungeon). Slightly weaker than those outside.

The dungeon is vast and if you go to a distant place then there would be many other varieties of monsters, but there will be no end to it if I list them all, so I decide to list those we had direct combat with.

The door to the boss room is a double door made of a sturdy looking metal (I won’t say it’s indestructable).

I’m completely satisfied with the appearance that without a doubt says boss room. I wonder if what’s on the door is called a relief. 10 letters and minotaur was carved there. Letter-like things are written beside them. Is it showing the boss monster that’s inside? Oh, yeah, that seems right. There’s a mino inside. It is quite generous.

[Some of you may be looking, but there is minotaur inside. This one is the big one of the lesser minotaurs that appeared before. Of course, it should be stronger.]


It looks like Kate judge they can afford it.

A : Kate's judgment is correct. Even if master fights lightly, the can afford further more.

[……Understood. Truth is, I planned to participate in the fight, but this is a rare opportunity. Show how you defeat it with just the newcomer group!]


[I will do my best nodesu!]

[[Yes, sir!]]

By the way, there are plenty of stairs leading from the 10th floor to the 11th floor, but not all of them have a boss. Of course, there are the stairs without bosses. It’s just that even if we go down those stairs, it will be a dead end on the next floor. You could at least try your abilities against monsters a little ahead, but you won’t be able to clear the 10th floor.

Also, when a boss is defeated, it won't respawn for a while. Its cycle is about one day. If you’re very unlucky, you won’t find any empty boss room. I can’t quite say that the 10th floor boss rooms aren’t empty but there are almost 0% chances for floor 20 and lower.

Sora and Karen respectively push the left and right side of the door open. I can picture them as twins in these moments right? Mh, I actually quite like twin characters. In a way they greatly resemble each other, but the part that appears slightly different is lovely.

Cynthia is waiting impatiently for the slowly opening door, saying “Is it open yet, is it open yet?”.


[Ah, okay nanodesu.]

As Cynthia is chided by Kate and calms down a little.

[Come to think of it, the recklessly charging Cynthia is also listening to Kate, isn’t she.]

I can stop her movements with “Stay” if it’s just before the battle begins, but if the battle begins and her excited state goes on, she won't listen to any command before we know about it. However, she is listening to Kate's instructions even in that state.

[Oh, about that nanodesu, but it looks like telepathy would reach me during my reckless charge. It’s not like my awareness flew away during my reckless charge nodesu]

[……You should say it earlier.]

Whenever I stop Cynthia, I always use my voice. I never knew I would reach her if I convey it through telepathy.

The twins opened the door while I was thinking about such things. What is lying in wait inside is, of course, a Minotaur.

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