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O. Fr. _guarison_, garantie, paiement.

WARISON, _s._ Note of assault.

_Lay Last Minstr._

Perh. q. _war-sound_; Fr. _guerre_, and _son_.

_To_ WARK, WERK, _v. n._ To ache; _yerk_, S.


A. S. _waerc_, Su. G. _waerk_, dolor; _waerk-a_, dolere.

WARK, WARKE, _s._ Work, S.

_R. Bruce._

~Warkly~, _adj._ Given to work, diligent, S.

Germ. _wirklich_, effective.

~Warkloom~, _s._ A tool or instrument for _working_, in whatever way, S.

V. ~Lome~.


~Warkman~, _s._ A labourer, S.

_R. Bruce._

WARLD, _s._

1. The world, S.


Su. G. _wereld_, id.

2. A great multitude, S.

_K. Quair._

WARLIEST, _adj._ Most wary.

A. S. _waerlic_, cautus.

_Gawan and Gol._

WARLO, _s._ A wicked person.


~Warlo~, _adj._ Evil; especially in regard to temper.


A. S. _waer-loga_, a wicked person.

WARLOCK, _s._ A wizzard, a man who is supposed to be in compact with the devil, S.

_Sat. Invis. World._

Isl. _vardlok-r_, a magical song used for calling up evil spirits.

WARM, _s._ The act of warming, S.


_To_ WARNE, _v. a._ To refuse.


A. S. _wern-an_, to refuse, to deny.

_To_ WARNIS, _v. a._ To warn, S. B.

A. S. _warnig-an_, id.

_To_ WARNYS, _v. a._ To furnish a fortified place with the provision necessary for defence, or for the support of the defenders.


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